Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4057: Within a month, get it done

Xu Luo hurriedly got close to the table and picked up Mang Xing Eternal Jia to observe.

Xiao Yi looked indifferently, but was not worried.

This Xu Luo's breath judgment seemed to be stronger than Xu Yang, but he was still just a top emperor.

If you want to grab something from his Xiao Yi's hands, relying on these two people and the Kaiyang clan warrior at this stationed point, it's a joke.

For a long while.

Xu Luo nodded solemnly, "Although the armor is slightly damaged."

"Furthermore, how can the light of Mang Star Supreme Armor fade away, the breath is greatly reduced, and there is no one in ten; the reason is unknown."

"But it's really busy with Supreme A."

Xu Luo bowed abruptly, "This time, my Kaiyang clan thanked Yi Xiao for the commander."

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "It's just something your clan elder uses to please your partner. As for that?"

Xu Luo smiled, "From today, the leader of Yi Xiao is my friend of the Kaiyang clan, and the old man will not hide it from you."

"This one is very important to my Kaiyang clan."

"In short, the Kaiyang clan owes the little friends a great kindness."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Perhaps there is something else in it.

But these secrets or stories that I don't know how many tens of millions of years ago, he was not interested in going into it.

Anyway, this impenetrable star is not very useful to him.


With a big wave of Xiao Yi's hand, the Unstoppable Armor of Xu Luo's hand disappeared out of thin air and returned to Xiao Yi's Universe Ring.

"Um, Yi Xiao leads you..." Xu Luo frowned.

Emperor Xu Yang looked anxious, "What is the meaning of Yi Xiao commanding this? Isn't it a good deal with my Kaiyang clan?"

"How can you go back now?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "It's not a remorse."

"Since it is a good deal, I took out my things, what about yours?"

Xiao Yi looked at Xu Luo directly, "Can you be the master?"

"Oh, that's the case." Xu Luo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and smiled again.

"Leader Yi Xiao rest assured, my Kaiyang clan is well-known, and I can't speak and believe."

"What you promised will be done naturally."

"The leader of Yi Xiao should also know that the emperor level can't walk the teleportation array and cross the distant void distance."

"Therefore, only the old man came."

Xiao Yi said nothing.

He knows these.

The emperor cannot walk the teleportation formation, so like these overlord forces, there are generally one or several elders.

Although only at the emperor level, it has a very high status within its own power, at least equal to the elders.

These elders are in charge of almost all the external affairs of the whole family.

They are usually close relatives of the emperor, or those with extremely high generations within the family power.

At the same time, these administrative elders are almost the strongest in this force at the emperor level.

Like this Xu Luo, I am afraid that the general command level in the Three Leagues can't help him in a short time.

Xu Luo flashed a light in his hand and took out a letter.

"My family chief is in retreat, so..."

Xiao Yi interrupted in a cold voice, "You mean, Kaiyang Patriarch Kai doesn't know about this?"

Xu Luo smiled, "During the patriarch's retreat, no one can bother, and we can't report it."

"Nowadays, all matters concerning the Kaiyang clan are under the control of the great elder."

"Leading Yi Xiao, you can rest assured that our Kaiyang clan doesn't have the many troubles of other forces, and the people of the clan are united."

"The great elder is the patriarch's enlightenment teacher when he was young, and the patriarch's uncle, and one of the great guardians of the Kaiyang clan."

"Before I came this time, the great elder specially gave a souvenir as a guarantee."

"The letter is also marked by the patriarch's seal."

Xu Luo said earnestly, "The matter of remuneration is just as long as the patriarch agreed."

"Yi Xiao leads you, you can use this promise now."

"If there is a need for our Kaiyang clan to help, you can tell now that our Kaiyang clan will do our best to help you complete it."

"If Yi Xiao is in charge of you and has other special matters, you must see the patriarch, and if the patriarch personally completes it for you, I am afraid it will take a while."

"At that time, this Mang Star Supreme Armor, Yi Xiao will lead you directly to our patriarch."

"How long is the time?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

"It's very open." Xu Luo replied, "I heard what the great elder said, it has been tens of millions of years since the last patriarch retreat."

"It's only a dozen years or so from the date of exit, and it's just a blink of an eye."

"Ten years?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"How long is it more than ten years?" Xu Luo was stunned.

"Fine." Xiao Yi shook his head, "Just one thing, you Kaiyang clan will solve the matter here in the Fire Bull Realm for me."

"This matter, whether you can call the shots, or your elders, or the patriarch can call the shots, you can decide by yourself."

"It's that simple?" Xu Luo smiled, "That's easy to say, the old man will decide this matter together."

"Although the Fire Bull Realm has the Golden Bull Spirit Vein, it is only a precious and huge training resource in the final analysis."

Xiao Yi nodded, "You can be the master."

"Isn't Mang Star... Supreme A, you've checked it carefully."

"Then the transaction will begin, and when your Kaiyang clan can help me resolve this matter, I will give you the Mang Star Supreme Armor, and the transaction is complete."

"Yes." Xu Luo nodded.

Xiao Yi got up and left.

"It's solved, come to Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield to notify me."

"Also, solve it quickly, I'm in a hurry."

"Leader Yi Xiao, don't worry." Emperor Xu Yang said to himself, "It's a small matter."

Xiao Yi nodded, not saying much.

Anyway, the Kaiyang clan would settle the matter for him.

Perhaps, with this reckless star indestructible armor, he can make other transactions with Kaiyang clan.

For example, a large number of spiritual veins.

However, he could solve the spiritual pulse issue himself, it took some effort and trouble.

If he is determined, he should be able to accumulate enough spiritual veins to cultivate Baju Peak in about a year.

And then, if you hit the emperor realm, what you need is the origin of heaven and earth.

Therefore, he can solve the matter of spiritual veins by himself. If it is used for this transaction, it will be wasted.

He is not interested in being held back in the fire cow industry for many years.

"Hold on." Xu Luo suddenly thought of something, and quickly stopped Xiao Yi.

"What?" Xiao Yi paused and asked.

Xu Luo frowned and said, "I don't know how long Yi Xiao said to solve it quickly?"

He obviously realized that more than a decade has been too long in the mouth of this Zi Yan Yi Xiao.

But, how long can you walk in this endless void for more than ten years?

He Xu Luo went outside to deal with matters for the family once, and if it was more troublesome, it would be possible to take a trip for decades.

"Within a month." Xiao Yi replied, "It won't be more than a few months."

"Within a month?" Xu Luo was startled, "Is Yi Xiao commanding you kidding?"

"Is it so difficult?" Xiao Yi frowned.

If it takes too long, it would be meaningless for him to seek help from the Kaiyang clan.

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "The big deal, you give us the Yanlong League your share of the Kaiyang clan in this fire cow world."

"Since you can be the master, it's just one sentence."

At best, it was just a lot of procedural cumbersome matters such as reporting to the family and evacuation of the Yang clan from the fire cow world.

It took ten days and a half months and it was all done.

Xu Luo frowned.

Emperor Xu Yang murmured, "Of course it's okay if you change someone else."

"But you don't want to think about what you did..."


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