Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4366: Heavenly visitor

"Oh?" Xiao Yi heard the words, a little light flashed in his eyes.

Now, in addition to the source of heaven and earth, it is also the matter of the strong flame that makes him most interested.

The one-eyed bald head reported, "My lord, there is something unusual about Earth and Volcanoes."

"I asked the guarded followers over there, and also checked, our own branch, and Divolcano shouldn't have disputes."

"So the whole thing seems, according to my guess, it seems that Divolcano is deliberately provoking and deliberately provoking disputes."

"I walked around in person, intending to ask clearly and see if it can be resolved."

"Who knows..." One-eyed bald head smiled bitterly, "People say I am not qualified, so they just blasted me out."

"Earth Volcano itself is domineering, and the villain doesn't mean anything."

"So I thought, the adults had also settled the dispute between the Yanlong League and the Earth Volcano in the Taurus Realm. This time it is better for the adults to take a trip."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "What happened to the supreme fire that day?"

One-eyed bald head replied, "This is another matter."

"Divolcano is holding a grand event now, and many forces and many Tianjiao evildoers who are famous for the void are now there."

"It's not clear what exactly is going on, but I heard that the reward involves a kind of world's strongest fire."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was startled, "Divolcano is such a big deal, to come up with a kind of heaven and earth strong fire as a reward?"

Flame intelligence and flame itself are two different things.

Intelligence alone may not be worth millions of spiritual veins.

But the real flame body, at least, is calculated at every turn of the ten thousand spiritual pulses.

"I heard it wasn't." The one-eyed bald head shook his head, "It is directly related to the Heaven and Earth Xeon Fire."

"It doesn't look like intelligence."

"After all, if it is pure intelligence, it will not attract so many forces and Tianjiao evildoers to participate."

Xiao Yi just wanted to ask.

One-eyed bald head smiled bitterly, "The other villains don't know."

"Our Blood Flame Realm is not a power of sects, academies, or sects, nor is it a fire power in itself."

"The volcano did not invite us at all."

"So specifically, the villain doesn't know, just received this news."

"Anyway, your lord is going to Dihuo to resolve the dispute, but you can also take a look at this grand event."

Xiao Yi nodded when he heard the words, "Well, all right."

Xiao Yi completely turned around and left. Just after walking a few steps, he paused and glanced at the one-eyed bald head, "Is nothing else reported?"

The one-eyed bald head shook his head.

Xiao Yi nodded and waved his hand, "Then go busy, I'll go there later."

"Yes." The one-eyed bald head replied, and he walked away.

Before leaving, Xiao Yi went to the retreat room.


After a few hours.

Xiao Yi's figure left the realm master's mansion and headed towards the teleportation array, preparing to set off for the volcano.

However, if you look more realistically, there are a few drops of sweat on Xiao Yi's forehead at this moment.

Obviously, Xiao Yi has been'tired' for a while during these few hours.

The corpse of the bloodblade emperor had already been refined.

It is true that the physical body is strong, but under the eight dragon incinerator, adding Xiao Yi's current strength, under refining, does not need one or two hours.

However, the results obtained made Xiao Yi a little disappointed.

Sure enough, as the one-eyed bald head said, the method of quickly obtaining the origin of heaven and earth by hunting down the emperor realm did not work at all.

There is indeed a large amount of heaven and earth origin in the main body of the blood blade emperor.

But these powers can only flow between heaven and earth, and they can't stay at all, let alone absorb them.

No, to be precise, what is refined is not a normal source of heaven and earth at all.

After refining the corpse of the bloodblade emperor, he obtained a large amount of power with the aura of heaven and earth, but these are martial arts powers.

The origin goes to the origin, and the martial arts power returns to the martial arts power.

Within the heavens, the original power is the power that maintains the existence of the stars, the most original power.

Within the small world, there are no heavens, but there are heaven and earth forces. These heaven and earth forces are the forces that maintain the existence and operation of all the law frameworks of the heaven and earth in a small world.

Simply put, the power of the martial arts of heaven and earth comes from the original power of heaven and earth.

First it is where the origin is, and then it is transformed into the martial arts power of heaven and earth.

In the small world, there is no heaven, but it can be transformed into the power of heaven and earth by absorbing the power of the void.

He finally understood why he said that the emperor realm is like a star.

In an emperor realm, countless martial arts in the body are all supported by strength.

These complete martial arts laws are themselves the original power absorbed by this imperial realm breakthrough, which transforms them into martial arts power and then supports them.

This is the Emperor Realm.

And after refining the corpse, the result is these massive martial arts powers.

After a creature falls, its strength will automatically dissipate and return to heaven and earth.

The martial arts power controlled by the living beings is no different from that.

Unless these martial arts powers can be reversed into the origin of heaven and earth; otherwise, it is useless to refine the corpses of the emperor realm.

But this kind of reversal is simply impossible.

That is no longer a reversal of pure power.

But... just like a pill, the pure power obtained after the innumerable treasures of heaven, material and earth were burned, all condensed and became a pill according to the law of medicine.

But this pill, there is no way to reverse the pure power of the original treasure.

Xiao Yi could only dispel this idea.

The figure disappeared in the teleportation formation and headed towards the volcano.


at the same time.

Endless void.

Tianlong Fortress, inside the study.

Xiao Chenfeng frowned and looked at the black-clothed old man in front of him, with a little worry flashing in his eyes.

"Senior... is there a serious problem?" Xiao Chenfeng asked in a deep voice.

The black-clothed old man shook his head slightly and chuckled, "Why do you think the old man is injured?"

Xiao Chenfeng said solemnly, "Senior has been there for so many days, there is no answer."

"Also, this seems to be the first time Senior has missed."

The old man in black nodded, "Something happened."

"The fellow of Han Yuan League, although there is not much gain in this retreat, but the cultivation base is more solid."

"Now, it should be like me, at the pinnacle of the Void Realm, only the last step away from the Supreme."

"But these are nothing."

The black-clothed old man sneered, "The old man wants to kill him, but he still can't make ten moves."

Xiao Chenfeng nodded, he didn't doubt what the black-clothed old man said.

He is very clear about the identity and ability of the old man in black.

This is a character who has lived from ancient times to the present day.

But I have witnessed the glories of the ancient times and the powerful existence of the participants in the ancient wars.

This one has the title of emperor through the ages.

Hugh said that Emperor Void is the ordinary supreme, and this senior may not be afraid of anything.

"That's it?" Xiao Chenfeng said softly.

The black-clothed old man's face condensed, and he said solemnly, "Over there, someone is here."

Xiao Chenfeng's face was startled, "Sky Domain?"

"Yeah." The black-clothed old man nodded, "It's not difficult for these guys to come back and forth at once."

"But now, whether it is you or the Yanlong League, it is far from the time to touch the universe."

"That's why the fellow of the Hanyuan League, the old man hasn't moved him for the time being."


The second is more.

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