Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4449: One Billion Soul Veins


Xiao Yi breathed out lightly, his chest was slightly undulating, and sweat was also gushing from his forehead.

Obviously, such a violent Qilin Thunder, coupled with the fusion of his own god-killing bloodline power, such violent attack methods, put him under pressure.

Xiao Yi dissipated to Thunder.

And the dead Ge Qiong Emperor also turned back into his body.

It was a great ape, not a monster, but he couldn't recognize the specific race.

But its body is really huge, it is truly huge and terribly huge, the body is almost equal to half a star.

"What a powerful family creature." Xiao Yi's eyes were shocked, but he shook his head helplessly, "In order to kill the Emperor Qiong, more than half of the blood in my body was used to kill the gods."

"The recovery in these three months has been in vain at least two months."

Xiao Yi sighed, and his figure fell on the huge corpse. He dropped one hand and snorted coldly, "Suck."

In the next instant, Xiao Yi was shocked again.

A steady stream of blood power is quickly absorbed.

For a long while.

"Hiss." Xiao Yi took a breath, "It is worthy of being one of the nine bloodlines, and he is also a pinnacle emperor."

"To absorb all his blood and essence is much more than my savings in the past three months."

The blood beads in the body not only recovered to fullness at once, but also appeared fuller and more radiant.

Xiao Yi squinted his eyes, and the purple electricity in his hand was filled with blood again, and he destroyed the corpse of Emperor Qiong.

Then, all the traces of the fighting around him were destroyed.

After doing everything, Xiao Yi's figure flashed and left.


After half an hour.

Nine apes in the heavens.

In the center of the earth, boom boom boom...

Nine roars in a row.

A series of nine boulders fell from the sky, and then fell to the earth, smashing the earth out of huge pits, and then the boulders rolled on the earth for a long time before stopping.

But look at it more seriously...Where are the huge rocks? They are huge heads.

The number is more realistic, exactly nine.

Look more realistically, it was actually... the head of the Nine Ape Emperor!

For a time, the huge nine apes and the heavens were shaking.


after one day.

On the heavens of the nine apes, a huge ship descends from the sky.

The leader is Yiyi.

Endless demons and ghosts, with the force of exclaiming to destroy the dead, easily captured the heavens in this area.

Yiyi frowned and looked at the nine huge heads.

On the one hand, Wu Ming frowned and said, "Unexpectedly, the Nine Apes Emperor actually fell."

"I just don't know who made the hand, the action is so fast, and so clean."

Yiyi frowned tighter.

On the one hand, Wu Ming said in a deep voice, "The emperor, please don't worry, Yuan Xing has already checked it out before coming. This is no trap."

"So the emperor doesn't have to worry about it."

"Yuan-shaped clan, but once under the command of the king, the best at investigating intelligence; it was born in the deepest abyss of the underworld, under the nine secluded areas, and within the eighteenth abyss, born invisible, and transformed into the deep abyss."

"Therefore, even if Yuan Xing only comes here to investigate it alone, no one can find it, and it can easily detect it inside and out."

Yiyi shook his head, ignoring Wu Ming, but his gaze suddenly fell into the distance.

There, there is only a piece of air, a piece of blank space.

But Yiyi frowned, and said inwardly, "Is it the son?"


After half a day.

Until Yiyi and the entire giant ship departed.

The place Yiyi was originally looking at, the air surged, and Xiao Yi's figure slowly walked out.

Xiao Yi chuckled, "My wife is getting better and better, but she almost found it."

In fact, she could find him absolutely nothing to do with cultivation base, strength, realm, or perception.

But it's just that the two people's hearts, that heart only has that inexplicable connection with each other.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly.

The Emperor of the Nine Apes was naturally killed by him.

The head was still there, but he did not absorb the power of essence and blood on the nine corpses.

If he absorbs it and is as clever as it is, I'm afraid he will guess it.


Void darkness, somewhere.

On the giant ship.

Wu Ming knelt down and said, "Congratulations to the emperor, once again capturing the heavens."

"But this time the attack on the Nine Apes and Heavens was a bit risky, and the emperor was also injured."

"Therefore, in the opinion of the old slave, the emperor still slows down the offensive and attacks later. Be cautious."

"The land under the emperor's mother is no longer a small number. We can stabilize these heavens first, slowly figure it out, and continue to grow, before we attack again."

"Although it is our duty to regain the territory and restore the glory of the past in the underworld; but the safety of the emperor is more important."

"Yeah." Yiyi nodded lightly, obviously a little absent-minded.

"Just now, did you feel the presence of the son?"

"The king?" Wu Yan was stunned, then smiled, "The emperor is too worried."

"According to intelligence, Wang also appeared in the Burning Moon Heavens a month ago and was involved with the people of the Yanlong League."

"After that, Wang's whereabouts were uncertain, but only two days ago, it came out that he had slaughtered another evil repair star site."

"That land of stars is so far away from here, how can it be the king."

"Yes." Yiyi finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

Obviously, since just now, she has only been thinking about Xiao Yi, both happy and worried.

I hope to see Xiao Yi, but I am afraid of seeing Xiao Yi.

Yiyi raised his hand slightly, and a whirlpool-shaped mark appeared from his skin. With this, he could feel Xiao Yi's feelings, joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

Yiyi smiled slightly, the mark disappeared, relieved.

But she didn't know that her instinct was right.

From the beginning to the end, her every move, even the simple breath, was completely under the control of Xiao Yi.

In the darkness not far from the giant ship, Xiao Yi gave a secret smile.

"Your son, I am extremely clever, do you really think you can fool me?" Xiao Yi secretly laughed.

Xiao Yi lowered his head and glanced at his arm. There were 22 ice patterns, several of which were already dimmed, and the power inside was exhausted.

He didn't want to interfere with Yiyi's growth path.

He will only do what he has and protect her everything.

Xiao Yi looked at Wu Ming, the monsters and ghosts on the huge ship.

"Asshole, dare to use my name to encourage Yiyi to fight in all directions? From now on, let's see how I settle accounts with you." Xiao Yi said inwardly.

Xiao Yi's figure left silently again.

On the giant ship.

Wu Ming suddenly felt a chill on his back, turned his head, and stared into the darkness in the distance, but he didn't realize it was half wrong, he could only wonder if he had an illusion.


The blood inflammation world, in the mansion of the master.

Xiao Yi returned.

"Sir." One-eyed bald head called.

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded and sat on the throne of the world master.

Looking at Xiao Yi with one-eyed bald head, he asked doubtfully, "Why did the lord wear the mask again?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, did not answer, took off the mask with one hand, and asked, "What happened?"

He said that he will return in March and hopes to get a satisfactory answer.

With one-eyed bald head, his face was ashamed, and he gave a wry smile, "I'm afraid I will disappoint the adults."

Xiao Yi asked directly, "How many spiritual pulses have you collected?"

"Billion." The one-eyed bald head also directly replied.

"Only one billion?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised, but obviously more dissatisfied, frowning.


Third more.

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