Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4075: Facing Han Xiaosheng

Boom boom boom...

High in the sky, for a time thunder rolled.

Millions of thunder pouring out, as if to smash the earth.

But after the thunder roared and violent, it turned into a large amethyst spirit flame, scorching the earth.

Xiao Yi quickly portrayed the purple fire talisman with one hand.


From time to time, the spreading flames of fierce beasts breaking through the earth and the flame storms formed by the surrounding amethyst spirit flames came straight to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi threw a backhand punch.

All the fierce beasts were killed in one blow.

Xiao Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, before he came, he had already repaired the divine fire pulse to its peak.

The Purple Fire Thunder Talisman is still easy to use to kill such a large-scale beast tide.

The peak Shura battle body gave him the power to break through the flame defense without fear of beasts.

This is the benefit of one more repair and one more method.

If he didn't have the powerful physical power conferred by the peak Asura battle body, I am afraid that he would be able to portray the talisman in such a safe way to kill these fierce beasts.

According to this situation, even if it is a hard fight, the bigger problem lies in the time and whether the power of burning demons is enough.

The snow-white fierce beast in this cold wave seemed inexhaustible to kill.

the other side.

In that snow storm, the icy and snowy world actually became Xiao Bai's battlefield.

His speed at killing these white fierce beasts was much slower than Xiao Yi.

But at the same time, those white fierce beasts couldn't break his ice scale mysterious mirror at all.

The layers of transparent ice mirrors, with ripples like fish scales, are extremely terrifying in defense.

At this moment, Xiao Bai looked up at the billowing thunder.

"Brother Yi's kill speed is probably much faster than mine."

"Oh, I can't pull Brother Yi's hind legs."

Xiao Bai smiled, a fist in his hand appeared out of thin air.

It is the supreme sacred weapon, Ice Soul Wolf Fist.

Xiao Bai's hands were like wolf claws, killing these fierce beasts at a faster speed.

As the ice storm passed, Xiao Bai killed all the way, leaving a **** ground along the way.

That ice and snow storm was more like a killing storm at this moment, with a fishy wind.


Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, and he naturally noticed the situation on Xiao Bai's side.

These days, from Tianguan realm, Quchi realm, to today's Yan Mansion realm, Bing Mansion realm.

At the same time as he was growing, Xiao Bai was not getting stronger.

What's more, Xiao Bai also has a supreme martial arts and so on.

The most important thing is Wuhun's third break through the shackles and awakening, the ice dragon wolf formed by absorbing the ice dragon soul.

All this is the confidence of Xiao Bai's rapid growth.

At this moment, Xiao Bai's strength is definitely no less than his previous combat power when the Divine Fire Vessel was not at its peak; compared to standing side by side when the stars were frozen, Xiao Bai was more powerful than ever.

"Huh? Xiaosheng?" Xiao Yi thought like this, frowning suddenly.

Around him, the sound of the flute that appeared suddenly and faintly made his heart tremble.

The endless white fierce beasts, from the original chaotic and chaotic, as if attacked by fierce instinct-like chaos, suddenly became a regular and coordinated movement.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes.

Obviously, behind these fierce beasts, someone is controlling.

And this familiar sound of Xiao Yi suddenly remembered.

It is exactly one of the six evil generals, Han Xiaosheng, the beast master who I am famous for.


Xiao Yi's gestures for portraying Fulu suddenly changed.

The surrounding flame storm and the cracking of the ground under her feet are gone.

The figure rushed forward abruptly, advancing like a one-man enemy.


A purple fire talisman was recorded, and a huge sword energy flashed by.

With his strength, the sword energy condensed from the purple fire talisman is more than enough for hundreds of thousands of miles; but now, it only pierces a kilometer and has already dissipated.

These fierce beasts are all powerful and tyrannical, so they can't form a combined attack.

Of course, the kilometer distance the sword qi traverses, there is a place where purple fire spreads along the way, and the kilometer distance suddenly disappears, and everything is burned.

The sharpness of sword qi, endowed with the effect of amethyst spirit flame to burn all things, the power is terrifying.

Xiao Yi kept his fingers, and for a time, his sword vigor was horizontal and vertical, and the body movie kept moving.

The so-called capture the thieves first capture the king, kill this Han Xiaosheng, the animal tide retreats.

Otherwise, this endless beast might really exhaust his Xiao Yi's power.

Eighty-thousand Void Burning Urn, as a supreme martial skill, is indeed extremely strong, but the only drawback is that it consumes extremely power.

That is why what Xiao Yi repaired was one of the eight unique divine fire veins, together with the special burning demons, full of power.

It is almost impossible to cultivate these 80,000 Void Burning Urns at the emperor level with another Fen Demon martial artist. Even if the cultivation is completed, it will be difficult to achieve Talismans flooding, and the fighting power is overwhelming.

Eighty thousand burning void urns were originally martial skills that can only be practiced in the emperor realm.

Fortress wall.

"Huh? What is this kid doing?" Emperor Liuhe frowned slightly.

Xiao Yuan shook his head slightly, "After all, it is a little impulsive, do you want to catch the thief first?"

The ancient emperor sneered, "I'm afraid this kid doesn't know Han Xiaosheng's methods."

There are a few ray of light in the eyes of Wushenjun, "It can integrate the eighty-thousand Void Burning Urn, which is famous for the emptiness of Ziyan Supreme, into the sword qi talisman to use it."

"Is this son himself a sword repairer?" The Godless Lord looked at Xiao Yuan with a certain affirmation and a hint of doubt.

Xiao Yuan shook his head, "I don't know, I haven't seen him use Kendo."


On this barren star the size of the heavens, the edge of the star opposite is where the Cold Abyss Fortress is.

At this moment, on the wall of the fortress, a figure with a strange face, with a jade flute blowing in one hand, the cold and cold gaze fell on the flame figure in the cold wave.

The flame figure is like a broken bamboo, advancing all the way, but finally alone.

The more advancing, the more and more falling into his encirclement.

The closer the flame figure came, the colder his eyes became.

"I went to the Ancient Sword League to trap and kill the emperor, but you came to ruin my good deeds."

"My children and I broke through the Yinling boundary line, but you were born to push me back."

"Yi Xiao." Han Xiaosheng squinted.

"It seems that you and I are destined to be the enemy of life and death. If you come today, don't even think about leaving."

Han Xiaosheng's eyes were gloomy, waiting patiently, watching the flame figure continue to deepen.

Get closer, get closer, and soon you will be at the distance of the Tianlong Fortress that the strong will not have time to respond to the rescue.

Han Xiaosheng thought secretly.


An hour later.

Tianlong Fortress, on the wall, Xiao Yuan couldn't sit still a bit.

First glance at Xiao Bai, although he is also advancing, but the range is only not far in front of the battlefield's midline, and the advancing speed is not too fast.

Looking at Xiao Yi again, his figure was gradually disappearing to the end of the strong man's eyes on the Heavenly Dragon Fortress, and he had already opened a very long distance from Xiao Bai.

"At this distance, if there is an accident, it may not be able to be rescued immediately." Xiao Yuan frowned and wanted to get up.

Emperor Wuhei shook his head, "Impulsive, always pay the price."

"Xiao Yuan commander saved him once, did he save his entire life?"

Xiao Yuan squinted, "The Patriarch has said that if you dare to do everything, it means he has absolute certainty."

Godless Jun nodded slightly, "The commander's vision has always been excellent."

"Let's see what this kid is capable of."


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