Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4304: Heaven and Earth

Blood inflammation world.

Above the earth, Xiao Yi glanced around.

Around it, there is a lake, water, forest, and wood.

"Well, the scenery is pretty good, so just leave you here?" Xiao Yi asked, looking at the three-zhang statue in front of him.

Here is the center of heaven and earth.

Of course, it's just an ordinary place, at best, the aura of heaven and earth is slightly richer.

The center of heaven and earth does not mean that it is the eruption center of heaven and earth aura.

Unless this piece of heaven and earth itself has other special features, or is specially drawn into it.

The Giant Elephant Faxiang replied, "Yes, thank you Master."

"Boundless person, no heaven."

"The master just put me in the center of this earth."

"From now on, my giant elephant clan will do their best to serve the master."

"But, I have one thing, I'm afraid I will ask the master to agree first."

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, "I'm just here to negotiate terms, right?"

The giant elephant Faxiang quickly said, "Please also my master believe in the skills of my giant elephant family."

"One day the master will find that the help my giant elephants can give to the master will be far beyond your imagination."

"Stop talking." Xiao Yi's tone added a little indifferent.

The giant elephant law statue said solemnly, "Please also master, one billion years later, let me free the giant elephant family."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi was stunned at first, then stunned.

If this is the condition, it's nothing.

He thought it was a condition of asking prices, or just let him deal with that terrible existence.

One billion years later, the freedom of the giant elephants is nothing.

Naturally, no creatures are willing to be enslaved, even if these giant elephant Dharma statues stand still and exist in the world like a stone.

Of course, Xiao Yi never thought of slavery.

If you can help, you can help, if you can't help, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he didn't expect these giant elephant statues in his original plan.

At this time, the giant elephant method saw Xiao Yi silent, and continued, "I, I know that this condition is excessive."

"Well, it's just like you humans do, asking prices all over the place and paying them back."

"If the master is not satisfied, how about tens of billions of years?"

"Ten billion years? Huh." Xiao Yi sneered when he heard the words.

He couldn't imagine it for a billion years.

Ten billion years? That is an astronomical figure for him.

Upon seeing the giant elephant, hearing this sneer, Xiao Yi felt dissatisfied, and quickly said, "Then 20 billion years..."

"Okay." Xiao Yi interrupted. "Just a million years, it's enough."

"I didn't intend to roam in this endless void for so long."

"A million years?" The tone of the giant elephant statue was somewhat surprised and unbelievable.

For their colossal statues, they are still in the sky and the earth all day long, millions of years? I'm afraid it will be a snap.

"Okay." Xiao Yi said lightly, "What about the placement of your other people?"

"Hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

In fact, this time of one million years is just what Xiao Yi said casually.

I am afraid that he would be too long for a hundred years; after he seizes the time to become an emperor, he has the strength to protect the Yanlong Region, and he is not willing to wander in this endless void.

I live in Yanlong Realm to accompany the people who care about it. In his spare time, he is still pursuing his own way of martial arts. This is the life Xiao Yi wants.

It's not that his hot heart has diminished, but this emptiness is really too'cold'.

Or maybe, this time it was because he had been away for too long, thinking of ‘home’ after all, and apologizing after all.

Next, who wouldn't open his eyes to block his Xiao Yi's path, he would have no mercy.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, his eyes were abnormally cold.

Xiao Yi left after setting various prohibitions around the giant elephant statue, within a range of thousands of miles.

In the future, the center of this land will be like a dangerous place, no one can approach.

Illusion formations, killing formations, and large defensive formations, all kinds of fire tracts compound prohibitions, flooding them.

After all, Xiao Yi traveled through the world of blood inflammation.

According to the giant elephant king, put it in the center of the heaven and earth, and the rest of the tribe can arrange them according to the formation of their giant elephants.

Xiao Yi kept observing and comprehending every time he placed it.

He felt more and more that the placement of these images was extremely mysterious and seemed to fit the world.

He couldn't tell the feeling, but it was really mysterious.

It was a few days after he had done everything.

Xiao Yiling stood above the sky, secretly exclaiming, "Awesome, so mysterious."

"Even I can't penetrate it in a short time."

"Finally, first simulate it in the One Yuan Wuji Array, and then you will have time to comprehend."

Xiao Yi wanted to leave.

Just at this time.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was shocked suddenly.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the world of blood inflammation seemed to shake.


In the air, there was a sharp clang and a flash of blood.

Xueyan Nine Swords appeared out of thin air.

This is the treasure of the world of blood inflammation.

Xiao Yi quickly perceives it carefully, and under the perception, the shock in his eyes becomes more intense.

At this moment, the entire blood inflammation world seemed to be surging.

Xiao Yi raised his head and stared out of the sky.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath.

Through the Xueyan Nine Swords, he could feel the blood of the blood inflammation world star absorbing the power of the void.

In fact, he knew this before.

Regardless of the heavens or the small world, all the stars will automatically absorb the power of the void. This is no secret, but no one will go into it, and no one will think about the evolution of the world.

Of course, the stars will absorb the power of the void, but at the same time, the stars will also suffer abrasion in the wind of the void.

In the past, Xiao Yi's cognition was that this was a kind of resistance of stars to the erosion of the void.

The void erodes the stars, and the stars will continue to weaken; and the self-absorption of the void power of heaven and earth is to make up for this weakening, which is equivalent to contending in a disguised form.

However, the speed at which Heaven and Earth absorb the power of the void is not as fast as the erosion speed of the void.

After all, in front of the entire endless void, the stars seemed too small.

Therefore, even the most powerful stars will turn into desolation, or even become dust, and die.

The erosion of the void and the absorption of the power of heaven and earth by the stars, these things he had known before.

A star will eventually undergo the processes of nurturing, growing, becoming strong, and then becoming weak and dying.

Just like living beings, young, young, mature, middle-aged, old, to fall.

Xiao Yi perceives it carefully, and the horror in his eyes becomes more intense.

In his current perception, the absorption of void power by the Blood Flame Realm Heaven and Earth completely overwhelmed the erosion of void power.

The speed at which the Blood Flame Realm Heaven and Earth absorbs the power of the void is now a hundred times faster than an ordinary star-small world.

"It's amazing." Xiao Yi retracted his gaze, then looked down at the earth.

"Is this the natural talent of the giant elephant clan?"

He can naturally perceive that all these changes come from these giant elephants that have merged into the world.

To be precise, it is not that the world of the blood inflammation world has become stronger.

It is that these Dharma images are absorbing the power of the void at an extremely fast speed, not even an astonishing speed, as they pass through the world of blood inflammation.

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