Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4440: 22 ice patterns

Cultivation has already ended.

He wanted to continue to practice, but he would have no spiritual veins anymore, and of course, he couldn't gain any more.

"Huh." Xiao Yi took a deep breath.

The cultivation has been completed, of course he wants to begin to feel how far his current kendo strength has reached.

After a while, Xiao Yi frowned.

"Huh? It's not right, it's even weaker than my original Fire Dao strength." Xiao Yi frowned.

His Fire Dao strength is fully used for the increase, and with full combat power, he has the strength of a great emperor, half a step to the pinnacle.

But his current kendo strength is definitely weaker than that of Fire Dao.

Xiao Yi thought secretly.

The strength of the martial artist, the cultivation base is the foundation, and on this foundation, there are a series of factors such as martial soul, cultivation technique, martial skills, martial arts strength, sacred weapon and so on.

Kendo and Fire Dao, both of which are in their own control, can naturally be in contrast.

On Wuhun, Bingluan Sword Wuhun and Fire Control Beast Wuhun should belong to each other.

The fire control beast has the control of the fire road and the increase in power.

Bingluan sword has the control, control and power display increase in kendo.

The spirit of martial arts does not have to be condensed, it is used in the martial artist's body, and it is the most direct.

After all, Wuhun is the human talent of human warriors, and it is something that integrates with human warriors and accompanies it in a lifetime.

On the level of martial arts, the nine signs of kendo, kendo, should be stronger than the signs of fierce flames. In this regard, kendo is stronger.

But Huo Dao has an acquired Dao vein like the Divine Fire Vein, which is equivalent to the increase of Dao Body, and it fits incomparably.

Huo Dao, there are also two supreme martial arts to play.

And Kendo, there is nothing.

Regarding the sacred weapon, the fire road has a dawn bell, which is suitable for the **** tortoise not to put out the fire, and has become its strongest fire defense; the kendo has purple electricity, but it is really suitable for the battle, and it is only to deal with the Lei Lin kendo alone.

Therefore, when it comes to sacred objects, the two are equal.

As for Thang Long and Wu Jue True Meaning, this is the overall improvement of the whole body's strength, so it has the same increase in fire and kendo; but Thang Long, whether it is the true meaning of the black dragon or the true meaning of the flame dragon, is obviously acting on the fire. Stronger.

Therefore, this point is better than fire.

"Only this superficial contrast makes Sword Dao weak and Fire Dao a lot weaker." Xiao Yi whispered to himself.

However, now there is a sea of ​​icebergs and fires.

The increase of the iceberg and the sea of ​​fire is absolutely enough to smooth out all the previous increases that are not as good as the fire, and even directly surpass them.

Xiao Yi still remembered that his fire fighting power was only in the fifth category.

Even after Bajue's Consummation, it is only estimated that he will be able to draw a tie with the Blood Spirit Emperor.

But now, with the increase of the iceberg and the sea, his kendo strength can definitely be among the top three in the void.

No, it shouldn't be said about the increase, because the iceberg and the sea of ​​fire are the original strength in his small world, but it has become a solid state, so it is more powerful, and the explosion is more intense.

This shouldn't be called an increase, but is basically the strength he should have.

This is the horror of the iceberg and the sea of ​​fire.

Even if his kendo strength, no supreme martial skills, no Dao body, and without this series of increase, he directly has the third or second strength of the void.

Moreover, this is only his rough estimate.

Because the special person who has always been the lord of the wilderness is really difficult to judge.

However, now his Fire Dao strength, when fully opened, really surpasses the Lord of the Wild, comparable to the Emperor of Half Step Peak; and the beginning of all this is the time when his Nine Suns Reincarnation Art is consummated.

This is the answer.

"If you don't count the increase in the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, now that I have icebergs and fires, my kendo strength will surpass that of Huo Dao."

"But counting the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art, the strength of Sword Dao is suddenly exceeded by the strength of Fire Dao."

Xiao Yi squinted, but smiled.

He had an answer, but at the same time he had another better answer.

"Huo Dao, I have Nine Suns Reincarnation Art."

"Swordsmanship, I have the blood of killing gods." Xiao Yi smiled.

Once his bloodline of killing the gods is restored, his kendo strength will once again surpass the fire dao strength and become his strongest combat strength.

It's just that, now the blood bead in the body is dull and dull.

That blood bead is where the power of the bloodline of killing the gods lies.

The last time he killed Emperor Yelin, it was exhausted all of a sudden.

This is also the reason why he went to the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Firm this time to use fire fighting power instead of kendo.

The bloodline of Killing God was cultivated through the three cold palms left by King Fengxu.

This is not his bloodline, it can only be said that it is the acquired bloodline that he cultivated.

At the same time, this is just a force, which exists in the blood beads.

The bloodline of killing the gods, or the power of killing the gods, was indeed cultivated through the three cold palms, but this itself was the power of the blood.

It may be said that the bloodline of killing the gods is basically created by the king of Fengxu by developing, understanding and applying the blood to the extreme.

And what Xiao Yi now relies on to control the power of the bloodline of killing the gods is precisely the blood brake magic script created by the sword emperor that combines the kendo and the demon dao.

Therefore, killing the blood of the gods, the perfect fit will be his kendo, and it will become his kendo equivalent to the Nine Suns Reincarnation Art of the Fire Dao.

After thinking about everything, Xiao Yi nodded secretly.


Just at this moment, outside the realm master's mansion, the barrier under Xiao Yi was touched.

It was the one-eyed bald head back.

Xiao Yi stopped practicing completely, stood up, waved his big hand, and cleared the barrier.

This time, he practiced for one month.

In other words, the one-eyed bald head also left for a month.

"My lord." The barrier disappeared, and the one-eyed bald figure entered respectfully.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded, "What happened?"

One-eyed bald head smiled bitterly, "Sure enough, as you expected, my lord, going to these big powers to collect debts is extremely troublesome."

"I ran around this month, and I got back tens of millions of spiritual veins."

"So little?" Xiao Yi frowned instantly.

"My lord..." One-eyed bald head wanted to say something.

Xiao Yi raised his hand slightly to stop, "You take a trip and go to various branches to second some spiritual veins first."

"Counting the tens of millions of spiritual veins you've recovered, add it up..."

Xiao Yi paused and thought for a while. After a long while, Fang said, "Make up 50 million spiritual veins."

The one-eyed bald head was puzzled, "My lord is eager to use spiritual veins? Our blood inflammation world has tens of millions of spiritual veins savings, including the ones I just asked for..."

Xiao Yi waved his hand, "No, I just ran out."

"Anyway, you take a trip and collect 50 million spiritual veins to come back."

"Yes." Although the one-eyed bald head was puzzled, he still led away.

Before leaving, he handed over the tens of millions of soul veins he had recovered to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi sat down cross-legged again, felt the universe ring for a moment, frowned slightly, "32 million spiritual veins are more."

"Suck." Xiao Yi shouted in a low voice, and he quickly absorbed the spiritual veins again.

However, it is not absorbed into the body, but...

Between his arms, one by one, crystal clear lines, like snowflakes, appeared.

The spiritual veins were quickly absorbed by Xiao Yi and poured into it.


The first is more.

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