Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4296: One-eyed preparation

"Tsk tut."

Xiao Yi was a little surprised, "How did you do it?"

He was accustomed to being alone and dealing with the raging sea alone.

What he believes more is his own strength.

In the past, four hundred followers were given spiritual veins and cultivated. First, they wanted them to have the power to protect themselves. They believed in him, so they ran around with him in the previous years, and he did his best to cultivate them; Secondly, there are so many trivial matters that you don't have to solve by yourself, nothing more.

Therefore, Xiao Yi never thought of these other things.

Unexpectedly, the one-eyed bald head started to have this idea as early as that year and began to implement it.

And in fact, even if Xiao Yi had such an idea, I am afraid he would not bother to touch these troubles and waste his time.

After all, there are 20,000 followers, and they have left in small groups long ago.

Finding them again, contacting them one by one, instructing, training, etc. are all troublesome.

One-eyed bald head smiled, "What do you mean by how to do it?"

"They are your followers, my lord."

"Some, just like me, are directly bound by the laws of the void and become your followers, your lord."

"As an adult and your follower, I can naturally perceive their trail, although it may be more difficult."

The one-eyed head paused and said, "As for the other followers, in fact, they are my direct followers and your followers."

There are only a few hundred direct followers of Xiao Yi.

And under these hundreds of people, they each restrained other followers under the law of void.

Add up to 20,000 followers.

One-eyed bald head continued, "For those followers under my command, it is naturally easy for me to find them."

"It's complicated. Anyway, it is based on the perception of the law of the void; as long as they are in the void, they can naturally be found."

"It's just a little easier, some are more strenuous."

Xiao Yi asked puzzledly, "What about the spirit veins? How do you give them?"

"They are scattered outside after all."

"Also, this time the number of spiritual veins is huge; in the past, there were as many as a million spiritual veins, and as few as hundreds of thousands of spiritual veins, how do you give it?"

"If you take the teleportation array, consume it back and forth, and shuttle everywhere, I am afraid that the consumption alone will not be enough for you to lose.

"Hahahaha." One-eyed bald head smiled more and more proudly.

"My lord, when they left under your command, they left in 50 teams."

"They are indeed scattered all over the heavens, but where do I need to run to find them?"

"I'm not that stupid yet, and indeed, as the adults said, if I travel around, the money consumed by the transmission of the large array will cost me to death."

The one-eyed bald head smiled slyly, "In fact, I never have to go too far."

"It's really a large teleportation array, and the number of times it is too far away is not many."

"My lord, you forgot. A few years ago, I followed you all the way around, so I don't need to say more; later, you often left alone, and I was idle with everyone, so I went busy.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

One-eyed bald head smiled, "In fact, there are many times, we have been able to meet one of the teams, but your heart is put on the calculation of the cold abyss alliance, and you are taking us to rush and sneak, so you are all concerned Protect us and care about how to solve the battle perfectly."

"There have been many times when a team of followers actually appeared outside one or two of our star fields."

One or two star fields are already very far away, but the teleportation array is naturally very close, and it does not need to consume too much spiritual veins.

One-eyed bald head smiled, "For example, once on the ice house boundary line of defense."

"In the back of the Yanlong League site, I can sense Li Shi and his brothers' team."

"I'll go directly and give him all the spiritual veins."

"After that, you only need to give an order. This is the command you gave him, your lord. If he meets other teams outside, he will send it on."

"That's it."

Xiao Yi thought for a moment.

One-eyed bald head smiled, "Sometimes, I met Li Shi and his brother's team; sometimes, I met my followers' team; sometimes, it was another team."

"There are more times. In fact, the spirit veins will be distributed."

"Otherwise, you don't know, sir, your followers are all famous now."

"While our four hundred followers are growing up with you, they will naturally grow in all the heavens and all realms."

"Yes, it's a small team of well-known spirit hunters."

"Yes, it's a lone team that is treated as a guest from all parties."

"Of course, their reputation is far inferior to that of your lord; but, compared to those of the Red Wolf Monarchs who met in the Amber Heavens, it is not much better."

"At least limited to a certain star area, or a certain area of ​​influence, all have a reputation."

"Naturally, they will also have employment tasks, sometimes rushing in all directions."

"Their teams sometimes encounter them, although not many times."

The one-eyed bald head smiled and said, "Although the heavens and myriad worlds are large, they are limited to the emperor level, and they are still famous spirit hunters, so naturally the number is limited."

"They are now in the profession of spirit hunters in the world, not to mention much reputation, at least they have a reputation."

Xiao Yi was completely stunned, "I see."

"You didn't go through the various realms specifically to give spiritual veins."

"You just give it to whoever you meet."

"Sometimes when you are idle, you can go farther, just go and find a team."

Xiao Yi looked at the one-eyed bald head and said, "However, the heavens and myriad worlds are very large. Even if I have been rushing around these years, it is impossible to always meet the teams."

"I guess that the number of times we have actually met is actually not much.

"After all, this probability is too low."

"It's just that you met this team once, so naturally you have a way of contacting them."

"And when there are too many times, you don’t actually need too much. You can probably meet three or five times. Then the teams you meet have luck and meet other teams in your travels. Then these means of contact are It can be connected one after another."

"Over time, you may only encounter a few teams in your real luck, but they can already be built into a huge network of contacts."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "To put it simpler, if you have the intention to handle this matter from the beginning, it's just extremely troublesome in the early stage; when it comes to the back, just let it go."

The one-eyed bald head was shocked, "As expected of an adult, really amazing."

"It is said that you are a master, you are very smart, and the villain has seen it."

"With a few words, you will understand everything and guess it."

"You just didn't put your mind on these things, otherwise, you can definitely do better than the villain."

Xiao Yi shook his head.

What surprised him was the one-eyed ability and vision.

This is definitely not something a Void Bandit can do.


First more.

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