Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4410: Kendo, nine extremes

"It's done." Xiao Yi smiled slightly.

This also means that since he entered the endless void at the beginning of the year, today, nine years later, his martial arts cultivation base has finally stepped into the peak of the sovereign realm.

His qi fountain and small world are the foundation of his normal martial arts cultivation.

His martial arts cultivation is finally equal to Bajue and Modao cultivation.

Bajue, although at the emperor level, they are also at the peak of the emperor realm.

"Sovereign realm peak." Xiao Yi squeezed a strong fist and glanced at Zidian next to him.

He is a sword repairer.

At the beginning, in the endless void, he was helpless, there was no other sign of kendo, so he stopped practicing kendo.

But the cultivation of Bajue only needs enough cultivation resources, so he chose this as his capital for walking in the void.

Today, he is back.

He had also known for a long time that even if he stopped practicing Swordsmanship and only cultivated Bajue, as long as the Bajue level was up, it would only be a matter of course for him to return to re-cultivation of Swordsmanship in the future.

Just as he was cultivated at the peak of the Sovereign Realm, his Poison Dao is still weak, but if he wants, as long as he has enough training resources, he can cultivate the Poison Dao to the Peak of the Sovereign Realm in a short time at any time.

Now Kendo is the same.

Xiao Yinei looked at the small world in his body, the nine powerful signs of kendo.

There are far more than nine kendos in the small world in his body; however, only these nine are the framework of the small world, a complete martial arts that absorbs the power of heaven and earth.

Only the complete martial art after absorbing the power of heaven and earth can be used as the support for the foundation of cultivation.

Nine kendos, the first killing kendo, needless to say.

There is no need to say more about Star Swordsmanship.

And the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, Jifeng Sword, Leilin Sword, Firelin Sword, and Water and Air Sword; they happened to be realized in the land of the four ancestors.

In fact, he had realized it back then, but he had not been able to find the fit point of these four signs of kendo, so he hesitated whether to use it as his foundation and completely control it.

Now, he has found it.

And he just needed the fit of these four ancestors' martial arts and kendo, so as to resonate the space and have that space means.

Xiao Yi looked inside and thought slightly.

Huolin Swordsmanship, in fact, like Leilin Swordsmanship, is not in the kendo rankings, but belongs to the legendary kendo.

Moreover, the kendo ranking, in fact, since there is a ranking, it must be man-made.

And since it is an artificial ranking, how can it include all Kendo?

Who dares to say knows all the swordsmanship in the world?

Sword Emperor? No, the sword emperor is just equivalent to the entire sword river.

However, the long river of kendo will derive ‘branches’ in contact with other long rivers of martial arts.

These ‘branches’ are the new martial arts, which is the so-called fusion of martial arts.

There are thousands of martial arts, and the integration is endless.

Who would dare to know everything and give a ranking that includes them all?

If anyone dares, then I am afraid it is Valkyrie.

Huolin Kendo belongs to the fusion of Fire Dao and Kendo, but the combination of the two is the guardian law of Fire Qilin.

In other words, the fire-lin kendo is a fusion of the three martial arts, namely the fire-dao, kendo and the law of the fire-lin; it is not a pure blend of sword and fire.

This kendo does not mean that Xiao Yi can blend sword and fire completely, but it can give him a certain reference.

As for Shuikong Kendo, he actually realized it.

Through the fusion of kendo and water ancestor's way, the meeting point of the two is the way of space.

Yes, this kendo is a means of space.

The seventh article is Bingming Swordsmanship. Needless to say, this is the fusion of Swordsmanship and Bingmingyouhuo; he himself controls Bingmingyouhuo. This swordsmanship will probably be more effective than Huolin Swordsmanship. .

The eighth article, Dadi Jiandao, he realized when he went to the Huo Clan at the beginning of the year, but it was only now that he really understood it completely.

The ninth article, the supreme kendo, itself ranks the second kendo in the world, second only to the Dazizu kendo.

And the most important thing for Xiao Yi to choose this kendo is that he has a fancy that the supreme kendo can fit all the martial arts in the world.

In the monarchy, every symbol of martial art needs to be cautious.

And the ninth article is naturally prudence among prudence.

The supreme kendo can be used as a fit for the other eight signs of kendo.

"Finally, the peak of the monarch realm, should I take the road of the emperor?" Xiao Yi had a little thought.

In fact, when his kendo cultivation base stepped into the peak of the monarchy, he was already an invincible monarchy, and at the same time an ultimate monarchy.

At the peak of the monarchy, if there is a heavenly person, it is the invincible monarchy.

His kendo was originally one of the ten heavenly paths.

At the pinnacle of the monarchy, there are nine all-in-one heavenly paths, which are the ultimate monarchy.

In his small world, there are nine all-in-one kendos.

Therefore, the moment he became the peak of the Sovereign Realm, he was already in the Ultimate Sovereign Realm.

Then the next step is the emperor.

There are six ways of heaven, each with nine.

This is not difficult for him.

For the remaining five types, he randomly chooses the fire path, soul path, formation path, medicine path...that's it.

Let these martial arts, he can directly ingest them in the Eight Extinctions.

Like the divine fire vein, as a burning demon, it contains a large number of fire paths.

Xiao Yi thought slightly.

If he had expected it back then, when he returned and re-established his kendo, everything was just a matter of course.

If he is willing, he may be able to step into the emperor level in kendo within a few days.

"It doesn't seem to make much sense." Xiao Yi thought secretly.

"I have reached the peak of the emperor realm, and can directly attack the emperor realm normally."

Bajue is a special way, so there is no need to attack the emperor realm.

His kendo belongs to the path of normal cultivation, and if he wants to break through, he has to hit the emperor realm.

"Before I hit the emperor realm, there was another obstacle..." Xiao Yi suddenly remembered something.

He was staring at his little world.

In the small world, the Qiquan's vitality is full, it can be a little overflowing.

Although his qi fountain is huge, far surpassing other warriors, every tenth of his vitality grows and he needs more power.

But in comparison, it is even far inferior to the practice of Bajue.

Although he used the law of reincarnation more than half a month ago to return directly from the clouds to the underworld, it cost him tens of millions of spiritual veins, and almost exhausted the spiritual veins in his universe ring.

But he still has a few million remaining spiritual veins.

It is his small world that really needs the terrifying power of spiritual veins.

Whenever he reached the end of a great realm...then...the iceberg and the sea of ​​flames should also come.

He had to fill up his small world first, then a sea of ​​icebergs and flames appeared, and then fill it up, before he could attack the Emperor Realm.

This is probably where the huge and exaggerated spiritual veins are really needed.

However, Xiao Yi today is not as troubled as before.

He has his own blood inflammation world power.

After he created the blood flame realm power, he really discovered how amazing it is when all the power of a big power is used to support the cultivation of a creature.

He is not as good as the Three Leagues in the blood inflammation world.

But the power of the Three Leagues needs to support a large amount of combat power in the Three Leagues themselves, as well as the endless battle consumption.

But his blood inflammation realm belonged to Xiao Yi alone.

"I shouldn't worry about the spiritual pulse for the time being." Xiao Yi thought secretly, and smiled secretly.

"The icebergs and blazes that have appeared at the end of the Great Realm all the time. I want to come this time. It appears the fastest and disappears the fastest."

Xiao Yi didn't think too much, put away his distracting thoughts, and practiced again with all his strength.

After going to Tianyu, the remaining time, a few days later, he must have enough preparation.


Third more.

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