Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4390: Yunchen Buddha

He can now return to Yanlong Domain.

It's just that he has to deal with the matter of the cold realm universe first.

"One month should be enough." Xiao Yi secretly said, killing intent flashed past his eyes.

Tianyu, he doesn't have to go, to go is equivalent to court death.

However, he could let Emperor Yelin step into the cold realm without his life.

The death of a creature in the void couldn't be easier.

"Master Yi Xiao?" The Seven-Eyed Emperor was suddenly startled.

The hand holding the teacup shook violently, causing the hot tea to fall into the hands without noticing it.

He has always covered up very well.

It wasn't until he suddenly caught the killing intent that flashed in Xiao Yi's eyes that he was shocked.

Could it be that it was discovered?

He was not surprised at all.

After all, it was not the first time he had dealt with this blood flame world master.

He knew very well how amazing the mind of the young creature in front of him was, and how smarter than the old fox.

Xiao Yi looked at the seven-eyed emperor, but frowned, "Seven-eyed emperor?"

His killing intent was naturally not aimed at the Seven-Eyed Monarch.

"Oh oh oh, nothing." Seven-eyed Emperor reacted quickly.

Although he didn't know what was going on with the killing intent that passed by just now.

But his instinct told him that he shouldn't show any clues.

"That..." The Seven-Eyed Emperor smirked, put down the tea cup in his hand, and didn't take a sip.

"We, Wanjie Commercial Bank and Master Yi Xiao, under the blood inflammation world, have always cooperated happily."

"This business, thank you Master Yi Xiao for taking care of it."

"As a reward, Master Yi Xiao needs enough heaven and earth."

"But..." The seven-eyed emperor showed embarrassment for a while.

"What?" Xiao Yi frowned.

The seven-eyed emperor apologized, "The origin of heaven and earth is of great value; the real creatures buy, we sell, and there is no such thing as a one-time sale of such a large amount."

"You know, the origin of heaven and earth, enough for a creature to hit the emperor realm, is quite huge."

"I really can't bring it to Master Yi Xiao for you."

"I'm afraid, I want Master Yi Xiao to go to my Wanjie firm and take it yourself."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi frowned, suddenly wondering.

The Seven-Eyed Monarch hurriedly said, "The origin of this heaven and earth has been covered by a special banned object by the head office and sent to our Yuntu firm."

"Originally, the old man was going to come to the blood inflammation world himself."

"But this is a matter of great importance, and the value is too great, the old man really does not dare to mess around."

"So, after reconsidering, I still feel that it is safer for Master Yi Xiao to go to my Yuntu branch to get it in person."

"That's it." Xiao Yi nodded.

Indeed, the pure origin of heaven and earth will escape.

Normally, the origin of the heavens and the earth circulates among the heavens on one side.

This is the power of the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the earth are bound, and naturally they will not overflow.

For the creatures, whatever they refining or sucking, they will slowly disperse because they can't be restrained.

The same is true for the origin of the heaven and earth that Xiao Yi himself refined from the corpse of the Devouring Clan, and can only be sealed in the Eight Dragon Incinerator.

The Seven-Eyed Emperor said again, "But considering that Master Yi Xiao is probably too easy to leave the Blood Flame Realm now."

"So this trip, I'm afraid it will be troublesome."

"The old man doesn't dare to call the shots without authorization, so I specially came to Master Yi Xiao to discuss with you."

"Is it the old man who took the risk to send it, or Master Yi Xiao went to my Yuntu branch to get it by himself."

"Oh." The seven-eyed emperor hurriedly added, "Master Yi Xiao can rest assured that this matter is annoying for the old man, so the old man will pay for the spirit vein consumption of the large array back and forth."

"Oh." Xiao Yi waved his hand and chuckled, "Seven-eyed Emperor is polite."

"It doesn't have to be like this because of your friendship with me."

"All right, I'll take a walk for myself."

This is not the first time I went to the Wanjie Commercial Bank branch in Yuntu Zhutian.

Moreover, if you go to the teleportation array, it will not take a while to come and go.

"Thank you." Seven-eyed Emperor smiled and got up instantly, "Then, it should not be too late."

"The transaction is completed quickly, and the old man can also lose his heart."

Seven-eyed Emperor looked a little anxious.

Xiao Yi got up and nodded.

In my heart, but I don't know why, a trace of doubt and subtlety flashed through.

In fact, he should have found something unusual about the Seven-Eyed Emperor today.

However, perhaps these days, the blood inflammation world has been suffering from repeated crises, and it is rare to have a piece of good news. With joy, I didn't think too much for a while.

Or maybe, the Seven-Eyed Emperor is a businessman, and he is an old fox, and he hides it very well.

But more, it should be Xiao Yi who has a minimum of trust in the seven-eyed emperor.

Therefore, he temporarily suppressed the doubt and a trace of anxiety that had arisen in his heart.

The two went to the teleportation formation of the blood inflammation world.

The seven-eyed emperor arched his hands and said, "Master Yi Xiao, we have to take a step first."

"After all, it's going to the Yuntu Heavens, to appear in the Yuntu Heavens Teleportation Array."

"The words of the old man and Master Yi Xiao appearing at the teleportation formation are not wrong, or they are different."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Don't worry, I know."

When he goes to the clouds and the sky, he usually sneaks away.

If you show up with Seven Eyes Emperor, the person in charge of the business, to teleport the formation, you will probably be noticed at once, and even be discovered by the guard of Emperor Yuntu.

As in the past, the Seven-Eyed Monarch had information on flames. To do business with Xiao Yi, he had to find another firm to inform Xiao Yi.

The seven-eyed emperor arched his hands, "Master Yi Xiao is one step ahead, just go directly to the back hall of our firm and wait."

"I have ordered to go down. Someone will receive Master Yi Xiao first."

"The old man came on his hind legs."

"Good." Xiao Yi nodded.

The teleportation formation is launched.

After a few dozen breaths, Xiao Yi's figure disappeared out of thin air.

This also means that he has completely left the blood inflammation world.

But at this time, the figure of the seven-eyed emperor did not move, and did not enter the teleportation formation.

He didn't seem to intend to follow back to the cloud map heavens.

It seems that he is very clear that he doesn't have to go back to the clouds at all.

Because, this time... it's not a business at all.

The complexion of the seven-eyed emperor instantly became complicated and inexplicable, guilty, uneasy, and lonely.

Seven-eyed Emperor clenched his fists, his heart fell, "Sorry".


Clouds over the heavens.

Teleport to the big array.


Xiao Yi's figure appeared out of thin air.

As the heavens on one side, the heavens in the cloud map are intensive and prosperous on weekdays.

At this large teleportation formation, it can be said that there is an endless stream of life, and it is extremely lively.

But at the moment...

"Huh?" Xiao Yigang appeared, and was shocked again.

Almost for an instant, he realized that it was not good.

The huge teleportation array is empty all around.

"Oh, it's a hit."

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

Almost the moment he reacted, a fatal sense of crisis had already surged into his heart.

The space was blocked suddenly.

A figure appeared out of thin air.

The terrible imperial realm overwhelmed the sky.

"Emperor Yuntu?" Xiao Yi was startled.

The figure is the emperor of Yuntu.

"Zi Yan, Yi Xiao." Emperor Yuntu showed a joking but cold smile.

With a sudden movement of Xiao Yi's figure, he was about to flee.

He could break through the blockade of this mere space, and then flee.

After all, this is just a simple space blockade, not a blockade from the other heavens.

But... Wow...

Around, a group of figures suddenly appeared.

The Emperor Yuntu sneered, "Yi Xiao, you can't escape."


Around, the space seems to be broken.

The empty surroundings suddenly shattered like a mirror, with numerous cracks.

Around, the densely packed heavens have been firmly surrounded by guards.

"Great formation?" Xiao Yi was shocked suddenly.

From the very beginning, this teleportation formation was laid out around the formation.

It is a complex array of sleepy arrays and phantom arrays.

These guards of the heavens existed a long time ago, but they were hidden in the phantom array.

And his Xiao Yi, at the moment he appeared from the teleportation formation, he had already fallen into this trapped formation.

The big formation, together with the teleportation big formation, and the surroundings are completely covered long ago.

In other words...

This has always been a trap!

And he Xiao Yi, drilled in.


The second is more.

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