Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4085: Actions of the Cold Abyss Alliance

"Ask? You..." Shengyue Emperor suddenly showed frost.

"You look for a fight."

Bai Ze's hand came with a few strands of incense.

Xiao Yi quickly avoided.

The figure flashed and retreated again and again.

"Senior, there are still important things to do, so I won't stay much."


Xiao Yi bowed and hurriedly walked away.

"Smelly boy, you..." Shengyue Emperor wanted to wave his hand.

But just as the palm moved, it stopped abruptly, gritted his teeth, and took a deep breath.

"Older, older, pay attention to etiquette, call..."


Tianlong Fortress, the city wall.

Xiao Yi was also ready to leave.

The cold wave event had ended, so he naturally hurried back to the front of the Yan Palace boundary.


Yan Mansion Boundary Front.

On a barren star.

Here, in fact, it has become Xiao Yi's sole ‘base camp’.

"My lord, are you back so soon?" The one-eyed bald head was a little surprised.

"Don't you go to the event?"

Xiao Yi said indifferently, "Said it is a grand event, but in fact it is to clean up the tide of beasts."

"Kill the enemy, it doesn't take long."

"What about you?" Xiao Yi asked, "I have been gone for less than a day, so I should be fine."

"Haha." One-eyed bald head sneered, "My lord, you guessed it wrong."

"Just shortly after you left, I guess it should be the beginning of the cold wave event in your mouth."

"The Yan Palace frontier has experienced a large-scale invasion of the Cold Abyss Alliance."

"Large scale?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "Although they are just sneak teams, there are a lot of them."

"Thanks to the strength of the Yanlong League in the barren stars here, the nine guarding teams are indeed powerful."

"The other is our party, secretly stopped a lot of them."

A total of 400 followers of the emperor, this force is still quite powerful for the emperor realm.

In addition, these were all cultivated by Xiao Yi himself, and the masters who have been with Xiao Yi to navigate the void over the years, all of them are elite, good at sneaking and tracking.

The 400 followers, divided into small teams to attack, are simply deadly pursuers for the stealth team of the Cold Abyss League.

"So many things happened in just one day?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"It's not over yet." One-eyed bald head replied, "This defensive front is too big. Our barren star is at the center of the defense. I can only guarantee that none of these sneaking teams has crossed the middle of the defense. "

As he said, the one-eyed bald head waved his hand, "Bring it here."

"What?" Xiao Yi asked.

The one-eyed bald face looked strange, and said, "My lord, there are some warriors in these sneaking teams that are very strange."

"I'm not sure, so I left one unkilled. I just wait for you to come back and see what's going on."

"Unexpectedly, my lord would come back so soon."

A figure was escorted to Xiao Yi.

He was a middle-aged person, and regardless of his breath, he was at the level of an ordinary emperor.

"Emperor?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"An emperor, among those sneaking teams of the Cold Abyss League, is at least a captain or even one of the leaders."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "It's a captain."

Xiao Yi looked at it.

This middle-aged man had dull eyes and pale face.

Although he was buckled, he was like a puddle of flesh, his feet limp on the ground.

"You abolished him?" Xiao Yi asked.

"No." The one-eyed bald head shook his head repeatedly, "I saw something wrong with this guy, and I caught it myself."

"It was fine before, just a few hours after I caught it, I don't know why it looks like a ghost."

Xiao Yi stretched out his hand and wanted to investigate.

"Roar..." The middle-aged man suddenly went mad, with great power, and grinned like a fierce beast biting Xiao Yi's palm.

"Honestly." One-eyed bald head with quick eyes and quick hands, pressing down.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes and clasped the middle-aged man's throat with one hand.

"My lord, that's it." One-eyed bald head quickly said.

"In the previous battle, some guys were like this, suddenly mad and irrational."

"It seems that all the means have been lost, and it has become a fierce beast, all with great power."

"The walking dead." Xiao Yi let out a cold voice.

Xiao Yi squinted and sensed, "This guy's mind is in chaos, and his mind is completely destroyed."

"The meridians in the body are also a mess, messy like twine."

"This is a useless person, but..."

Xiao Yi frowned suddenly, "He has restrictions in his body, be careful."

The voice just fell.


The middle-aged man blew himself up.

How amazing the power of an emperor’s self-destruction.

A radius of tens of millions of miles was directly razed to the ground.

In the explosion, there was another inexplicable light, which broke out instantly.

It was wisps of green light that instantly poured into Xiao Yi and the others.

Wait until the explosion dissipates.

Xiao Yisi was unharmed.

The one-eyed bald head patted his clothes.

The two followers responsible for the **** coughed a few times, but they were only embarrassed.

"The green light just now..." One-eyed brow frowned.

"It's an illusion." Xiao Yi spit out.

"With my heart, this illusion can't help me, what about you?"

One-eyed bald head shook his head.

A bit of pain flashed across the faces of the two followers, but it only took a moment to return to normal.

Xiao Yi stepped forward and felt it, and confirmed that they were correct.

"What an insidious method." One-eyed bald head cursed.

"Fortunately, I and everyone else have cultivated such a powerful Dao Heart technique like Magic Chen Jue."

"If you change to something else, I'm afraid that the general emperor will have to do it."

Xiao Yi nodded, "The self-destruction restraint is arranged in the body first, which is enough to catch people off guard."

"The self-destruction prohibition is just a concealment. The real threat lies in the illusion prohibition."

"It seems that the Cold Abyss Alliance is going to make a big move this time."

"Order to go down, let everyone be careful."

"My lord, don't worry." One-eyed bald head nodded.

Xiao Yi looked at One-eyed and asked, "Where is the specific combat power distribution here?"

The one-eyed bald head replied, "A small team of 20 people, a whole 20 teams, all intercept and kill these sneak teams outside."

"My lord, you were not here before, so I stayed here with a few followers."

Xiao Yi nodded, "You stay here and continue to sit down and take up the teams."

"I'll take a trip alone."

"Hey." One-eyed bald head sneered, "My lord, you made the move, but the villain is sitting here and carrying the banner?"

"Is this bad?"

"Why do you sit here and tell the villain to do the fighting?"

Xiao Yi gave a white glance, "You don't have to run around, aren't you happy?"

The one-eyed bald head smiled, "That's right, it just seems that the villain has committed the following."

"Come on." Xiao Yi waved his hand, "I am not interested in joking with you."

"I'll take a trip myself. Chi will change. I'm afraid of accidents."


The voice fell, and Xiao Yi's figure had disappeared out of thin air.


In the void, Xiao Yi quickly walked through it.

Somewhere on the barren battlefield.

Corpses everywhere.

Xiao Yi fell down and frowned, "After all, it's too late."


Second more.

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