Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4466: The fourth sword, the ancient demon

"Next time?" Xiao Chenfeng's face was cold, "If you can destroy Yi'er once, you will naturally destroy the second and third time."

"You basically want to cut off all opportunities for Yi'er."

"You are not willing to watch Yi'er break through the emperor realm at all."

"Haha." Wuxiangzhizun chuckles, "You can understand this way."

"However, you... By the way, it seems that you are the famous leader of Xiao League."

"Hehe, you, ants, don't seem to be qualified to talk to the deity."

Words fall.

Xiao Chenfeng's complexion changed suddenly. At that moment, it seemed that there was some emptiness in the air that could crush him into powder in an instant.

The ancient emperor took a sudden step.

The pressure on Xiao Chenfeng's body was greatly relieved, and he was relieved.

"Chen Feng." The ancient emperor squinted his eyes. "You can take care of that kid by yourself."

"The next battle does not require you to participate, and you have no space to participate."

Xiao Chenfeng frowned, but he quickly understood what the ancient emperor meant.

"I forgot to tell you last time." The ancient emperor sneered, "Next time I come to the supreme position, otherwise you may not even have the qualifications to escape...The premise is that the old man is willing."


The ancient emperor leaped up, shaking the earth of the vast heavens, like a meteor and meteorite, taking the Wuxiangzhizhi with a violent force.

"I can't help myself." Wuxiang Zhizun sneered.

"The so-called first person under the supreme? Huh, not becoming the supreme is not becoming the supreme, just a joke."

The nine void emperors jumped out first, but went straight to the ancient emperor.

"The first person under the supreme? Humph, let us see if you are capable."

"Ancient emperor? Oh, no one told you, in front of the bloodline of the Nine Heavenly Emperors, are all warriors in the same realm a joke?"

The Emperor Xuyuan sneered, and took the lead in taking the shot, his palm was extremely strong.

His far-reaching exercises are far from comparable to the ordinary exercises outside.

But when it collided with the fist of the ancient emperor for a moment, Boom... Emperor Xuyuan spewed out a mouthful of blood, and was bombarded.

On the left and right sides, two Void Emperor Lords attacked at the same time.

The Bonebreaking Emperor blasted with a punch, and the bloodline power in his palm was a dark and sticky layer.

Void bloodline, rumored to have the power to swallow the void, and the ability to control the absolute space in the void.

Surrounding the fist of the Bone-Eroding Emperor, there is basically a space force that has been compressed to the extreme. It is as thick as water and poisonous and eroding bones. Even the large space will be rotted into nothingness by it in an instant, and the living creatures will instantly turn into corrosive blood.

The ancient emperor didn't take care of it, letting the fist of the Bonebreaking Emperor hit his body.

"You are looking for death." Upon seeing this, the Emperor Bones sneered.

But when his fist banged on the ancient emperor's body, it felt like a fist plunged into a sea of ​​mud.

At the same time, the emperor's fist and arm were instantly black and purple.

Suddenly, the Bone-Eater Emperor's face turned purple, and his lips were black ink, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, "How could it be..."

The ancient emperor sneered, "Bone eroding? Oh, how about my magic door's way of killing demons?"

Asura palm poison is to kill demons.

On the right, the six-bite emperor attacked at the same time.

The speed of the ancient emperor suddenly reached the extreme, and the six-bite emperor only felt a gust of wind blowing by, but saw the palm of the ancient emperor rubbing his arm and extending to his throat in an instant.

He didn't even have the time to react, and he had the right to resist, and he was grasped by his throat.

"Six-bite emperor? As a member of the Supreme Palace, you are more famous in the heavens and all realms."

"Long years ago, it was the Six-Bit Emperor. The former Void Emperor was ranked third. The six heavenly realms were almost to the extreme. He only entered the emperor, and then went all the way violently and diligently, the current Six-Bit Emperor."

"Originally, you should have mixed methods, but Taiwu Palace is the Emperor's Academy of Heaven, everything is exquisite, so everything has become proficient and powerful."

"But no one has ever told you that the tactics are mixed, is the Dark Monster the best?"

"You are called the six swallows, the sky, the wind, the stars, the fire, the blood, and the vitality."

The palm of the ancient emperor increased his strength slightly, the blood lingered in his hand, his palm turned into a **** hand.

In the palm of the hand, wind is entwined, sharp and unmatched.

The throat of the six-bite emperor cut instantly.

The ancient emperor sneered, "The old man eats your blood today."

Shura Yufeng, Ji Mo together.

Of course, there is a blood demon.

At the same time, six Void Lords blasted from behind.

But the ancient emperor had no other action, and saw the wind and thunder surging behind him, violently violent, and he kept the six people a few inches away.

Together with Thunder Demon.

At this moment, the ancient emperor is like the demon of thunder road, violent and invincible.

The nine great void emperors of Taiwugong almost lost in this one face to face.

Is this the strength under this supreme, the first in the void?

Wuxiangzhizun's face suddenly appeared suddenly.

Before people arrive, the world is already shaking inexplicably.

The ancient emperor put down the six-bite emperor with one hand and blasted out with all his strength.

At this moment, the ancient emperor's body was extremely powerful.


Second-hand confrontation, the two remained motionless.

Wuxiangzhizun has frowned.

The ancient emperor squinted his eyes and stared at the sky.

Together with the demons, it is known as the strongest physical way.

The heavens on this side are now shaking, and even on the sky, there are a few split marks.

This means that the big heavens can hardly bear the strength of the two.

The supreme power is obviously above the heavens.

Wuxiang Zhizun's face was shocked, "You really have the power to shake the Supreme?"

The ancient emperor's face was cold, "You and I fight, should be in the void, I can still save your life."

"But since it is between the heavens and the earth, and within the heavens, I will leave you too."

For an instant, the ancient emperor showed murderous intent.

This was also the first time he showed killing intent in battle.

Perhaps, most of his opponents are often not qualified to let him show murderous intent.

"Feng Tian." The ancient emperor emptied his palm and his five fingers were like mountains.

The earth slammed and stabilized.

The sky is instantly solidified.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom bomb

The ancient emperor was stabilizing the world, but the reason was obviously not the Supreme Being of No Phase, but...

The world roars constantly, and a statue of the demon road suddenly condenses in the world.

From a distance, a **** and demon, standing between heaven and earth.


Xiao Chenfeng firmly guarded Xiao Yi, but also watched the battle closely.

"Three thousand gods?" Xiao Chenfeng took a deep breath.

"No, it's not right, it's not the statue of the demon, but the predecessor's condensed magic way, infinitely close to the statue of the demon."

"So this is the real strength of this senior?"

Three thousand golems lie in heaven and earth, but the envelopment of this aura has made the Wuxiang Supreme breathe uncomfortable.

"How could it be..." The Wuxiang Supreme's face changed drastically, " all the magic?"

"Not bad." Gu Di looked proudly.


In the hands of the ancient emperor, a sharp sword appeared out of thin air.

The sword has a broad blade, like the earth.

The tip of the sword itself has no edge, but now, under the magic power of the three thousand golems, it gradually opens the edge and becomes more and more terrifying.

"Ancient Demon Sword?" Wuxiang Supreme was already trembling, "No, it's impossible. One handle is too virtual, one handles God, and the other handles ancient devil."

"Ancient Demon Sword, has long disappeared in the long river of history, you..."

The ancient emperor turned his head slightly, glanced at Xiao Yi who was still closing his eyes and breaking through, and sighed slightly.

"Sura fights the sword, the devil is the devil."

"What is a demon in a devil, I should have let you see it."



The sharp sword in the hands of the ancient emperor was already slowly swinging.

One sword is three thousand!

It's not the way of heaven, where the devil is!

The magic power of three thousand golems, at this moment, is fully contained in the sword.

Wuxiang Zhizun looked at the sharp sword that was swung, and he couldn't even move, and he didn't even have the desire to escape.

He knows very well that if this sword falls, he will undoubtedly die!


Fifth more. (Make up)

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