Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4047: Bitter, wait

Xiao Yi was surprised.

A figure sat beside him, not knowing when to get up.

"Lord Xiao League." Xiao Yi instantly calmed down the shock in his eyes, and said indifferently in his eyes.

He was a little surprised that this guy could find him.

Of course, as for his own ignorance, it was simply because he was too fascinated by things.

Otherwise, no one can approach him so silently without being noticed by him.

Sitting beside him was Xiao Chenfeng.

"Why is my little friend here alone?" Xiao Chenfeng asked softly.

"Nothing." Xiao Yi shook his head, spit out indifferently, "I'm used to it."

Xiao Chenfeng chuckles, "Little friend, it should be a few years older than Xiao Bai."

"Counting the martial arts enlightenment as a child, and at least ten to twenty years of penance in the family or a certain force, it is just going out to practice."

"No matter how you count it, Xiaoyou is still a young kid with such cultivation strength at this age."

"In another twenty years, the little friend will be considered to be shed the title of'young'."

"Nowadays, I am depressed, cold and withdrawn, what can I do in the future?"

"I'm used to it." Xiao Yi still spit out indifferently.

Xiao Chenfeng chuckled and said nothing.

In the darkness, there was a moment of silence.

On the trail in the forest, one or two members of the Xiao family occasionally passed by, but they couldn't find two figures sitting quietly away.

Xiao Yi chose to break the silence first.

"I heard from Xiao Bai that the legend of the heavens in the main hall of the Xiao League is very bitter."

Xiao Chenfeng chuckled, "I dare not be a legend."

"It's your little friend, you seem to be only interested in Xiao Bai."

"So now, are you curious about Xiao Bai, or curious about me?"

Xiao Yi shrugged slightly, "The void is vast, and these rumors and anecdotes are also seen and heard."

Xiao Chenfeng nodded, "Bitterness? What counts as bitterness?"

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "There are thousands of creatures, each with its own suffering, and there are different."

Xiao Chenfeng chuckled, "If the way of heaven is unfair, what should I do?"

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "Battered to pieces."

Xiao Chenfeng chuckled, "I tried to smash it, time after time, but failed."

"The injustice of the sky makes me helpless; I fail again and again and become more helpless."

"This is my suffering."

"What about the suffering of the little friend?" Xiao Chenfeng asked softly.

Xiao Yi only spit out one word indifferently, "Wait."

Xiao Chenfeng shook his body suddenly.

"Little friend..." Xiao Chenfeng frowned slightly.

Xiao Yi interrupted lightly, "I'm different from you, I'm the one who doesn't want to wait."

When the words fell, Xiao Yi said no more.

In the gloom, there was silence again.

After a long while, Xiao Chenfeng chuckled, "But now, everyone is waiting for you."

"Wait for me?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Xiao Chenfeng chuckles, "You get up first."

Xiao Yi frowned and stood up.


Xiao Chenfeng pulled Xiao Yi's arm, "Go."

"You..." Xiao Yi frowned, but couldn't escape.

When Xiao Chenfeng let go, the two had arrived in front of the banquet.

"Brother Yi, here." Not far away, Xiao Bai stood up and waved.

"The banquet hasn't started yet?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Xiao Chenfeng chuckled and whispered, "If I don't come, who dares to start?"

With that, Xiao Chenfeng walked forward slowly.

It was almost when he appeared, everyone around him had all their eyes cast.

By the way, I also fell on Xiao Yi.

Just like this, in the waiting that everyone has already been seated, the two slowly entered the table under the attention of this countless number of people.

When he reached the table of Xiao Bai.

Xiao Chenfeng smiled and looked at Xiao Yi, "Does the little friend want to have a table with me, or with Xiao Bai and his group of juniors?"

Xiao Bai repeatedly said, "I am, I am."

"Look, Brother Yi, I have reserved a seat for you."

To be more serious, the big banquet table was full of people, but Xiao Bai had an empty seat next to him.

"Sorry, I'm late." Xiao Yi nodded looking at Xiao Bai, and just sat down.

Xiao Chenfeng smiled lightly, and walked towards the chairman who was further ahead.

Xiao Yi had just sat down here, and all of a sudden, faint glances were cast around him.

A whisper of dissatisfaction also came.

"Hmph, I said to whom the seat of Brother Xiao Bai was reserved, it turned out to be this weird person."

"Liu Shute was a bit too much, I just sat down before, so he kicked it up."


Xiao Yi glared at Xiao Bai and whispered after hearing this murmur of complaint.

"What do you reserve a seat for me?"

"I will find a seat."

"Hehe." Xiao Bai smiled, "I still like Brother Yi to sit next to me."

Just at this time.

A word of dissatisfaction came without any cover.

"Everyone has been in the table for a long time, just to wait for one guy, and all are waiting hungry, so embarrassed."

"In the end, the Patriarch will find him in person. Hehe, this is just a leader. I don't know which leader is so handsome."

It was Xiao Xinghe who was speaking next to Xiao Bai.

"Xinghe, what nonsense." Xiao Bai glared, "Brother Yi is so temperamental, he doesn't like the excitement."

"Come and come, you guys start, today I, Xiao Bai, will definitely drink your personal stance."

Xiao Bai raised his glass in one hand.

All the people at the table toasted.

Xiao Yi also picked up a glass of wine and took a sip.

On the one hand, Xiao Xinghe's displeased words came again, "I said this brother Yi, talk to the table and drink together, you are still wearing a mask, and you are not polite?"

With a playful smile on his face, Xiao Xinghe raised his glass in one hand, "This glass is from Brother Xiao Xinghe Jingyi."

"Brother Yi sells his face, how about showing his true face?"

Xiao Yi put the wine in the glass and said nothing.

"Brother Yi?" Xiao Xinghe squinted his eyes.

The voice just fell.

Two chills suddenly struck Xiao Yi vaguely, and the wine in the glass instantly froze.

Xiao Yi glanced.

At a table beside them, the two old men were staring at Xiao Yi coldly, and their aura was also mysterious and unconsciously locked to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Xinghe chuckled, "My son, even if he goes to the four gates and five mountains, no one has ever dared not sell face like this."

"No, it's not easy, brother, let me help you?"

The two old men got up and walked towards Xiao Yi.

Step by step, the ice that locked Xiao Yi became more and more astonishing.

Without warning, Xiao Yi seemed to be frozen, stiff and hard to move.

When the two elderly men walked a few steps away from Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi's body was warm and returned to normal.

This little bit of cold means wants to seal him Xiao Yi? What a joke.

"Do you want to die?" Xiao Yi's voice was low, but terribly cold.

Simply staring at each other, but instantly changed the expressions of the two old men.

At that moment, both of them clearly felt the meaning of death.

But the two elders, obviously by no means general, their expressions were cold, "My son's words, no one dares to disobey."

An old man already stretched out his old palm and caught Xiao Yi.

"Asshole." Xiao Bai's eyes were cold.

But before Xiao Bai had a seizure, a figure came slowly up and patted Xiao Bai on the shoulder.

"Father." Xiao Bai frowned slightly.

The person here is Xiao Yuan.

It was almost an instant that Xiao Yuan arrived, and the gaze and aura between Xiao Yi and the two old men subtly collided, and disappeared instantly.

Xiao Yuan looked at the two old men, "The old slaves of the Bai family are playing sideways at the banquet of my Xiao family. It's too much."

Xiao Yuan just chuckled.

The two old men sneered, "Xiao Family? A cat and dog-like family, my Bai family can come, it is already a great honor."

With that, an old man caught Xiao Yi again.


Just at this time, not far away, there was a crisp sound of a broken wine glass.

"This is my Xiao family, not Bai family."

The calm and powerful words almost instantly changed the expressions of the two old men.

But looking around, there was no commotion at all.

It's more like a two-table banquet, simple conversation, simple gaze.

Naturally, only Xiao Chenfeng had such an ability.

"Retreat." Xiao Xinghe said quickly.

The two old men walked back quickly.

"Xinghe, eat well." Not far away, Xiao Chenfeng said lightly.

"I know." Xiao Xinghe replied, curling his lips, not saying more.


The celebration banquet lasted until late at night.

Pushing the cup and handing over, drinking endlessly, the excitement lasts for a long time.

In the depths of the clan, in the darkness, an old white man walked slowly.

Suddenly, behind him, a ghostly figure flashed past.

The white-clothed old man hadn't reacted yet, and a strong arm was already stuck in his throat.

The old man in white suddenly felt black before his eyes.

Before coma, I saw a figure in a black costume, with indifferent eyes and a grinning smile.


Third more.

Update today, over.

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