Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4468: Be at ease, enter the emperor!

"Yeah." The white-clothed old man nodded, "Since you all know the old man, you should also know the old man's temperament. The most important thing is that you don't like killing and disputes."

"No phase." The white-clothed old man whispered.

Wuxiangzhi said respectfully, "The junior is here."

The white-clothed old man whispered softly, "The dispute between you Tai Wu Gong and this Xiao Yi Realm Master has ceased before."

"You took the initiative again today to ruin your chances, and it's the most important chance to hit the emperor realm. Why bother to pick up disputes between grievances and grievances?"

"As for you." The white-clothed old man looked at the people in the heavens who saluted the other parties, "I don't know where you are from."

"But obviously, it was because this Xiao Yi Realm Master had collected the blood of the Seven Heavenly Territories, Tianjiao, and challenged the Seven Heavenly Territories."

"You have no grievances, but now you come to add grudges and provoke grievances, why bother?"

The white-clothed old man shook his head slightly, "Old man, I still like this endless void to be quieter and less enmity and killing."

"So, go back."

"Today's matter, just retreat, the right hasn't happened, and there has been no grievance."

"From now on, this Xiao Yi Realm Master will not seek revenge from you for what happened today..."

The old man in white lowered his head and looked at Xiao Yi.

Seeing that Xiao Yi had already closed his eyes and made a breakthrough with all his strength, he didn't respond at all.

After the white-clothed old man appeared, Xiao Yi immediately broke through again.

With this kind of existence guarding him, he will have an accident in the future to have a ghost.

Naturally, where he can manage, he has already started to attack.

The white-clothed old man chuckled, "Since Xiao Yi's realm master doesn't say anything, the old man will have the right to accept it."

Wuxiangzhi frowned, but did not dare to speak more.

Lei Yin Zhizun frowned, "See the Emperor of Heaven."

"Tai Wu Gong and this Xiao Yi little thief, it is considered that the grievances have disappeared, and there should be no more disputes."

"Other heavens have no hatred with this Xiao Yi thief in the past, and shouldn't provoke hatreds."

"But my Promise Yinzong and this Xiao Yi little thief have a great feud."

"I love Tu Linyin, the elder of my Miao Yinzong, his posthumous son, in the cruel means of this son's tragic death."

"Later, there were my Miao Yinzong warriors, and a large number of them died at the hands of this son."

"My Promise Yinzong and this Xiao Yi little thief have no room for new hatred and old hatred."

The old man in white sighed again, "Today you are waiting to ruin his chance, and he will retaliate wildly in the future."

"Grass and grievances never end, but the reincarnation of killing will never cease."

"As long as he doesn't kill everyone in your Promise Miao Yinzong, your Promise Miao Yinzong will eventually get revenge again."

"Similarly, as long as you don't kill him in the Blood Flame Realm and the Flame Dragon Alliance, in the future, someone in the Flame Dragon Domain will seek revenge again."

"Endless emptiness, because of this, the killing will never stop."

Lei Yinzhi said in a deep voice, "Senior, it was this son who killed my Miao Yinzong first, but it was my Miao Yinzong who provoked the killing first."

"This son was born to be bloodthirsty, and everything he went through was filled with charcoal."

"As long as this child is scrapped, he will be helpless even if he wants to do evil in the future, let alone revenge."

"The killing naturally ends because of this."

The white-clothed old man shook his head, "What about the leader of Xiao League? Where is the ancient emperor?"

"You can do it too?"

Lei Yin Zhizun frowned, "Senior tried his best to make excuses for this thief. I think Senior is really partial to protect..."

Although the old man in white still had a light face, he instantly put away his smile, "The old man just wants to protect him, how about it?"

Lei Yin Zhizun's face stagnated.

The ancient emperor sneered and whispered, "The **** of heaven is clearly trying to protect Xiao Yi, some fools have to be shameless, huh."

It seems to be whispering to himself, but how can he hide it from the ears of the strong on the scene.

Lei Yinzhizun's face changed.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the forehead of Wuxiang Supreme.

The white-clothed old man smiled lightly, "Is it necessary for the old man to spend more words?"

"This dispute, this killing, the old man said I don't like to see it."

"Don't dare." Wuxiangzhizun saluted, "Junior farewell."

Taiwugong and his party crossed and retreated.

Lei Yin Zhizun gritted his teeth slightly, "My Promise Yinzong, I also leave."

"But I also ask seniors to remember today's promise. From now on, this little thief will not retaliate against my Promise Wu Ji Miao Yinzong for what happened today."

The white-clothed old man didn't say a word, just glanced lightly.

Lei Yinzhizun's face changed, "Junior farewell."

Wu Ji Miao Yinzong and his party all crossed and left.

The major forces around him couldn't recognize the old man in white, but... the two supreme beings were gone, and the ancient emperor alone was something they could deal with.

One by one, the strong came here in great strength, but now they can only leave in despair.

Heaven and earth restored peace.

The three thousand golems have dispersed.

The ancient emperor fell back to the original place.

"Senior." The ancient emperor glanced at the white-clothed old man, and then at Xiao Yi.

The old man in white shook his head slightly, "The old man has no obligation to help him."

"The old man just doesn't want to see his great chance be ruined."

"But the success or failure of this opportunity is his own business, and it depends entirely on his own ability."

Time passed quietly.

one day…

Two days...

Three days...

Until the eighth day.

Xiao Yi was still quietly comprehending, looking inside the white chaos in his body, the fragments of the small world, the complete martial arts.

He had already crossed the three steps to break through the imperial realm.

But now this third step, he is still helpless.

The so-called emperor realm is like a star, and if a creature wants to break through the emperor realm, it is basically to turn its own small world into a star world.

It's like simulation.

The birth of stars, the growth of stars, the fall of stars.

The stars, the illusion of birth and disillusionment.

Xiao Yi fully comprehended.

Xiao Chenfeng watched with worry and concern.

The ancient emperor gradually became worried, "This last step, there has been no movement."

"Lin Yin also failed in this last step back then."

"She walked on the path given by the Void Secret Treasure, so it was extremely difficult."

"Now it seems that the path of this son is even more difficult."

The white-clothed old man chuckled, "If you want blood but no blood, you want talent but no talent."

"It is not easy for an ordinary creature to come to today."

"He could have walked more easily. The old man reminded him when he saw him earlier that year."

"It's just that he doesn't seem to be willing."

Gudi frowned.

The white-clothed old man whispered, "If you can't even see yourself clearly, what's the use of approval from heaven and earth?"

"He is a smart man, he should know how to choose, he can choose to see himself clearly."

"But it seems that there are certain things that he values ​​more."

"So he pretended not to know, maybe... he didn't even notice this pretend."

"I can't even see myself clearly. He can't get rid of the fog in front of him. He has forced himself on an unknown and more difficult road."

"Which way is the most difficult? The path given by the Void Secret Treasure? The destined path of the Heavenly Emperor bloodline?"

"Do not."

"A mist, totally unknown, I don't know whether the front is densely covered with thorns, or the mountains are blooming, I don't know whether the front is a dark abyss, or colorful, I don't know whether the front... is death or life."

"This is the hardest way, because he doesn't know it, and no one knows it."

"However, he still fell into it head-to-head, as sweet as hell."

"Perhaps, this is the reason why the old man is willing to come here to protect him today."

The white-clothed old man shook his head slightly, "Ordinary creatures, stubborn creatures, unyielding creatures, and pure creatures."

When the words fell, the white-clothed old man had no more words.

Xiao Yi watched, realized, and looked at all this white mist.

Here, chaos; here, fragmented; here, extremely complicated.

Here, he couldn't see clearly and couldn't make sense.

He couldn't even see clearly, so he talked about how to build a world of stars?

"Why should I see clearly?" Xiao Yi asked himself unconsciously.

"What about the fog? What about all the unknown?"

"What am I breaking through? What am I growing up for?"

Xiao Yi gradually laughed.

Over the years, bit by bit, like a tide.

Back then, he was a fledgling young man. He grew up to protect the Xiao family and protect the three elders.

He became, became the sword master of Beishan, became a kendo evildoer, and flattened the Murong family of Beishan.

Those who dared to beat his Xiao family's ideas and want to destroy his Xiao family's chores, he killed them clean.

That year, the old man fell asleep.

So he has to grow, he has to become stronger, and he has to find a way to awaken this old man.

At that time, Yiyi was gone.

So he wants to grow, he wants to become stronger, and he finds her back.

He is only at the extreme end, so he wants to break through the dangerous spatial turbulence, step into the middle domain, and break into the middle domain.

That year, he found Yiyi back, thinking that he would be able to live in peace.

Variable days come.

So he wants to grow, he wants to become stronger, he wants to protect the eight old people, and shelter them from the wind and rain.

After that, he has to become stronger again.

He wants to protect Yanlong Territory, protect this side...the last paradise of the people he cares about.

So he stepped into this dangerous endless void, for nine years, letting the void and loneliness be alone, he was willing to do so.

Along the way, there are unknowns and thorns, and he has come to today.

Today, when he grows, he breaks through, there is also something he wants to do.

He grows, he breaks, not for the front, but for the things he cares more about.

Back then, the old man led him in, and he has come today.

Come step by step, completely by heart.

"This is the path I chose, that's enough."

"Everything is as you wish, all the way free."

"I can't see myself clearly, I am Xiao Yi, nothing more."

"I choose the path as I want, and that's enough."

At this moment, Xiao Yi's heart was extremely firm.

At this moment, the white chaos still covered his eyes.

"Da Zizai Kendo, descend." Xiao Yi shouted violently.

That sword has never been consummated.

That sword, since he stepped into the road of martial arts, has followed all the way, carrying it to this day.

That sword is unmatched in sharpness and can cut through all barriers in the world.

That sword swung a bit of excitement and swept away the chaos.

The sword fell to the center of the chaos, crushing all the way, clearing all the obstructions in his eyes.

At this moment, with this sword as the center, countless martial arts, countless fragments, under the support of the source of heaven and earth, quickly merge and build quickly.


At this moment, it was dim and empty, and the light was brilliant.

With the ten thousand monsters as the center, the light skyrocketed, and the darkness collapsed all the way.

The rays of stars stretched all the way to the distance where the end was invisible.

In the Void World, the stars resonate one after another, and the light is brilliant.

On this day, it shook the ten thousand realms.

On this day, a most dazzling star was born!


Seventh more. (burst)

Update today, over.

Sorry, all the way to the present, I really can’t stop writing what I want to write.

I never thought about going to the present day all night, I'm really sorry.

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