Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4445: Depressed Bloodline Talent

Xiao family land.

The quiet forest road, all the way to the end, is the back mountain.

No, it's not a mountain, but it's a bit more open, and it's a quiet place at the end of the forest road.


A gust of breeze passed by.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, the breeze is breezy and comfortable.

On the ground, two figures.

Together, sitting quietly.

One, covered in bandages, lying miserably.

"Hey." After all, a blunt word interrupted the silence under the cool breeze.

"You fellow, can you really sit still and not speak, like a boring gourd?"

Xiao Xinghe was covered with bandages, only his eyes and mouth were exposed.

Xiao Yi sat quietly, without turning his head, just looking straight at the open blue sky, and said lightly, "I can speak, it proves that there is nothing serious."

"I should go too."

Although Xiao Xinghe's mouth was open, he was still entangled in the bandage a little bit, so he said stiffly, "No, I have something to ask you."

Xiao Yi nodded and said indifferently, "Ask."

Xiao Xinghe became silent again, trying to say something, but there was complexity in his eyes, and there was no word in the end.

Xiao Yi retracted his gaze towards the blue sky, turned his head slightly, and looked at Xiao Xinghe, "When you were at the Bai's house, the Bai family treated you like this?"

"Yeah." Xiao Xinghe replied, "Although there is good food and clothing, no one has ever wanted to pay more attention to me."

"Although no one will bully me, no one will look at me straightly..."

Xiao Yi interrupted lightly, "I am not asking this."

"It doesn't matter whether it's fine clothes or jade food, or coarse tea and light rice, it doesn't matter."

"What I'm asking is, the Bai family, is this how you taught you to grow?"

Xiao Xinghe replied, "Although no one cares about me, the Bai family never embarrass me when it comes to my cultivation."

"I have a master, but a powerful supreme."

"The things in cultivation resources, spiritual veins, medicine pills, heavenly materials and earth treasures, holy artifacts, martial arts and martial arts...In short, I don't lack anything."

"Heh." Xiao Yi snorted, "Yes, nothing is missing."

"Which **** master arranged for you?"

"Sovereign, I think it's just like a waste."

Xiao Xinghe replied, "I've seen Grandpa the number of times I've seen Grandpa in the Cold Realm. I'm afraid it doesn't add up to twice."

"Not to mention that I went to see it myself, I just went to see, Grandpa would not bother it."

"Grandpa won't pay attention to me at all."

"So it is Grandpa Fourth who is in charge of my cultivation."

"My master, but the real supreme...very strong..."

Xiao Yi interrupted in a cold voice, "On the surface, I have given you a supreme and powerful person to be a master, to teach you to cultivate and grow."

"Actually, I didn't even give you a decent foundation?"

"Do you know how much your talent has been compressed and wasted?"

Xiao Xinghe was silent after hearing this.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "It seems that you know it yourself, but you just pretend not to know it all the time."

"You are born with a powerful talent, and this is right in front of you."

"But if you don't use it or develop it, it will continue to be wasted."

"The martial artist, although with the practice, breakthroughs in realm time and time again, there will be a gift from heaven and earth, and there will be a gift from heaven and earth aura."

"But if you rely solely on heaven and earth, what does the warrior have to work hard to grind and perfect himself?"

"Those big forces, why should they give their Tianjiao the best martial arts enlightenment, the best foundation training, and the best strength to cultivate?"

"You can go to this day because of your strong blood and natural talent."

Xiao Yi said solemnly, "In the world, there is a golden age of martial arts, over the age of 20, if you don't show your talents, everyone will be confused."

"Although our level is detached from the world, I dare to conclude that human beings will have their talents buried when they are a hundred years old."

"The **** of the Bai family want to destroy your talent."

"Plus no one cares about you, you were lonely and silent from a young age, and finally made you self-proclaimed."

"Body, mind, and everything are ruined. Is this how the Bai family did you?"

Xiao Xinghe slowly opened his mouth and smiled bitterly, "I know, I just don't want my mother to feel sorry for me and make trouble for me."

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Your bloodline seems to be weak, but that's only for comparison; compared to the ordinary people of the Bai family, you are still stronger."

"But by comparison, your cultivation base and strength are weaker than that of Bai Wuchu."

"From then on, I felt something was wrong with you."

"I found it wrong to explore your physical body today."

"But I can't help it."

"I can only completely smash your physical body, then repair the connection, and add the medicinal power of my Five Elements Pill, to explode your bloodline talent and penetrate your whole body."

Xiao Xinghe was a little surprised, "This is the first time I have heard of this kind of ability."

"Reattach one of my bones, and slowly repair each piece of flesh. That's very complicated."

"There is also that five-element pill, such a wonderful pill, I've heard of it for the first time."

"I also practice medicine. Your ability is completely beyond my comprehension."

Xiao Yi said lightly, "If you are over a hundred years old, I can't help it."

"If your talent is low, I can't help it either."

"Now it's just a waste of your talent and depressed blood. I re-invigorate it, it's not as difficult as I imagined."

"It's just that you have to suffer."

"Haha." Xiao Xinghe smiled, "I think you are deliberate, just want to beat me."

Xiao Yi shrugged, "I don't care if you want to understand this way."

"I'm leaving."

Xiao Yi stood up.

Xiao Xinghe moved his hand wrapped in bandages with difficulty, and spit out, "Will you blame me?"

"What?" Xiao Yi looked indifferently.

Xiao Xinghe's eyes were serious, "Mother's matter, I didn't go..."

"Heh." Xiao Yi sneered. "What are you doing with your strength?"

"If you go and can't change anything, will life make you feel uncomfortable, or even die?"

Xiao Xinghe gritted his teeth, "But hasn't my father gone too?"

"And you, didn't you also sneak away?"

At this moment, Xiao Xinghe's eyes were filled with guilt and complexity.

Xiao Yi shook his head, "Go that guy, he has his own ideas."

"And I went because I was confident."

"If you die, if you are not sure, I will shrink up like you, pretending that I don't know, so I won't go."

"No." Xiao Xinghe shook his head hard, but his tone was serious, "No, I know, you won't."

Xiao Yi chuckles, "I'll be afraid of death too."

"No..." Xiao Xinghe gritted his teeth and said in an unusually stubborn tone, "You won't, you lie to me."

Xiao Yi knelt down slightly and patted Xiao Xinghe on the shoulder, "It's over, why think too much?"

"In this world, who can do everything without regrets?"

"In this world, no one has ever been able to be at ease, only to become at ease."

"Do you know why the martial artists are so painstakingly in martial arts and searching for it?"

Xiao Xinghe shook his head.

Xiao Yi whispered, "Do you think pure strength is the word? No."

"Because life is always uncomfortable, there will be countless regrets."

"After everything, there will be disturbances."

"But there is only martial arts, only pureness, the heart is in it, and there is nothing else."

Xiao Yi patted Xiao Xinghe's shoulder again, "Grow up well, next time, change it."

When the words fell, Xiao Yi got up.

Not far away, Xiao Bai walked slowly, but with a wry smile, he looked at Xiao Yi.

"In the past, I thought Brother Yi was a brother, but I never thought that we are really brothers."


"Brother Yi,"

Xiao Bai hesitated to speak but stopped.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "Brother Yi is used to calling him, so just keep calling him Brother Yi."

"That's all about the title, it's just the right thing to call it."

As usual, Xiao Yi patted Xiao Bai on the shoulder, "I have something else, this guy, please carry it back."

"Yeah." Xiao Bai nodded, but still hesitated to say something.

"What?" Xiao Yi asked.

Xiao Bai said embarrassingly, "No, just think, Brother Yi turns out you look better than a woman."

Xiao Yi instantly turned black, "If this is compliment, I don't mind if you call it handsome or beautiful next time."

When the words fell, Xiao Yi dashed away.


Xiao family land, deep.

In the study.

Xiao Chenfeng slowly put down the file he reviewed.

In fact, even if no one came to look for him, how could he not know what happened in the Xiao family land.

On the side, Xiao Yuan gave a wry smile, "Even I never thought he was Yi'er, and he was by our side for two or three years."

Xiao Chenfeng's complexion was complex, and he slowly looked out of the window, "He, after all, he doesn't even want to come here to see me."


Third more.

Update today, finished.

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