Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4422: The Arrival of Deep Cold Guard

Mother and son meet again and talk all night long, all recounting, it is always tiring.

Day after day, in this small building, there are laughter from time to time, but it is almost always a clear and sweet voice of a woman, and a male voice that is a little cold despite the smile.

Xiao Chenfeng always watched the conversation between mother and son with a wry smile. Among the hundred sentences, it was difficult to insert a sentence, which was a bit embarrassing.

But in any case, he has longed for the warmth of a family of three in this little Zhuzhu, and he has been looking forward to it for decades.

He never expected that the husband and wife reunion, father and son reunion, mother and son reunion that he had longed for for many years and worked hard for them were completed by the child who he never had hoped for in the past, showing up in that amazing way.

Yes, he has never placed hope on the child who stayed in Zhongyu that year.

But this kind of hope just never thought that he could one day become a strong man, able to cross the endless dangers and set foot in the void, and even break the reputation of shaking the heavens and the world in the void.

Of course, he still has hope for the child, but it is only the love of the father. The simplest thing is to hope that the child will be safe and happy, so he named the word ‘yi’.


On the dinner table, those light gruel and meals gradually turned into huge pieces of meat.


The golden and crispy roasted meat has a fragrant aroma.

The female emperor of the cold realm smiled, "Before Yi'er, you said you can only barbecue, I thought you were just talking about it casually."

"How did you do it? Is it because of your extraordinary fire control ability?"

"I feel that the barbecue you cook is much better than what I ate in Taihan Palace back then."

Xiao Yi chuckled lightly, "If it tastes delicious, eat more."

"You have been light for a few days, but your body has actually recovered more than half of it, so you can live and replenish.

Xiao Chenfeng smiled lightly, "Yi'er, these barbecues are cooked in the way of secular medicated food."

"With your medicinal skills, you add a lot of rare natural materials and treasures to complement each other. These barbecues seem to be common, but I am afraid you are all the ones who took great pains."

When Xiao Yi heard the words, his face was cold and ignored.

Xiao Chenfeng lowered his head awkwardly.

The Empress of the Cold Realm chuckled lightly, alleviating the embarrassment, "I heard Yi'er say that he is proficient in medicine, but I don't know how far he has reached."

"Very strong." Xiao Chenfeng said earnestly, "If he is placed in the Yanlong Region, besides that one, he is definitely the number one pharmacist in the mainland."

"Even if it is placed in the heavens and ten thousand realms, the ordinary emperor realm alchemist in front of him, I am afraid it is just a joke."

"Also, he can't refine those pill prescriptions and medicines that are far more advanced than his medicinal path cultivation."

"All the pill prescriptions and medicines he can refine, as well as his own understanding of the path of medicine, far surpass the alchemists of the heavens."

Xiao Chenfeng said solemnly, "As far as I know of the well-known pharmacists in the heavens and all realms, there are not five of them who can crush Yi'er."

"It also includes the Yaoguang female emperor of the Yaoguang clan."

Upon hearing the words, the female emperor of the cold realm was full of joy, but more of that was still pride, "Is Yi'er so powerful?"

The Empress of the Cold Realm looked at Xiao Yi with gleaming eyes.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "It's okay."

The female emperor of the cold realm questioned in surprise, "How did Yi'er's outstanding medicinal skills be tempered? Who is it from whom?"

Xiao Yi was about to answer.

Xiao Chenfeng looked serious, and said first, "Hundreds of training become gold."

"As far as I know, Yi'er doesn't have a master, but she tries her best to make progress on the path of medicine."

"The strong are extraordinary, and those who can heal must first do it themselves."

"Yi'er's terrifying medicine skills must be self-medicating and diligent from the countless injuries he suffered on the way of growing up."

"His own physical body and injuries are his biggest groping, healer."

Upon hearing the words, the female emperor of the cold realm turned pale, and looked at Xiao Yi, "Really?"

Xiao Chenfeng's expression was startled, and he wanted to praise Xiao Yi, but he obviously said something wrong and didn't say anything.

Xiao Yi chuckled, did not answer, only put a piece of meat into the bowl of the female emperor of the cold realm, "eat first."


A family of three, gossiping about it, but more often, it is natural to talk about the past decades of this separation.

Xiao Yi, in fact, there is no other question.

Almost the Empress of the Cold Realm and Xiao Chenfeng were asking about him, and he answered.

The female emperor of the cold realm can always tell the reason why she left in the past, and the reason why she stayed in the middle domain.

The cause of the path of fate, the anger of the irresistible emperor, the sorrow of the emperor's blood that day.

Obviously, she was explaining.

She tried to reduce the coldness in Xiao Yi's heart.

And Xiao Yi always only chuckled.

This woman, except for the excitement in the first few days, when she returned to normal, this was what she should look like, extremely intelligent.

The faint explanation, faint words, is a wise woman, and at the same time the subtle warmth of a mother.

That feeling is different from the kind of care and love given to him by the third elder of the Xiao family, or the sense of care and love given to him by other elders.

Some are similar, but there is obviously an unspeakable difference. it the feeling of the family, the feeling given by the loved ones?

Xiao Yi is not quite sure.

But that kind of feeling, my heart is warm, and sometimes there are warmths flowing by.


day to day.

Those ordinary days were dull and warm.

The mind of the Empress of the Cold Realm is getting more and more recuperating and recovering.

Xiao Chenfeng gradually became less embarrassed.

Xiao Yi's smile was a little bit extra.

Calculating the time, the family of three has been in this remote starry small mountain house for one month.

In other words, it has been a month since leaving the sky.

Inside the small building.

Xiao Yi brought a bowl of decoction. From the direct pill at the beginning to the warmth of the decoction now, the condition of the female emperor of the cold realm is obviously getting better.

The female emperor of the cold realm had just taken the decoction and was about to drink it, her body trembled suddenly.

Those trembling hands almost smashed the decoction.

Xiao Yi's eyes suddenly cold.

Xiao Chenfeng frowned suddenly.

Outside, there was an icy breath, and judging the number of breaths, it was obvious that there were a lot of people.

The Empress of the Cold Realm put down the medicine bowl and laughed sadly, "This day, it is always here."

"Shuang'er." Xiao Chenfeng's complexion was complex, and he hugged the Empress of the Cold Realm tightly, only soft and affectionate in his eyes.

Xiao Yi's figure disappeared instantly.

Outside, a loud voice came, "Shen Hanwei, the second captain, Bai Zhi, welcome the empress back to the palace."

The incoming person is Shenhanwei, directly under the emperor of heaven, the heavenly guard, one of the strongest military forces in the endless void.


In the air, there was a crisp sword sound.

A purple streamer flashed past.

"What a fast sword." A young man had a different color in his eyes. When he caught the purple streamer in the air, the tip of the sword had reached his throat.

The young man stared.

The one holding the sword is a handsome young man with a graceful figure, but the sword is extremely sharp, almost to the extreme.

"Do you roll yourself, or am I throwing your corpses back into the Taihan Palace?" Xiao Yi looked directly at him coldly.

At the same time, he was also a little surprised.

Outside of Xiaozhu, a group of dozens of people, all wearing uniform standard armor.

This young man is the only one who wears regular clothes and is also a leader.

The young man glanced at the sharp sword in front of his throat, but he didn't fear at all, and chuckled instead, "I'll stop at Xiabai."

"Suwen the name of the realm master of the blood inflammation world."

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Baizhi, but I have never heard of it."

"Not qualified to appear in my ears."


The first is more.

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