Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4408: Shushe, the law of source beasts

"What's the matter?"

That person asked directly.

That person has always been so straightforward.

Perhaps because of its character, it is indifferent to everything, and it is extremely empty.

Perhaps, at its level, in this strength, everything needs to be straightforward.

This is absolute strength.

There is only one person above and below.

Xiao Yi also said directly, "I want to see the yin source beast."

Xiao Yi stared straight at that person, with an unusually tough gaze.

The one shook his head, "There is no yin source beast."

"The source of eclipse beast died many years ago."

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "To be precise, it is the law."

That person paused slightly, staring at Xiao Yi.

It could see the serious look on the young man in front of him, even more so when he talked about going to heaven.

"It looks like you have found it." That person has a slight tinge.

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded, "I found out when I came back."

"I don't know why, but since returning from the endless void, I obviously feel that I am very sensitive to the breath of the void."

Yiyi is indeed hiding well.

But Xiao Yi sensed the breath of the void from her body, proving that she must have been to the endless void.

Plus his judgment in the courtyard that day.

He could almost guess that Yiyi stepped into the endless void more than half a year ago.

It is further speculated that more than half a year ago, nine months ago, exactly when he was expelled from the Yanlong League.

So he can already get the answer, it must be that Yiyi felt the disappointment in his heart at that time, and felt the same, worried that he left the wind brake main hall and stepped into the endless void.

He can guess why.

But he didn't know what happened to Yiyi.

Especially when he was puzzled and stared with the eyes of the Taiyin Sun, he became more worried and uneasy after seeing the law of the source beast.

His eyes of the lunar sun can see through various laws of heaven and earth.

At this level of Void Origin Beast, any connection with it is no small thing.

As he is now, connected with this trajectory, all he has experienced are crises.

Xiao Yi stared at that person, "As long as what happened on the mainland, it is impossible to hide from Senior."

"Especially at the level of Origin Beast Law, it is even more impossible to hide it from your eyes."

"I don't know why you want to hide from me, senior, even let Yiyi leave and set foot in the endless void."

"But I hope seniors can help me with this matter."

As long as that person doesn't want to, in fact, no creature has ever been able to step into the Yanlong Continent or leave the Yanlong Continent.

That person, slowly opened his mouth, "She is leaving, I have no reason to stop."

"If you want to see the law of eclipse, I can help you."

Xiao Yi nodded, "Thanks."

That person, slowly condensing his fingers, but the silk dragon flames drifted away like smoke, and then reclusive in the space.

Xiao Yi was surprised.

Looking at it with the naked eye, this understatement seemed to easily burn the space with dragon flames, and then directly connected to the void world.

If he releases his perception at this moment, he will even be able to see a torrent of dragon flame, like a river of flames, extending to the top of the void.

"Down." That person spit out lightly.


It was as if Long Yan was taking the lead, and it was more like Long Yan imprisoning and sucking, a law that instantly descended from the void along Long Yan.

Inside the huge Yanlong Cave, a huge black gas storm surged for a while, dark and cold.

But in a flash, the storm was so small that it was only a few meters long and wide, and it was no longer cold under the scorching dragon flames.

Black air, only darkness, that is its essence.

"Awesome." Xiao Yi secretly exclaimed.

He remembered that this person said that if he needs the strongest fire of heaven and earth, it can be condensed and nurtured directly by the law.

The strongest fire of heaven and earth was born from heaven and earth, and it took hundreds of millions of years to be born.

Therefore, for any creature in the endless void, the supreme fire of the heavens and the earth is an absolute opportunity to meet the unforgettable.

But in this mouth, it only takes a few hundred years to be conceived and born.

So he was convinced that it was not difficult for the person in front of him to absorb a law of the void.

Now, the law of dignified Yin Origin Beast can't turn over half of the wind and waves in this Yanlong Cave.

This is the power of this person, is it the ability of this level?

After doing everything, that person, withdrew his finger, no more movement.

In the billowing black air, a woman stared at that person coldly, "Yanlong."

In the woman's eyes, it was all fierce and cold.

And this fierceness was precisely caught by Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's heart was even more disturbed, how could such a murderous thing be implicated in Yiyi.

Xiao Yi's eyes changed, and the eyes of the lunar sun condensed.

The figure directly stepped into the billowing black air that was several meters long and wide.

It wasn't until he stepped in completely that he saw the woman in the black qi. The whole body was made of black qi, but she was innocent.

The woman was obviously startled, and turned to look at Xiao Yi coldly, "Soul Emperor..."


A strong palm gripped the woman's throat tightly.

Xiao Yi stared coldly, "I advise you not to change anything."

"If you are a real Void Origin Beast, I will not only do nothing against you, I am afraid I will have to run away."

"But you are just a law, I will kill you easily."

When the words fell, Xiao Yi's eyes condensed, an invisible whirlpool condensed out of thin air.

The invisible vortex bound the woman, who instantly couldn't move, and instantly showed fear.

The whole body was black, suddenly half as if being burned by hot flames, quickly collapsed; half, as if trapped in a dark vortex, almost about to collapse.

The woman, in that moment, put away all the fierceness in her eyes, and no longer resisted.

Xiao Yi nodded in satisfaction, and the eyes of the lunar sun continued to stare tightly.

"It turns out that the law originally exists in the void, the trajectory is imprinted in the void, and the law is everywhere in itself."

Xiao Yi's eyes of the lunar sun can see through the law, and can see everything in the nature of the law.

What he saw in his eyes was a retrospect of pictures.

It is everything Yiyi has experienced in the past nine months, bit by bit, every second.

For a long while.

After seeing everything, Xiao Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It's fine if it's okay."

Xiao Yi looked at that person, "Is there a way to get this dark and dangerous law away from Yiyi?"

The person shook his head, "You seem to have misunderstood something."

"It's not that the law of eclipse yin followed that girl, but the girl let the law come while waving his hand."

Xiao Yi frowned, "Why does Yiyi have such an ability?"

"It is impossible for her to drive the law of the Void Origin Beast."

The man said solemnly, "I don't mean that I know everything."

"Besides, you don't have to worry that this law will harm that girl."

"The law of martial arts, like the world, has no thoughts, but it does have its own thoughts."

"This idea lies in the fact that they operate and circulate in accordance with the rules of play."

"In other words, its thoughts are only to protect that girl. This is its instinct."

Xiao Yi frowned, "But after all, it is a fierce thing."

"Scattered." The one whispered softly.

The black energy dissipated in an instant, and no longer existed.


The first is more.

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