Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4024: Into the narrow world

"Because a rigid person cannot cope with variables."

"And many variables will become many of its flaws."

"And I am good at dealing with variables."

Xiao Yi indifferently explained a few words.

Emperor Liu Ren is undoubtedly rigid. On weekdays, he will be the best candidate to defend the line of defense.

But now, it is obviously not normal.

The madness of the Cold Abyss Alliance proved that there will be many variables waiting for the Yanlong Alliance defense line.

Xiao Yi's arrival is to deal with these variables that are bound to appear.

"That guy is really amazing." Xiao Yi said secretly.

It is not so much that the General League suggested that he come, it is better to say that the **** Xiao Chenfeng suggested that he come.

If he hadn't guessed wrong, Xiao Chenfeng had even guessed what might happen after he came.

In addition, the boundary of this sky is indeed a hard bone to bite.

This time, whether he came or Xiao Bai came, it was extremely difficult to command the elite of this Liuhe army.

Although he is the commander, he is almost a polished commander.

Of course, perhaps Xiao Bai will come, with his status, the treatment will be better, and the situation will be so much better.

"There is one sentence he said right." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

"Here is the Tianguan boundary line of defense. Just guard it. This is also the duty of the elite of the Liuhe Army."

"Otherwise, if I want to attack, I should figure out a solution by myself."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi also turned and left.

"Um." The Emperor Dongfeng seemed to understand, he just nodded.


In the Yanlong League defense line, no one knew when Xiao Yi's figure disappeared inexplicably.

No one knows in the Cold Abyss Alliance's defense line, a ghostly figure sneaking like a man in a realm.

No one knew that this figure suddenly left this line of defense a day later, heading for the stars behind.

The narrow realm of heaven is the star that is opposite to the realm of heaven, behind the cold abyss alliance defense line.

Around it, there are several small worlds, and they are all under the control of the Cold Abyss Alliance.

These few small worlds, including the Heavenly Narrow World, oppose the Heavenly Pass in an arc.

The small worlds are like narrow passages leading to the battlefield of the Ten Thousand Realms, continuously supporting this Cold Abyss Alliance battlefield, trying to break through the Tianguan Realm Flame Dragon Alliance defense line.


A few days later.

Tianguanjie, in the small world world.

"How is it?" Xiao Yi asked.

The one-eyed bald head smiled, "Let's live up to the adult's trust."

"The second league spies here are all wiped out."

"But, I am afraid that within a short period of time, new spies will come."

"They have no chance." Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Oh?" One-eyed bald head whispered.

Xiao Yi sneered, "Dare you go to the big ticket?"

"My lord wants...?" One-eyed bald head asked in confusion.

A few gleams of cold light flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes, "Go straight into the narrow realm of heaven and kill him without leaving a piece of armor."

"I've been to explore, there is no emperor realm in the narrow world and its nearby small world."

"It's a very strong one among the top emperors like Emperor Feihan."

One-eyed bald face twitched, "Isn't it better for you to act alone?"

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "I originally planned to do this."

"But after thinking about it, it's okay to take you to practice."


Tianguan boundary line of defense, fortress.

Xiao Yi found Emperor Liu Ren.

Emperor Liu Ren frowned and said, "I don't know why the leader of Yi Xiao is looking for me?"

Xiao Yi took out a jade pendant, "hold this jade pendant."

"Once the jade pendant is broken, it will forcefully attack the Cold Abyss League defense line."

Emperor Liu Ren's face became cold, "The same question, the same answer..."

"You listen to me." Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, his indifferent eyes full of toughness that could not be rejected.


Xiao Yi whispered a few more words.

Emperor Liu Ren's face changed suddenly.

"Commander Yi Xiao, you are dying."

Xiao Yi shrugged, "That's my choice too, so you can do it."

Emperor Liu Ren thought for a while and nodded, "Okay."


Sky Narrow Realm, Realm Lord’s Mansion, Teleportation Array.

Xiao Yi and his party, including one-eyed bald head and four hundred followers, appeared out of thin air.

It is impossible to reach the narrow realm from the Celestial Pass directly, and the two large formations do not communicate with each other.

Therefore, Xiao Yi could only teleport from the Tianguan realm to other nearby stars and heavens, and after several turns, did he arrive at the Tianxia realm.

"Everyone?" At this moment, the Heavenly Narrow Realm Master walked over, frowning and looking at everyone.

Xiao Yi's eyes were indifferent, "Passing by."

When the words were over, Xiao Yi left with a group of people.

The Heavenly Narrow Realm Master frowned, but did not stop him.

Xiao Yi has a ghost mask that shields his breath, so there is no need to say more.

And the one-eyed bald-headed party, they are full of the wind and sword prints made by Xiao Yi.

The group of people swaggered into the narrow realm of the sky and left the realm master's mansion.

Although this is one of the fierce battlefields of the Three Leagues, there will be sporadic past creatures.

The Lord of the Sky Narrow Realm didn't have much doubt.


The narrow boundary of the sky, where the Cold Abyss League is located.

Xiao Yi and his party sneaked out silently.

"My lord." One-eyed bald head whispered, "What are we doing now?"

"Of course I am preparing to kill." Xiao Yi sneered.

"I've explored it. Like other divisions, there is only one division leader and 10% of the martial arts power."

"The strength of the sub-leader is about the same as Emperor Feihan."

"There is also this outside." Xiao Yi raised his head and glanced at the sky, "There are a few patrolmen led by emperors."

"These guys, leave it to me."

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze and said coldly, "The rest is under the emperor."

"Of course, there are a lot of them. For you, it is definitely a hard fight with no chance of winning."

"However, I am just here to let you practice."

The one-eyed bald head smiled bitterly, "Later, it will change. To prevent accidents, isn't it better for you to solve it all by yourself?"

"Stupid." Xiao Yi cursed in a low voice, "No later, how can we change?"

"No change, how can a fish be caught?"

"Go, shoot."

Xiao Yi left the last sentence and took the lead in an instant.

A purple thunder fell from the sky, blasting towards the upper part of the cold abyss alliance.

"Where is Xiaoxiao?" In the Han Yuan League, an old man sneered coldly.

Afterwards, a large number of fighters from the Cold Abyss Alliance sprang out.

Xiao Yi and his party also stopped sneaking and appeared directly.

High in the sky.

Xiao Yi and an old man looked at each other in the air.

"You are?" The old man squinted.

"The one who took your life." Xiao Yi grinned and shot instantly.

With a finger swiping, the purple fire talisman burst out.

"Purple Flame Talisman?" The old man looked at the purple fire talisman that blasted, and was startled at first, then his eyes became cold.

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao?"

"Hehe, only a few days ago, I almost died at the line of defense. Do you dare to send it to your door today?"

Bang bang bang bang bang...

Within the Cold Abyss Alliance, an astonishing array of power soared into the sky, and all fell on the old man.

"You can defeat Emperor Feihan on the battlefield defense line, but you can't defeat the old man here."

"Here is the territory of my Cold Abyss Alliance!"


Fifth more. (Make up)

Update today, over.

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