Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4310: What about the anger of Consummation?

"Thanks to the old palace master."

When the middle-aged man heard the words, his face was overjoyed, and he kept kowtow.

The middle-aged man sneered and said, "That Ziyan has long been notorious, and his enemies are all over the world."

"Not only our Thousand Realms Academy will not let him go, other big forces will also want to take his life."

"Hmph, unless he comes to the old palace lord to sit down and beg for mercy, otherwise he wants to create power, and he will never dream of the dream of being his overlord."


The same situation seemed to resonate, appearing in every big force in the endless void.

Endless void.

Seven lives absolutely empty door, inside the door.

A middle-aged man squinted his eyes, "Oh? According to Shou Xueyan Realm, create and expand strength?"

"What a Ziyan Yi Xiao, I think it's good."

"After being expelled from the Yanlong League, you have to stand on your own, wanting to be the leader?"

"Huh, ask me about the Seven Lives Absolute Door first."

"That day, I killed countless strong men under my sect. Today, I will unite with all parties to make you feel like a bereaved dog."

"The top ten special ones in the void? Oh, just a joke."


Double Saints.

Under the double holy mountain.

A middle-aged man, kneeling down.

A young man walked out slowly, handing a Qiankun ring in his hand, "Nineteen elders, you can get up."

"Shuangsheng has mercy, and also hates that Ziyan Yixiao's rampage and domineering, and kills my Shuangshengzong disciple."

"Although the twins are in seclusion, they have been given enough emperor realm essence."

"With my double holy sect's background, a large number of emperors and powerful people, even if they can't kill this Zi Yan, it is enough to wipe out the power of Zi Yan's subordinates."

The Double Saint Sect, but a large force in the emptiness of one side, there are two perfect powerhouses in the sect who have already become famous for a long time.


Fengyun Mountain.

Within the mountain gate.

An old man frowned, "Three elders, what do you mean?"

"You forbid me to take the strong in the mountain to revenge?"

The other old man nodded, "Sixth Elder, without asking for instructions that day, you led a large number of powerful Fengyun Mountain to the void and dark area outside the Tianlong Fortress, trying to intercept this purple flame."

"According to the mountain rules, you..."

"Don't fart." Sixth Elder said coldly, "Then Ziyan killed me Fengyun Mountain's countless powerhouses, how can this elder swallow it?"

The third elder said solemnly, "To be precise, it killed a large number of high disciples and disciples under your sixth elders."

The sixth elder sneered, "I have already asked the first elder for this matter, so you don't need to ask more about the third elder."

"Also, last time, if Xiao Chenfeng hadn't stopped him, then Yi Xiao would have died on the spot."

The third elder sneered, "Do you really think that the top ten of a weak void is so vulnerable?"

"You are believable, if Xiao Chenfeng didn't stop him that day, at best, you would only make this Zi Yan suffer, but you absolutely would never think about it or return to Fengyun Mountain?"

"The evildoer waiting to rise from the slaughter, so young and ranked in the top ten of the void, are you really a general?"

"You are also credible. If you continue to provoke him, this madman will do everything else except for not daring to hit the mountain directly?"

The six elders just opened their mouths to refute.

The third elder said coldly, "Forbidden to go out of the mountain this time, it is the meaning of the mountain owner."

"If you don't agree, you can go to find the mountain master and say with the great elder."

"I just passed it on to the mountain lord."

"What does the mountain lord mean?" The Sixth Elder frowned instantly.

The third elder nodded and sneered, "Stupid, don't you understand this?"

"Now that Ziyan Yi Xiao has already been full of enemies, naturally there are many creatures looking for trouble."

"Why should we Fengyun Mountain come out here?"

When the Sixth Elder heard this, his expression was pleasantly surprised, "So what the mountain owner meant is that we are waiting for the fisherman's benefit?"

The third elder nodded, "The emperor of the mountain lord, how can I understand it?"

"But the mountain master also said that this time the purple flame was expelled from the Yanlong League, which has long been spread throughout the heavens and all realms, and those rumors are well known."

"Those second- and third-rate forces, those fools can't see clearly; but for a force of the level like our Fengyun Mountain, which one is not with clear eyes and sees it clearly? This is very strange, and there must be a difference."

"Here, I am afraid that a powerful but mysterious force is targeting this purple flame. Incidentally, even the Yanlong League has calculated it."

"Think about it, how many people or forces can there be in the heavens and worlds, who dare to calculate the Three Leagues?"

"The vortex of disputes between them, why should we get involved in Fengyun Mountain?"

"Furthermore, the forces like Ziyan are focusing on them, and they are not far from death. Why do we bother with this effort?"

The six elders looked overjoyed, "Sure enough, the mountain owner is clever and can see clearly."

"We can completely stay out of the matter and see the situation first."

"Even without any effort, you can wait for the mysterious force to kill this purple flame."


A few days later.

Endless void.

Blood inflammation within the world.

One-eyed bald head looked at Xiao Yi with an ugly expression.

"My lord, the situation is worse than we thought..."

Xiao Yi interrupted indifferently, "How about the casualties?"

The one-eyed bald head shook his head again and again, "The followers under the command of the adults are harmless and harmless, but there are many wounded."

"It's..." The one-eyed bald head was ashamed, and he bowed quickly.

"It's useless for an adult to forgive sins."

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "I only ask about your casualties."

One-eyed bald head gritted his teeth, "In the territory of all parties, the newly recruited warriors suffered heavy casualties."

"A few desires... Desires... like those of our bloodbaths in the Cold Abyss Alliance."


An icy click sound resounded throughout the mansion.

Xiao Yi clenched his fist and said coldly, "Those newly recruited warriors who are killed or injured will compensate their family members or descendants of blood by ten times their spiritual pulse."

The one-eyed bald-headed face was startled, and asked, "According to the standards of the scourgers of all the realm masters?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "According to my blood inflammation world standards."

One-eyed bald head frowned, "My lord, our Blood Flame Realm itself treats extremely preferentially, far exceeding the rewards that other realm masters collect from the patrollers..."

Xiao Yi interrupted coldly, "Didn't you hear me clearly?"

The one-eyed bald face stagnated, and he could only take his orders.

Xiao Yi stared at the one-eyed bald head, "Don't think carefully, dare to hold the spiritual vein here, I only ask you."

"In addition, slow down the battles in various territories, but don't stop."

"Listen clearly and never stop, otherwise there will be an accident."

One-eyed bald head frowned, and his face was puzzled, "My lord, now we are enemies in all realms, and we have suffered heavy losses."

"My lord wants us to slow down the battle. It should be safe."

"But for the sake of safety, why don't we just stop the expansion of the site and stick to the already conquered site?"

"It was originally wounded, and then divided into combat power to fight outside. Once it collapses, the consequences..."

"Stupid." Xiao Yi shook his head, "Anyway, you listen to me."

"You can slow down and, for the sake of safety, try to reduce casualties as much as possible; however, the battle must never stop."

"Have you heard clearly?"

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "Yes."

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Dare to fool me? Humph."

After Xiao Yi's words fell, he left.

The one-eyed bald head quickly asked, "My lord, where are you going?"

Xiao Yi kept walking in a cold tone, "Since all worlds are enemies, I will overthrow all worlds!"


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