Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4430: In the Realm Lord's Mansion, can you catch it with one's hands?

"So, am I the same now?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

The man shook his head, "Listen to me first."

"In this space, there is power; whether it is in the normal world or in the endless void."

"These forces can't be seen or touched, but they are really hindering the living beings."

"This is the power of space."

"So in a normal world, a warrior must have a Saint-Venerable cultivation base, and have enough space to resonate in order to travel through space."

"In the endless void, the power of this space will be stronger and greater, and the obstacles will naturally be greater."

"Therefore, only the cultivation base of the Void Emperor will have enough space to resonate, so as to travel through the void, that is, to cross the void."

"This is the essence of Void Crossing."

"The real crossing of the void is a means given by the cultivation base, and the cultivation base is strong enough to offset the obstacles of this spatial force."

Xiao Yi listened carefully, and suddenly, "So me, don't belong to the void crossing, are they?"

"Yeah." The person nodded, "including me, Emperor Underworld, the first generation of soul emperor, etc., the same."

"When I was in the emperor, I was able to cross the void, but that was not a true cross."

"This is our own special."

"I don't need to say any more, the dragon race has the strongest spatial talent among creatures."

"Normal dragons, black dragons and his ilk, this spatial talent is only useful in the normal world."

"And the five dragons are born with the ability to shuttle in the void. This is my special."

That person continued, "And the monster of Emperor Ming, before he is completely strong, it is also growing step by step, and has also experienced the level of emperor."

"But he has been playing the idea of ​​the law of reincarnation from the beginning, and he has some control."

"At that time, the law of reincarnation was still circulating in the entire endless void. He controlled a certain law of reincarnation, so he could walk through the law of void circulation based on this."

"So to be precise, it's not crossing the void, it's just wandering through the power to achieve the effect of fast travel."

That person paused, and continued, "The same goes for the first generation of soul emperor."

"The law of time is everywhere."

"He is in the void, wandering in the power of time, and he has also achieved the equivalent of crossing the void."

Xiao Yi was startled, "Just like Yiyi?"

He knew that Yiyi could cross the void in the dark, but he didn't know what was going on.

The person nodded, "I don't know what's going on with her."

"But she also uses the same method, wandering in the dark, achieving the same effect as crossing the void."

"Void, where the darkness is, is where the shuttle is."

"Outside the darkness, she can't cross."

"How special are the two Demon Ancestors?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

The person replied, "They are the most special. They are not power wandering, but space jumps. To be precise, they are star jumps."

"They are equivalent to the earth."

"With the resonance of the earth, they can jump freely in various star spaces."

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath, "So powerful?"

"What about mine?"

"I feel that my method is quite different."

"Space shuttles, but it's not qualitative, and I don't know where it will go."

"The void is crossing, the speed is fast, but it can't be completely matched."

The one chuckled, "After you leave, you can try to join the earth kendo that you control and try it."

"What will happen?" Xiao Yi asked.

The one replied, "The star jumps equal to the demon ancestor."

"But this is the natural ability of the Demon Ancestor."

"And yours is a spatial means created by the fusion of the four ancestors, so it will be inferior."

"The effect is similar, but not pure enough."

That person has the strongest spatial talent.

Emperor Ming is wandering in reincarnation.

The first generation of soul emperor wandered in time.

The two demon ancestors are jumping in the stars.

Before the endless years, they had achieved the equivalent of crossing the void without the master of the void.

Now, Xiao Yi has done it, although only the effect is similar to that of the two demon ancestors.

However, this is obviously a pleasant surprise, an unexpected harvest.

"Thanks senior, goodbye." Xiao Yi arched his hands, somewhat eager to try.

The man chuckled and stopped talking.


Xiao Yi crossed the endless void for a while.

"The speed is really fast, much faster than my full-speed flight and the increase of the floating shuttle, but it is still not as good as the teleportation array, and it is not as good as the real void crossing."

"I'm flying back to the blood inflammation world like this, I'm afraid it will take several years."

If you change to normal flight, I am afraid that you will not be able to return to the blood inflammation world for thousands of years.

And if it is the true Emperor of the Void, crossing the Void, it may be done in a few days.

He is now, it will take several years.


Xiao Yi cut out with a sword, and then cut out a space channel.

But this time, he didn't cut it out with pure sword aura, but with the sword aura condensed by Earth Sword Dao.

At this moment, he was stunned.

"This perception is...?" Xiao Yi squinted.

When he used Earth Sword Dao to use the method of the Four Ancestor Breaking the Sky, he actually felt the aura of stars beyond the long void distance, no, it should be said that it was the aura of the earth.

The fourth ancestor broke through the air, splitting layers of space barriers, and his earthly swordsmanship resonated with the earthly breath of the stars.

"So that's it, I understand." Xiao Yi was completely stunned.

"My simple fourth ancestor broke through the sky, just chopping a space channel."

"But with the addition of earth swordsmanship, I can instantly perceive the aura of the stars and earth around me."

"This breath of the earth is a space of connected dots."

"Based on this, you can shuttle qualitatively and accurately land on the other end of the space."

Xiao Yi tried.

Step into the cracks of space.

When he appeared again, he was already on a barren star.

Xiao Yi looked again, split the space, stepped into it, and reappeared. It was already within a world of normal stars nearby.

Whoosh whoosh...

As long as he is fast enough without stopping, then he can do it as if he disappears into the place out of thin air, jumping directly with the stars.

Try again and again, become familiar again and again, become more proficient, more adept, more precise, and faster.

Xiao Yi's figure leaped forward among the stars, "Happy, happy."

He can only jump in space from star to star, from this star to the next nearest star.

As for the demon ancestors and other methods, the pure star jumping talent, I am afraid it is jumping in any star at will.

Compared with that, Xiao Yi is far from it now.

However, he was also satisfied.

Leaping like this, I am afraid that he will pass through tens of thousands of normal stars and barren stars, but if he does it in a flash, he will be able to return to the blood inflammation realm within a few days.

After seven days and nights.

Xiao Yi's figure appeared out of thin air in the blood inflammation realm.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath and finally came back.

He specifically did not use the teleportation array, just to try and familiarize himself with this method better.

In these seven days, he found a problem.

In the void, in some places extremely far away, there is nothingness, there is no star at all, not even a barren star.

This kind of star is too far away from the next star, it is extremely difficult for him to jump in space.

Although it still jumped over, there was a lot of energy consumption.

In these seven days and seven nights, he spanned nearly a million stars, of course, most of them were barren stars.

And he was already crossing at the shortest distance of the Void Star Chart.

The Flame Dragon Region is astonishingly far away from the Blood Flame World.

"Who?" Suddenly, a cold breath came.

One-eyed bald head, staring coldly, and locked Xiao Yi.

"Some skills." One-eyed bald head slowly dropped his hand on the blindfold, preparing to slowly raise it.

"I was able to conceal the layers of defense of our Mansion, and my perception, coming silently."

"Did you obediently catch you, or did I kill you on the spot?"

"Huh?" Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, staring at the one-eyed bald head with bad eyes.


Third more.

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