Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4412: Inheritance of the King of Ming, all the heavens know

Although those territories where the heavens existed near themselves had already been given up, the blood flame world was far away.

However, no matter how far away, as long as it is not leaving this star field, it will not really be too far away for a great emperor.

It's just not possible to arrive in a moment or three, but it will never be too long.

Emperor Jinye banged his punch.

On the sky, there seemed to be a huge gold leaf falling from the sky, and it would destroy the earth to pieces.

But at this moment.


A ray of white light instantly covered the combat power of a group of blood inflammation circles.

White light flashed by.

The blood inflammation world belonged to, disappeared in the same place out of thin air.


In the other star field, the same crisis is erupting, but the same turning point is also happening.


A ray of white light shrouded in an instant.

The branch of the blood inflammation realm, for a while, is as solid as a golden soup.

The strongmen of the Cold Abyss Alliance and the coalition forces of all the forces that attacked around, mighty, but were immediately blocked.

"Huh? Heaven and earth support?"

"What's going on, it's already far beyond the power of ten percent."


Blood inflammation world, in front of the mansion of the master.

Wow... a white light flashed by.

The combat power belonging to the blood flame world that disappeared before appeared out of thin air.

Upon seeing Li Shi, the one-eyed bald head nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It seems that everyone is fine." Li Shi nodded.

One-eyed bald head chuckled, "Fortunately, the adults left behind."

"In every turf, you can mobilize the support that far exceeds ten percent of the world's power at any time."

"Unless it is those special emperors who are among the top ten in the void, or the emperor Xiaocheng himself has committed the crime."

"Otherwise, all the sites will be solid, so don't worry."

"And if this level of combat power emerges, the combat power in various territories can also flee instantly."

"We belong to the blood inflammation realm, and more than 500 sites have long become a huge transmission network."

"Although I don't know how the adults did it in the first place, in all dangers, the combat power of various territories can directly rely on the power of heaven and earth, if you are in a teleportation formation, shuttle to other territories.

"Unless we have more than 500 sites under our command, all of them will be destroyed in an instant; the world of more than 500 stars will all be turned into ashes at the same time."

"Otherwise, no one can help us at all."

Li Shi nodded, "My lord's ability is amazing."

"It's just that once these combat powers are gone, the original site is equivalent to giving up."

The one-eyed bald head nodded, "This is no way."

"My lord once told me that if one day he goes outside and he is no longer there, and the territory has really reached that irresistible step, then..."

The one-eyed bald-headed face was solemn, and he said solemnly, "My lord said, he would rather not want these sites, but also save your lives."

"Wait." One-eyed bald head gritted his teeth, "My lord will definitely come back. By then, kill all these bits and pieces and avenge us."


Clouds over the heavens.

Inside the palace of the emperors of the heavens.

The emperor's throne is now seated by the Xuyuan emperor.

The Emperor Yuntu stood respectfully on one side.

At this moment, Emperor Xuyuan looked at the file information in his hand, his face instantly ugly.

"Bastard stuff, a bunch of waste."

"The emperors of all the heavens, the major powers, why can't he help the blood flame world power?"

On one side, Emperor Yuntu arched his hands and said, "Emperor Xuyuan calms down his anger."

"That Yixiao evil thief, indeed, has monstrous means, it is hard to do anything."

"This son is known as a wise man. With this unpredictable method, it is not easy for us to destroy the blood inflammation world."

"Joke." Emperor Xuyuan snorted coldly.

"In the face of absolute strength, all calculations are just a joke."

"It's better to say that you are useless."

Emperor Xuyuan squinted his eyes, "Every guy is frightened by his fierce name, and he didn't try his best."

"If these forces of the heavens, the overlord force, really come out, it will be easy for him to turn the power of the blood flame world into ashes."

"Okay, very good." Emperor Xuyuan's face was gloomy, "In that case, I will add a fire to you."

"Hmph, this emperor knows why the power of the Blood Flame Realm has risen rapidly."

"With the legendary Ming Wang inheritance, he can cultivate a large number of strong men in a short period of time."

"Ming Wang inheritance, our Tianyu doesn't care much."

"But this thing is something that even the major void overlords are flocking to."

"The entire Infinite Void, all the Void Emperor, all the Void Overlord forces are going to deal with his blood inflammation realm, I see how his blood inflammation realm forces can still live."

On the one hand, the emperor Yuntu's face changed drastically, "Ming King's Inheritance? The legendary Ming King's Inheritance?"

"That is hailed as the most splendid, brightest, and most dazzling existence in the world..."

Emperor Xuyuan sneered and interrupted, "Yes, that's the Ming King."

"The former lord of the first heavens is almost comparable to the king of heaven."

"That share is known as the most precious Void Secret Treasure."

Emperor Yuntu's face changed drastically, but his heart was secretly horrified, "Could it be that at that time..."

Emperor Yuntu suddenly recalled the battle that day, the day when the one-eyed bald head and those elites appeared.

"Damn it." Emperor Yuntu cursed inwardly.

If he knew about this early and took this secret as his own, then...this most precious void artifact would be his possession.

He clouded the heavens, so why can't he rise up strong.

He Yuntu Emperor, why can't he not break through the realm of Consummation? No, even the realm of the void, or even the supreme.

Why does he need to borrow the help of Tianyu again, why is he now begging for mercy in front of Tianyu, waiting for alms.

In front of this most precious and dazzling void artifact, all obstacles are just jokes.

The emperor of Yuntu had a deep hatred in his heart for a while.

Although Emperor Yuntu didn't speak, he only hated him, but all the changes in his complexion were clearly seen by Emperor Xuyuan.

"Haha." Emperor Xuyuan sneered.

"Emperor Yuntu, I really want this Void Secret Treasure."

"I said, our Tianyu will not care too much."

"This emperor doesn't have the idle time to pay attention to the forces of the blood inflammation world."

"Three days later, on the day of my young master's wedding, I have to rush to the cold world."

"Calculate the time, I just have this hurry time left."

Emperor Xuyuan's face was full of playfulness, "Release this news and declare to the heavens."

"The inheritance of King Ming is in the hands of the blood flame circles."

"Whoever has the ability can take it away."

"Of course, including your Yuntu Emperor."

Upon hearing the words, the emperor Yuntu flashed light in his eyes, and even a fierce light flashed by.

This news will surely spread throughout the heavens and worlds in an instant, and then shake the entire heavens and worlds.

As the first person to know the news, he naturally has a greater opportunity.

"Emperor Xie Xuyuan." Emperor Yuntu knelt down on one knee, showing gratitude.

"Go." Emperor Xuyuan sneered jokingly, "After I finish attending the young master's wedding banquet, I will come again next time. I hope I can already hear the good news of the destruction of the blood flame world."


The second is more.

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