Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4414: On departure

"My son, it's time to eat."

Not far behind, Yiyi's soft call interrupted Xiao Yi's thinking.

"Okay, here it is." Xiao Yi stopped practicing and walked to the stone table.

Swaggering and sitting down on the stone bench, the son's robe swung loosely and fell lightly with the wind.

Even if it is so swaying and casual, it always seems so elegant and unparalleled.

The stone table has been set up long ago, and it is full of dishes that even if you just look at the aroma, you will know that it is a peerless delicacy.

Xiao Yi's gaze fell on a dish of fish first.

He even held the chopsticks and clamped a piece.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi took a bite and was taken aback.

Yiyiqiao smiled and looked at Xiao Yi.

"Tsk tusk." Xiao Yi exclaimed, "The fish itself is very delicious. When I took a bite, I just took a bite and it was very crispy."

"I just want to taste it, and it melts in the mouth, it is extremely tender, the meat is juicy, and it slips into the throat and the deliciousness still echoes between the teeth."

"How did you do it?"

"That's right." Xiao Yi remembered instantly, "I said a few days ago that I wanted to eat fish. I also caught it in the lake, but I didn't eat it until today."

Yiyi smiled, "In fact, it's not as complicated as the son imagined."

"The fish that the son caught a few days ago, I just chilled it for three days first."

"In the past three days, I have been boiling the soup again, boil it lightly day and night until it becomes thick."

Xiao Yi looked at the plate and asked in confusion, "But I didn't see the thick soup."

"It's sticky, but you can't eat it."

Yiyi smiled, "The son first listen to me and finish."

"Fish, chilled for three days; the soup, boiled for three days and concentrated into a thick."

"At this time, Fang put the soup to a boil and started to put the fish."

"The fish is extremely cold, and the soup is extremely hot. When the hot and cold meet, the soup will automatically pour into the fish, just like a trickle, and it will be filled with rivers, permeating every minute of the fish."

"The soup is thick at first, but the fish is extremely cold and has a frosty atmosphere. When it encounters heated water, it will directly dilute the thick soup."

Yiyi smiled and said, "This fish will take longer to prepare, and the actual cooking time is less than the time for a cup of tea."

"It just so happens that the fish is cooked, but not too late."

"Heh." Xiao Yi smiled, "I see."

Yiyi smiled, "I think there is a very good sentence in the recipe record of Zhongyu. It is delicious in the world, it should be unpretentious."

"A delicacy is not cooked in a complicated and colorful way at all."

"It should be, whether it is adequately prepared."

"For this fish, it takes a longer time to prepare, ice it for three days and boil the juice for another three days; after that, it really takes less than a cup of tea to start cooking."

Yiyi continued, "Although we warriors have a lot of abilities, maybe we can make a lot of delicious dishes with a wave of hands."

"But in fact, if there is no time to prepare, everything is in vain.

Xiao Yi smiled.

He knew that there were more books in Yiyi Qiankun Ring, perhaps more books on cooking than martial arts.

Such as Zhongyu Recipe Record, Famous Food Record of Sixteen Countries, Three Thousand Region Recipe...

And this is almost Yiyi's only interest.

At the dinner table, Xiao Yi felt a gust of wind, "adding food."

Yiyi smiled, "The son ate today several times more than usual."

"Eh." Xiao Yi smiled, "I'm very hungry today."

"Okay." Yiyi took the rice bowl and went to add food.


In the midday afternoon, Xiao Yi ate a little full, sitting lazily next to each other, taking a sip of fragrant tea from time to time, watching the blue sky and white clouds quietly.

He is full of himself.

Because this should be his last meal after returning this time.

He is about to leave.

He has enough preparations.

Xiao Yi glanced at the file information in his hand, and then took it back.

The emperor Yelin was just a realm of great achievement, a half-step peak.

It is not difficult for him to kill it.

Fire Road? Do not.

The fire is too powerful and the action is too big.

Moreover, if his combat power is fully deployed, it is not difficult to defeat a great emperor, and it will still take a lot of effort to kill it.

Therefore, what he has to rely on is his kendo!

In fact, his kendo strength will be far inferior to his fire dao...It should be said that it is a world of difference.

The fire road is strong because the Bajue Consummation is because of the various powerful flames, because of the supreme martial skills, plus the rising dragon and the five true meanings.

This is nothing more than having the sixth and fifth fighting power on the Void Emperor's List.

What really increased his strength was the increase in the reincarnation of the Nine Suns, which gave him the absolute second strength in the void, comparable to the Emperor Dacheng.

But what about Kendo?

The only thing that can be obtained is the nine ultimate and powerful symbolic kendos.

Based on this alone, he definitely has the strength of the emperor, and he is one of the most powerful ones.

But that's it.

You know, he is just the pinnacle of the Sovereign Realm, the ultimate Sovereign Realm, and at best, he is the emperor.

If there is a sea of ​​icebergs and flames, he can definitely become a special person in an instant, but it is still unknown where he can rank.

The gap in the emperor realm, as the last great realm of the martial road, is terribly huge.

Moreover, the iceberg and the sea of ​​flames may not be afraid of the increase in the reincarnation of the nine suns.

Not to mention, he still has no icebergs.

But... he has the only advantage over Huo Dao; that is, he has a sword and a powerful sacred weapon, Zidian.

But Huo Dao, he didn't have a holy weapon.

In addition, he also has a hole card, one that can burst out in an instant, temporarily exceeding the increase of the Nine Suns Reincarnation.

Three cold palms, killing gods!

In the body, that blood bead.

No one knows how many evil cultivators he killed and how many strong evil cultivators he absorbed during that period of time.

million? Still ten million? Still billions?

Moreover, this is the all-powerful.

The power contained in this blood bead is so powerful that he can feel it, and it can surpass his Fire Dao strength.

If it is said, Nine Suns Reincarnation is the strongest increase in his Fire Dao strength.

Then, Killing God's bloodline would be the strongest increase in his kendo strength.

Counting the purple lightning and the power in this blood bead burst out, enough to kill a half-step peak emperor.

This purple electricity, but the one who exhausted his mind to refine it.

This blood bead is equivalent to the words of the god-killing bloodline with the god-killing ability under the crown of the first generation of soul emperor.

Under the outbreak of the two, if you can't kill a half-step peak emperor, then it is a ghost.

He never worried that he could not kill Emperor Ye Lin.

What he worries about is whether he can retreat completely.

Killing in the heavens? It is still a Tianjiao who must be protected by the strong ring?

Killing someone, can he escape?

Before, he was not sure.

But after the fourth ancestor broke through the air, he had this certainty.

"The marriage partner is dead, I see how you still marry the heavens." Xiao Yi's heart was cold.

Yes, this is his solution.

He asked himself why he couldn't help the world.

But how difficult is it to kill a creature?

Drink the tea in a cup.

Xiao Yi's figure rose from here.

Turning around, but seeing a pair of beautiful eyes behind him, it seemed that the graceful shadow, only looking at him quietly, with a slight smile.


The first is more.

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