Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4071: Half moon sneak

Xiao Yi nodded.

Xiao Bai arched his hands, "If you meet me, it will be a short time."

"One day later, go to the left and right, each to the danger."

"Everything, be careful."

Xiao Yi nodded and said solemnly, "You take care of yourself."

"Remember, this trip will only be more dangerous than the last time in Quchi World."

Xiao Bai smiled, "Brother Yi, don't worry, here is the defense line of the Nine Army Corps..."

Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently, "If you have this kind of thought, I advise you not to go to the ice house realm."

"Remember, don't think that there are nine legions, you can really have at least the last trace of confidence in life preservation."

"Before the real life and death crisis, all you can rely on is yourself."

Xiao Bai frowned.

Xiao Yi sighed lightly, "Last time, Quchi Realm was just a trip to muddy water."

"But with a mixture of fish and dragons, your identity has become your best life saver."

"And in places like Tianlong Fortress, the real crisis comes from... treacherous changes."

Xiao Bai frowned, "Brother Yi seems to know our Tianlong Fortress well?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "I don't understand, I just came to Tianlong Fortress for the first time."

"But the place is different, but the momentum is the same."

"These strong fortresses, which have been guarded for a long time, can really give them a fatal blow, and only the word treacherous."

"What you will encounter is likely to be an endless stream of accidents and changes."

"I don't walk with you, I can't say too much, nor can I explain too much."

"Remember clearly, if there is a difference, run away immediately. This is the best way to save your life."

Xiao Bai thoughtfully, "Creak changes, are there endless surprises?"

"Brother Yi, don't worry, I wrote it down."

Xiao Yi bowed his hands, "Today, don't pass it."

The two figures ‘run in opposite directions’ after all.

The different directions are towards the same responsibility and meaning.

The two people met and met for a short time.

However, even if it is a close friend, it will not talk about the length of time.

What's more, the two seem to have the same fate, with diametrically opposite'shadows'.

The same was born in the Eastern Territory, but rushed into the dark void.



Yan House Realm.

"The leader of Yi Xiao." The leader of the angry tiger arched his hands.

"The angry tiger is in charge." Xiao Yi gave a salute.

There are naturally a large number of legion leaders here on both sides of the defensive line, even if they are sitting here, and taking turns to guard this void and darkness that encompasses hundreds of stars.

The nine legions, except for their main combat forces, are stationed outside the Tianlong Fortress.

Here, the defense lines on both sides also have the elite combat power that can hold the defense line firmly.

"Commander Yi Xiao." The leader of the angry tiger said in a deep voice, "I have received the order from the General League to send you to support this side of the front."

"Are you going to sit within the boundaries of Yan Mansion and respond at any time; or do you rate a few patrol teams and go out?"

Xiao Yi asked first, "Is there a lot of pressure on the front?"

The leader of the angry tiger shook his head, "It's been normal here for a long time."

"Our confrontation with the Cold Abyss Alliance has never stopped."

"From time to time, they may break through a few lines of defense and destroy some void star maps."

"But we can always react in time, grab back the line of defense, and rearrange the Void Star Map."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "Well, it's better to give me specific information on this side of defense directly, I will judge for myself."

"Yes." The leader of the angry tiger nodded.

After a long while, the angry tigers all received a universal ring.

Xiao Yi felt it, and inside it was a mountain of dense dossier information.


one day later.

Xiao Yi put down the last dossier, frowning slightly.

He roughly understood the situation on the left line of defense.

On these hundreds of stars, in addition to the Void Star Atlas, there are also elite teams stationed there. The number is small, or there are only dozens or hundreds of people.

But their task is just to guard the Void Star Atlas.

If there is a difference, they can send out a signal for help at any time. As the center of the left line of defense, Yan Mansion Realm can quickly mobilize the strong to support.

There are nine elite teams patrolling the void and darkness. They happen to be composed of the elites of the nine legions, each with only a few hundred people, but they are all led by one commander level, three or more deputy commanders, and More than 30 military team leader and deputy team leader levels.

The strength and mobility of these nine elite teams are naturally extremely strong.

Xiao Yi stood on the wall of the fortress in Yan Mansion Realm, staring into the distance.

Before the opposition of this line of defense, the range of the void and darkness encompassed by hundreds of stars, it was naturally the same side of the Cold Abyss Alliance.

However, in contrast to the Yanlong League and the Cold Abyss League, apart from the fact that there is no emperor's border, the top combat power at the mainstay level is far greater.

Therefore, even if Hanyuan League tried its best to break through this side of defense, it could always be blocked by Yan Mansion Realm.

"Since there is no pressure on this side of the defense, I am idle as well." Xiao Yi squinted.

In fact, there are battles here every day.

But those battles were meaningless to Xiao Yi.

Perhaps in the territory of the Yanlong League, he could experience several battles that would warm him up in ten or eight years.

On the front of Yan Mansion Realm, he might be able to experience such battles several times a year.

But for him, this time is still too long.

He never likes to be idle, because it is a waste of time.


Xiao Yi's figure disappeared silently.


Half a month later.

Within the boundaries of Yan House.

The head of the angry tiger looked at the pieces of information in his hand, his body trembling unconsciously, his face was a strange expression of horror and worry.

After a few hours.

Xiao Yuan's figure came quickly.

"The leader of the angry tiger." Xiao Yuan called out.

The leader of the angry tiger has a weird face, but it is solemn and strong, and he reported a few times.

"What are you talking about?" Xiao Yuan's expression changed drastically, "You said that this kid was gone after he came to your Yan Mansion Realm half a month ago?"

The leader of the angry tiger nodded, "The earliest information shows that it was half a month ago, and also half a day after the leader of Yi Xiao came to Yan Mansion."

"He went directly to the front line of the star's perception range through the teleportation array of my Yan Mansion realm, and after that, there was no trace."

"It wasn't until this morning that the garrisoned elite over there had his intelligence."

The head of the angry tiger passed the intelligence.

Xiao Yuan took it, and after a few glances, his face changed again, even gritted his teeth.

The leader of the angry tiger said Shen, "According to the latest information, the leader of Yi Xiao must be on the front of the cold star realm now, and has already penetrated into it."

Xiao Yuan's expression changed again, "Is this kid crazy? How could it be an ordinary place for the Cold Star Realm front to stand against the Yan Mansion Realm front for countless years."

"The depth of its frontline is deeper than that of our Yanfu frontier."

"The most important thing is that there is the lair of the six wicked generals, and the existence of the emperor realm."

The leader of the angry tiger nodded, and once again handed out a piece of information, "According to the information, the leader of Yi Xiao should be in no danger of life."

"What is this?" Xiao Yuan frowned and asked in a panic after receiving the information.

The leader of the angry tiger replied, "It is a piece of combat information, which was sent back along with the trace information of the leader of Yi Xiao."

Xiao Yuan flipped through the pages quickly, and after a while, his body trembled, "This...Is this kid planning to end the Cold Star Realm frontline?"

"In just half a month, the major cold abyss alliance garrison points, divisions, and fortresses on the Cold Star Realm front..."

"No." Xiao Yuan gritted his teeth, "He has gone deep now, too dangerous."

"But there, even if I want to fish him, it may not be easy."

Xiao Yuan squeezed his fist, a trace of determination flashed across his face, "The owner of the family has asked him to take care of this kid."

"Fine, go out."

"As the leader of the angry tiger, immediately summon the elite of the Yan Mansion realm, and be sure to put pressure on the cold star realm front."

"I took the opportunity to sneak into the cold star realm front to see if I could get this kid out."


Xiao Yuan's voice just fell.

Beside, a figure flickered.

"Who is it for?" An indifferent and familiar voice came.

The leader of the angry tiger was startled.

Xiao Yuan almost wanted to shoot a thunder gun.

"Commander Yi Xiao?"

"Boy Yi Xiao?"

When the two of them saw the real person, their faces looked like they had seen a ghost.

"What?" Xiao Yi looked at the two indifferently.

"By the way, who did you just say to fish for?"

"I left Yan Mansion Realm for half a month, what has happened to the frontline?"

Xiao Yuan's face twitched, "You brat, you want to scare people to death?"

"Information shows that you have not gone to the cold star realm front?"

With that said, Xiao Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay for you kid to be fine."

Xiao Yi nodded indifferently, "Yes, I just withdrew back an hour ago."

With that said, Xiao Yi took out a file.

"What is it?" Xiao Yuan asked.

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "The elite distribution map of the Cold Star Realm."

"By the way, should I be reimbursed by the General League for the consumption of my back-and-forth teleportation formation?"

Xiao Yuan nodded subconsciously.

"That's fine." Xiao Yi nodded indifferently, turned and left.


Yan Mansion Realm leads the retreat room.

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged, sensing the rings in his hand, and the joy in his eyes could hardly be concealed.

Each of the Qiankun rings is filled with spiritual veins.

"Get rich." Xiao Yi grinned.


Third more.

Update today, finished.

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