Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4067: Sky Dragon Fortress

"Give it to me?" Xiao Yuan said haha, "Patriarch is polite, how can I ask for such an expensive thing."

"Besides, I don't practice the magic way."

Xiao Chenfeng gave a white glance, "According to Yi Xiao's character, I am afraid that he will not stay in the general league, and he will immediately set off to the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

"Follow you and return to the Heavenly Dragon Realm to guard it."

"This drop of emperor realm essence, when he needs it, you will give it to him."

"This..." Xiao Yuan frowned.

"Listen to me." Xiao Chenfeng said seriously.

"According to the usual practice in the past, after each general league meeting, I will return to the Heavenly Dragon Realm and sit here."

In the major sub-leagues, the general meeting held every few years can lead the affairs once.

The affairs in the Legion are the top priority.

"But this time, after all, there was a craziness in the Cold Abyss League, and I had to guard against it, so I stayed here for a while."

"I will sit here for a while to completely stabilize the affairs of the major leagues."

"In a few days, I will also return to the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

"You are one step ahead now, these two little guys will be handed over to you in the days I haven't returned."

Xiao Yuan nodded subconsciously, "Patriarch rest assured."

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered, "Oh, Xiao Bai, that kid has been dispatched to the Heavenly Dragon Realm a few days ago."

"Damn, I thought Yi Xiao would be involved in the Fire Bull Realm dispute for a long time, but I didn't expect to come back so soon."

"Patriarch, I have also left, and I will return to the Heavenly Dragon Realm first."

Xiao Chenfeng smiled, "Go ahead."


Burning the moon and the heavens, teleporting to the big formation.

Xiao Yi walked towards the teleportation formation, but he paused and glanced at one side suspiciously.

This time, it was Lao Xia who was taking care of the teleportation formation.

Old Xia noticed such a look, and looked at Xiao Yi with a chuckle, "Little guy, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yi's eyes were puzzled, "I found that Mr. Xia, you are always there and there, and you are irregular."

"Haha." Old Xia smiled lightly, "Sure enough, he is a kid who is good at observation."

"If the old man tells you, I have always been there?"

"Always there?" Xiao Yi frowned.

Old Xia nodded, "Never walked away."

Xiao Yi frowned, "I understand, Teleportation Array is a folding space here."

"There are actually two large teleportation locations here, one is Old Xia you are watching, and the other is an ordinary manager."

Old Xia nodded, "Half guessed right."

Xiao Yi frowned.

Old Xia chuckled and pointed to the distance, "Since you stepped into this area, you have actually entered a mysterious space."

"There is actually only one teleportation formation in front of you, and it has always been here."

"But under your feet, there is an opposite space."

"Unless the old man allows it, no one can tell the space between the real and the real. It's just based on the feeling that I sometimes come to me and sometimes go to the back of the space."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Is there such a strange spatial method?"

Old Xia nodded, "This is a fire-like spatial technique, and I am in a daze."

"Want to learn? The old man can teach you."

Xiao Yi frowned and said nothing.

Old Xia smiled lightly, "You are also a fire fighter, and you will encounter doubts about this in the future."

"Now it's solved first, it might be a good thing."

"But in exchange, you have to stay with the old man and sit in front of the teleportation formation."

Xiao Yi hurriedly bowed his hands, "Senior kindness, I'm here to lead you."

Step into the teleportation array quickly.

Xiao Yi said, "I'm going to the Heavenly Dragon Realm, it's time for seniors."

Old Xia frowned slightly, "You went to the Heavenly Dragon Realm so soon?"

"Is there any problem?" Xiao Yi wondered.

Old Xia shook his head, "There is a piece of Shura Purgatory."

"The dispute between the heavens, more than half came from the Three Leagues."

"The battle of the three alliances, more than half came from the Celestial Dragon Realm."

"If you go there, be mentally prepared."

"You die, or someone else dies, or your fellow mates die. In short, the life of a creature is extremely worthless."

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently, "I like it."

"That's up to you." Old Xia nodded with a chuckle.

Teleportation Array, just run.


One minute later.

Xiao Yi stood firm.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

At the foot is a desolate land.

In my eyes, it is a barren and icy star.

Almost in an instant, the astonishing meaning of killing has already hit my heart.

Xiao Yi looked at it a few times and reacted slightly.

Here is a fortress.

Xiao Yi walked in it. Although the land was desolate, there were also many buildings and pedestrians in a hurry.

This is more like a normal big city.


After half an hour.

"So that's it." Xiao Yi smiled, suddenly.

Here, it is indeed a fortress, and it is an astonishingly large fortress.

At the same time, it is definitely not a fortress built temporarily on the ordinary battlefield.

It is the kind of ancient and stable fortress that has probably been in operation for hundreds of millions of years.

The ancient breath of this fortress and the astonishing thickness, even he was shocked.

In short, the feeling here is a bit like the East China Sea fortress when he was in the Eastern Region.

It was managed and built by the warriors of the Eastern Territory for thousands of years, and it gathered all the top powerhouses in the Eastern Territory.

I still remember that in those days, the East China Sea Fortress was meant to protect the lives of all races in the rear, and it was a place where all fortress warriors would swear to protect the last drop of blood.

Because in front, there is an endless abyss, the Black Sea, in which there are countless abyssal monsters, extremely cruel.

After that, this is the tranquility of the entire Eastern Region, and the safety of life.

There, there is the highest belief of all warriors in the entire Eastern Region.

"Heh." Xiao Yi chuckles again.

But today, the fortress of the Dragon Realm, that kind of huge, that kind of calmness, looks like the East Sea fortress.

Of course, this fortress is even bigger, older, and more rock-solid.

But what about the warrior here?

Everything is unknown.

But Xiao Yi believed that since this fortress can stand for countless years and battles, it is as old as ever.

It proved that there must also be something called ‘faith’ here, supporting all the warriors here, swearing to protect them.

Xiao Yi gradually walked, and gradually reached the fortress.

The command token hanging around his waist was enough to allow him to walk freely in this ancient huge fortress.

"Brother Yi." Suddenly, an exclamation came from behind.

"Xiao Bai?" Xiao Yi turned around.

Xiao Bai, walk quickly.

"Coincident?" Xiao Yi asked.

Xiao Bai waved his hand, "What or what, I've been here long ago."

"When you went to the Fire Bull Realm, I was sent to the Heavenly Dragon Realm."

"As the leader of one party, how can I not know the information in the fortress?"

"I knew it when you came."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Is something wrong with me?"

Xiao Bai glared at him, "What? Brother Yi, are you so strange to me?"

"I can't find you if I'm fine?"

"Come, go, I will show you this fortress. To be honest, it was the first time I came a few days ago."

"Tsk tusk, it really opened my eyes to my life."

"Do you know how big this fortress is?"

"Do you know how huge this Heavenly Dragon Realm is?"

"and also…"

Xiao Bai chattered endlessly.

Xiao Yi suddenly had a big head.


Second more.

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