Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4454: Amber ancestor


The Amber Emperor leaped with all his strength and blasted out a punch.

The pinnacle emperor is reputed to be able to smash the stars with one punch, and one can imagine the strength of his full punch.

Moreover, this is one of the patriarchal powerhouses among the twenty-two stars.

In comparison, he is even stronger than the Emperor Qiong, and stronger than the emperor Yuntu.

Twenty-two stars, although not as old as the nine heavens, but nothing more.

Although Emperor Qiong is of the Titan bloodline, he is only an ordinary tribe after all, and the bloodline power is not too strong.

And the Amber Emperor, but the strong one of the Amber Bloodline in the Twenty-Two Star Yao's bloodline.

Under his punch, in addition to the terrifying power of the pinnacle, it also contained the power of the law of amber.

And the same law of amber, he made it much stronger than other people.

The law of amber, compressed on the upper layer of its fist, when the fist arrives, it bursts instantly.

The Amber Emperor had a fist that smashed the stars, and the countless creatures within the stars were not turned into powder, but were sealed into amber crystals.

The most amazing thing is that in this side star, there is also the same peak emperor.

And the Amber Emperor smashed the star, only because he chased and killed the pinnacle emperor.

And this pinnacle emperor, now, has become a collector's item, and has become a thing in the hands of the amber emperor.

Even if the pinnacle emperor died, his corpse, as well as the power of cultivation, would still become the support power in the hands of the amber emperor through the law of amber.

This past record alone is enough to make the Amber Emperor become a powerful and fierce emperor on the side of the heavens and ten thousand realms.

Facing the terrifying punch of the Amber Emperor, Xiao Yi still sat cross-legged, unable to move.

But two Thunder Spirits blocked his life.

Especially the violent Lei Lin angry beast, completely opposed to it.

Regardless of how the Amber Emperor gritted his teeth, there was still nothing to do with Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi sneered secretly, but the power of the God-killing bloodline quickly consumed in his body also made him frown secretly.

He was still sure to kill the Amber Emperor.

But for some reason, the faint anxiety in my heart seemed to grow stronger.


At the same time.

Burning the moon and the heavens, outside the Xiao family land.

A deacon from the Xiao family frowned and looked at the one-eyed bald head, "Are you looking for the Patriarch?"

"The Patriarch is no longer in the Burning Moon Heavens, he has returned to the Heavenly Dragon Fortress."

Hearing the words, the one-eyed bald head flashed away.


And within the Tianlong Fortress.

The one-eyed bald head came, and wanted to go to the center of the fortress, but was the first to be stopped by a strong fortress.

Look at these elite costumes, obviously, they belong to the elite of the ancient realm sect.

"What? Do you want to see the commander?"

"Oh, the commander is very busy on weekdays. What kind of cats and dogs do you think can meet casually?"

The one-eyed bald face turned cold, "I am..."

The Ancient Realm Sect elite interrupted, "We know you."

"One-eyed, I was originally from the Yanlong League."

"But from that Yi, Xiao Yi, the little thief who hides his head and reveals his tail, is right. After being expelled from the Yanlong League, you also betrayed my Yanlong League."

"Traitors of the past, dare to come back today? Can't you die? Want to see the commander? What a joke."

"You..." The one-eyed bald head was angry, "I am not interested in wasting time with you."

"I have something to ask your commander in chief, and I won't let you go..."

"Why?" The sharp blades of the elite suddenly came out of the sheath, "Do you still want to be strong?"

"If you have a list, you might as well try it."

"Hmph, it's your realm master, Xiao Yi, the little thief, didn't dare to break into our Heavenly Dragon Fortress, relying on you as a dogleg?"

"If you dare to do it, don't blame us for beheading you here."


Amber heavens.

Boom boom boom...

The sky thunders rolling, and the pressure makes the amber law difficult to jump.

A trace of blood overflowed in the mouth of the Amber Emperor.

And Xiao Yi, still sitting cross-legged, the origin of the heaven and earth descended by absorption on the sky became more and more turbulent.

The origin of heaven and earth in the small world in Xiao Yi's body became more and more full.

This stalemate lasted for several hours.

Xiao Yi sneered.

There is no need to hide like this, and the speed of absorbing the origin of heaven and earth under full force is extremely fast.

A mere few hours of inhaling and taking photos, has already paid him more than half a month's worth of work.

Going down at this speed, it won't take long before the origin of heaven and earth can fill his small world, and then completely impact.

But also at this time.

The amber heavens, in the distance, in the center of the earth, made a blast, and an amber law force as huge as a torrent of stars rushed in.

Almost the explosion sound appeared, and after a few breaths, the torrent had arrived.

In an instant, Lei Lin collapsed, and two huge Thunder Spirits were forced to retreat.

Xiao Yi was startled, blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth.

The body trembled suddenly, the hand that was originally emptied was almost unstable, and the absorption of heaven and earth was almost interrupted.

"So strong." Xiao Yi was shocked.

The torrent of laws that hit him just now has made it hard for him to resist.

Those who have this ability can only be... the Emperor Consummation!

Xiao Yi raised his head.

There, I don't know when to start, there is an old man, standing on top of the torrent of the law of footsteps, condescending, looking down at Xiao Yi.

The old man held a transparent and strange bottle in his hand.

Xiao Yi was terrified.

Consummation emperor, this is definitely Consummation emperor.

According to the rumors, a single thought can turn the stars into ashes of perfect emperor.

The so-called pinnacle emperor who can smash the stars with one punch, in front of the consummation emperor, can't even do a few tricks.

Sure enough, how could there be only one pinnacle emperor for an ancient existence like Twenty-Two Star Yao.

But Xiao Yi was secretly surprised and suspicious. Naturally, he had long since guessed that there might be a perfect emperor within the Amber clan, and he was the perfect emperor standing at the strongest level of perfection.

To make him feel uneasy, his judgment must be biased; and to make his judgment biased, there must be some factors that he does not know, and these factors obviously do not come from this old man.

"See the ancestor." At this time, including the Amber Emperor, a group of Amber tribesmen knelt down again and again.

Obviously, this old man standing above the torrent of laws is the ancestor of Amber.

That huge torrent of laws, from the center of the heavens on this side, extends all the way to here, vast and vast.

The ancestor of Amber was condescending, looking down at Xiao Yi, "The Ziyan Yixiao who once famously moved the world, Xiao Yi, the master of the blood inflammation world, is really amazing."

"This body's ability to sneak, this careful calculation, should have been enough to hide from my Amber clan."

"Unfortunately, you came to the wrong place."

"The Emperor of Consummation has his own special means of the realm of Consummation, which is called Divine Mind, which is comparable to the will of heaven and earth."

"And the treasure of the heavens and the earth of my amber heavens is the amber glaze cup. God enters into it. You can know everything in this heaven and earth, and feel the birth of all the power of heaven and earth."

Xiao Yi's heart was suddenly stunned. What really made him misjudge, and the one that fell short of his work, was the perfect divine mind. It was the transparent bottle in the hands of the ancestor of Amber, one of the heavenly treasures, the glass of amber.

The Amber Emperor said respectfully, "Please also the ancestors, quickly kill this thief."

Although the face of Amber Old Ancestor was cold, he shook his head, "World Master Xiao Yi, he has cut off the absorption of the source of heaven and earth, and leaves my Amber Heavens safely, and my Amber family will never force to stay."


The second is more.

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