Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4069: The mighty fortress of the Dragon Realm

"Han Yuan killing Taoist statue?" Xiao Yi frowned.

In the impression, even if he has been in the void for years, he has never heard the name.

As if seeing through Xiao Yi's mind, Xiao Yuan said coldly, "This is a secret."

"Specifically, I, including the leader, don't know."

"I only know that the existence of the Cold Abyss Alliance and the conspiracy of the endless years of the Cold Abyss Alliance are all due to this killing statue."

"Just as the significance of our Yanlong League is to protect the Yanlong Continent."

"The significance of Han Yuan League's existence seems to be because of this statue of Killing Dao."

"I can only tell you that this is the most ferocious thing in this endless void, the darkest and the most evil thing."

"Don't ask me how I know, you can't reach it yet."

"Look again." Xiao Yuan pointed to the void star.

"As you have seen before, the dragons of our Cold Abyss Alliance are fighting among six fierce beasts."

"In fact, what we really have to deal with is the half-killing statue in front of this head."

"According to the leader, the distribution points of the Cold Abyss Alliance forces that make up this statue of Killing Dao are actually divisions."

"This is simply a huge combined array."

Xiao Bai frowned and asked, "Does it make any sense?"

Xiao Yuan nodded, "Good question."

"This statue of Killing Dao, in fact, has been changing since these long years."

"This part of the Cold Abyss Alliance constitutes a sub-alliance. The more it is destroyed, the more this statue of Killing Dao is reduced."

"As for the entire Yanlong League, the more the major leagues are destroyed, the more this statue of Killing Dao is strengthened."

Xiao Yuan increased his tone, "I can't explain it to you."

"This is beyond what we ordinary creatures can understand."

"I can only tell you that in the void astrology, the six cold abyss fierce beasts are already biting and fighting with the dragon. Once the dragon is annihilated, that is, our Yanlong League is completely eroded, this half-killing statue will be completely formed. "

"What's going on..." Suddenly, Xiao Yi frowned.

"From the perspective of the formation, this half statue of Killing Dao seems to be opposed to the end of the giant dragon, that is, our Yanlong Domain itself."

Xiao Yuan sneered, "The purpose of the Cold Abyss Alliance has always been our Yanlong Continent itself."

"This statue of Killing Dao naturally exists for our Yanlong Continent."

"Well, this is the overall situation of the Yanlong League."

"Going further, look back at our Heavenly Dragon Realm fortress." Xiao Yuan backed his finger.

"With our Tianlong Fortress as the center, which is the scope of the dragon's head, extending to both sides is the long front of our entire Tianlong Fortress."

Xiao Yi frowned.

From the perspective of the void astrology, the length of the entire front line extends from the dragon's head to both sides, which is about ten times the size of the dragon's head.

In fact, the location of the Tianlong Fortress, that is, this huge barren star, does not actually occupy the entire dragon's head.

Therefore, the length of this front should be much longer than imagined.

"Aren't you afraid that the whip is too long?" Xiao Yi asked.

Xiao Yuan looked at Xiao Yi deeply, "Indeed, this front is not under pressure for our Tianlong Fortress."

"But can it be too difficult for us to leave it alone?"

"I can only do my best to protect it."

"Father..." Xiao Bai wanted to say something.

"Shut up." Xiao Yuan glared, "I am not interested in wasting time with you for my father."

"Talking to a smart person like Yi Xiao will save time."

"You just listen while listening."

Xiao Yuan looked at Xiao Yi again, "Our Yanlong League has more emperors and top emperors than the other two leagues."

"With our mobility, if we are beyond our reach, what can the Cold Abyss Alliance have to endanger this line of defense?"

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

"But this line of defense is a bit too long, completely beyond the scope of the giant dragon's head, that is, the radiation range of our Yanlong Alliance forces."

"No..." Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something, "Don't tell me, what we want to guard against is actually the Emperor Realm of the Hanyuan League."

There was a flash of light in Xiao Yuan's eyes, "Smart."

"Look." Xiao Yuan pointed at the void star sign again.

"Here in the Tianlong Fortress, the main elite combat power of our Yanlong League has gathered."

"The Cold Abyss Alliance facing us is naturally the same."

"But in the Cold Abyss League, there is an emperor realm."

"The center of the giant dragon's head, which is our Heavenly Dragon Fortress, can contend against the Emperor Realm."

"But what if these emperor realms bypass our Heavenly Dragon Fortress and bypass the dragon's head?"

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "Go around the giant dragon's head, sneak in on both sides, and go directly to the back of our Tianlong Fortress."

"By then, the Empire of the Cold Abyss Alliance will sweep all the way."

"Just like the situation in Tianguanjie, it's a huge drop."

"The dragon didn't stop at the waist and broke; it started from under the head and crashed all the way."

"Not bad." Xiao Yuan nodded solemnly.

"No." Xiao Bai suddenly said, "Isn't it said that the emperor realm can't walk the teleportation formation, we don't have to be afraid?"

Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Bai, "Of course he can't directly walk the teleportation formation into the hinterland of the Yanlong League in the Emperor Realm of the Cold Abyss Alliance."

"But now, in the Celestial Dragon Realm, the Cold Abyss Alliance's defense line has the Emperor Realm."

"Although this line of defense is very long, and if you detour in the void, the distance is extremely long; but for the Emperor Realm, it is nothing."

"Maybe our top emperor has to fly ten days away, and the emperor realm will only take an hour."

"If the imperial realm of the Cold Abyss Alliance is allowed to go around from both sides to the power territory behind our Heavenly Dragon Fortress, it will be a disaster."

"They will be ruined all the way."

"But I'm still very curious." Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Yuan, "Our Yanlong League does not have an emperor realm. How can this Heavenly Dragon Realm fortress stop the Hanyuan League's emperor realm?"

Xiao Yuan's expression was serious, and he said proudly, "Nine legions have the power to kill the emperor realm."

"Are you fighting together?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Not bad." Xiao Yuan nodded.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "According to my judgment, the quantity alone should not be able to bridge the gap with the Emperor Realm."

Xiao Yuan smiled confidently, "You can rest assured."

"The Tianlong Fortress can stand up to this day, is the biggest guarantee."

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

Xiao Yi looked at Xiao Yuan and asked, "Once the Cold Abyss Alliance breaks through the Heavenly Dragon Fortress, the entire Yanlong Alliance will be in jeopardy."

"And once the imperial realm of the Cold Abyss Alliance goes around from both sides to the back of our Heavenly Dragon Fortress, not to mention anything else, even if it is not all the way to ruin, it will be enough to block the connection between our Heavenly Dragon Fortress and the entire Yanlong Alliance."

"So, this front is so long."

"And the significance of all the elites of our Sky Dragon Fortress is to stick to the Sky Dragon Fortress and this long line of defense."

"On these two points, right?"

Xiao Yuan nodded.

"The Heavenly Dragon Fortress itself has countless large formations that have been stable since ancient times. There is no alternative to the Emperor Realm, so there is no need to worry."

"What you are responsible for is centered on the Tianlong Fortress, on both sides of this long line of defense."


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