Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4388: For no reason, I'm not happy

The one-eyed bald head closed his mouth, but still stared straight at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was silent and silent.

Holding his hands, as before, gradually walked out of the realm master's mansion, walked to the lean on the railing, and looked at the boundless world.

The birthday banquet in Qinghan Palace really made a big noise.

But whether it was in the eyes of the guests or outsiders, Xiao Yi was young and arrogant. In order to get the limelight, he waved his hand and gave a big gift.

No matter how bad it was, it was just this Ziyan Yi Xiao, who was very arrogant, and didn't like to be named as a ‘greed for Qinghan Palace reward’, so he gave a great gift.

Xiao Yi stared at the boundless world, saying indifferently, "The boundless world, the first thing I saw was to find a way."

"A creature, throughout its entire life, can't get rid of the word ‘search’."

"It's just that some people are looking for treasures and martial arts opportunities."

"Some people are looking for nothing more than ordinary, but they think in their hearts the most important thing in their lives."

"Yes." Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, "The vast world, how difficult it is to find a word."

The one-eyed bald head saw this, and his face changed continuously.

In fact, he didn't think his adults had any reason to intervene in this matter.

But his lord, always acted unexpectedly.

The one-eyed bald head hurriedly said, "My lord, the little man has actually heard about Xiao Chenfeng and the cold realm empress."

"But the matter of the two of them is a taboo in itself, even a taboo that no one dares to talk about."

"Why should we provoke?"

One-eyed bald head and hands spread, "We have already provoked the enmity of a heavenly domain. The entire blood flame world, including you, is in deep crisis in this great crisis."

"If it still provokes enmity from the other side of the universe, I am afraid that our blood inflammation world will be turned into ashes tomorrow."

"Then...sir, look." The one-eyed bald head analyzed it carefully.

"Although we do have hatreds against the Void World."

"But in the final analysis, this is not the true emperor's decree."

"Sir, at your level, obviously you won't come into contact with the emperor, let alone provoke him."

"The emperor of heaven doesn't care about ants like you, my lord."

"What we have provoked now is only a certain big man in this heaven."

"Otherwise, the three forces that come to attack our blood flame world are probably the three forces belonging to the heavenly emperor."

"Although I haven't been in contact with them, I guess that among these three forces, whether it is the Celestial Guard, the Celestial Family, or the Celestial Academy, there must be supreme power."

"In other words, with the order of the Emperor of Heaven, he can drive the supreme combat power to destroy all those who violate the edict of the Emperor of Heaven in the void."

"Goo." One-eyed swallowed his head and swallowed.

"What comes now is just a Void Emperor, obviously not among these three forces."

"Although we are currently in a great crisis, we are not certain to die. There is no room for it."

"So..." The one-eyed bald head cried out, "My lord, don't break the jar."

"Don't talk about those things, anyway, these enemies have already been provoked. It's not bad to have a few more such nonsense."

"If you really dare to intervene in the marriage of the heavens, I am afraid that the adults and the blood inflammation world belong to, and they will be wiped out in a day."

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze looking at the sky and the earth, turned around, and looked at One-Eyed.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly, "If I say, I want to intervene, what will you do?"

Hearing the words, the one-eyed bald head was taken aback.

Xiao Yi was always indifferent, such a chuckle, even if it was slight, was still rare.

The one-eyed bald face solemn, "Follow the lord to the death."

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered.

"Okay, I'm just curious about this information."

"I'm not a fool, what do I do to be stupid."

"I won't get involved in this matter."

Hearing the words, the one-eyed bald head was completely relieved.

But he didn't know that Xiao Yi held the palm of his back tightly, extremely tightly, extremely tightly.

After a long while, the one-eyed bald head left.

Xiao Yi never let go of his fist after all.

He wanted to let go, he even whispered a sneer, "Heh, the big wedding in January? What does it have to do with me?"

Brilliantly bright.

Even if it is the wind blowing through the void, but bathed in such a warm sun, after all, it is so warm and so comfortable.

Xiao Yi grinned, that was a smile.

"I have never had much to do with them."

"Heh, in my mind, although they are not dispensable, they are not very important. Why should I fight for Xiao Yi?"

"Wedding banquet? What to do with me?"

Every sentence was repeated in Xiao Yi's heart.

He seemed to be looking for a reason, to convince himself, to persuade himself to let go of the clenched fist.

"I'm alive and well, I have many people waiting."

"In the Yanlong Region, those old people are waiting, she is also waiting."

"If I die, what should I do?"

"For no reason, go to provoke a heavenly emperor and find death?"

Reasons emerged in his heart one after another, and he could even easily find hundreds of reasons that were not important.

These reasons are repeated in my heart over and over again.

But why, his clenched fist is hard to loosen after all?

Lean on the fence.

Xiao Yi has been standing and silent all the time, but the endless thoughts in his heart surged endlessly.

The sun gradually descends, and the sun rises.

Circulation day and night is the most common law in this void, and it is to give the same fairness to every star, heaven and earth.

However, why does the darkness falling into the **** flame world look even colder?

No, it's just that the figure standing in the Realm Lord's Mansion now is even colder.

It seems to be colder than this dark night, and more lonely than this emptiness.

Fist, still clenched.

The grin at the corner of his mouth has long since disappeared.

The eyes staring at the sky and the earth are completely cold.

"Wedding banquet? I just don't like it."

"Emperor Ye Lin? Let's talk about it if you have the life to step into the cold realm."

Xiao Yi's voice was very soft, but for a moment he was cold and victorious but the night was empty.


At this time, in the void, somewhere.

A figure, gritted his teeth, his face was ugly.

He is crossing the void.

It proves that he is a powerful emperor of the void.

The figure is the Emperor Xuyuan who has returned from the blood flame world.

"The time limit given by the son is only ten days."

"But now, this Ziyan Yi Xiao is still alive and well."

"The blood flame world forces have not yet been destroyed."

"Don't finish this task quickly, Young Master's anger..." Emperor Xuyuan gritted his teeth, but showed fear on his face.

"Only..." For a long while, Emperor Xuyuan narrowed his eyes, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.


Clouds over the heavens.

Inside Wanjie Commercial Bank, the back hall, the study office of the person in charge.

The seven-eyed emperor respectfully looked at an old man in front of him.

"I don't know if the adults come from the head office, but what instructions does the head office give to the younger ones?" Seven-eyed Emperor asked, bowing.

The old man, with an arrogant face, looked at the Seven-Eyed Monarch coldly, his lips slowly squirming.

The old man closed his mouth when he waited.

The seven-eyed emperor suddenly changed his face.

"No, no, no." The seven-eyed emperor showed an unbelievable look and uttered three'no' words in a row.

"This is impossible, the head office cannot have such an order."

"This is not in line with the rules of our Wanjie Commercial Bank."

The old man looked directly at him with cold eyes, "This is what the above means, I just tell you the truth."

Seven-eyed Emperor gritted his teeth, "I don't believe that the head office will allow this, so I will give this order."

"Even if it is the power of one side of the universe, it is impossible to let the head office..."

"Enough." The old man said indifferently, "You only need to know that there is indeed a big person in the head office, and you can agree to this matter."

"The Ziyan Yixiao, within three days, must die in the void."

"Go." The old man threw a token in his hand, "This is what the head office means."


Third more.

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