Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4483: The years will be more exciting

Gui Wu frowned and said, "Big Brother, are we really not looking for the Lord?"

The ghost shook his head, "There is a way for the Lord, why should we bother."

Ghost Five said dissatisfied, "I'll look for the whereabouts of the Lord anyway."

The ghost sneered, "This endless void is far beyond our imagination. There are countless creatures and countless gods and evildoers. We all care about it, we check it out, and can we manage so much?"

Guiliu shook his head, "Big Brother, you don't care about anything like this, you can only investigate carefully when you hit one side..."

Gui Liu thought for a while, "I remember the Lord said before, called...Oh yes, called Mang, you are a mang."

The ghost smiled and said, "If you want to grow quickly, you can't manage so much."

"Furthermore, in the face of absolute strength, all schemes, conspiracies and tricks are just a joke."

Gui Er said again, "By the way, big brother, some time ago, in the small world star we smashed, there seemed to be a power branch called the Blood Flame Realm."

"I heard that the realm master of the blood inflammation world is exactly the same as the master's name, and is also called Xiao Yi."

"At the beginning, Big Brother, you ordered the stars in this small world to be eaten clean. If it is really the power of the Lord, you will just wait for the Lord to screw your head off."

"It's okay." The ghost smiled, "I have excuses."

"When the time comes, you will say that you are greedy, and you will eat it all."

"Besides, how many creatures with the same name and surname in this endless void?"

"The Blood Flame Realm is far away from our void area."

"Fortunately, if it is to fly, it will take hundreds of millions of years to fly."

"Forget it, don't care." The ghost curled his lips, then looked into the distance, his face instantly darkened.

"The fool of the Demon Whale clan is building the Demon Gate Palace again."

"Play one by one and build one, it's endless."

"Is it true that the Lord will be a clone? When will the Lord live?"


Void, within a certain piece of heaven.

Between heaven and earth, on a certain mountain.

The three figures are sitting cross-legged, talking to each other.

To be honest, the three of them are all young talents.

A few wine tours.

The three of them were silent for a while.

"Hey, you fellow, are you really unwilling to follow us to Tianyu?" Murong Lingyun asked, looking directly at Qing Lin.

"No." Qing Lin shook his head, "I have my way, I want to go by myself."

"Hey, Dongfang Dandan, Beiyin was boring back then, and Brother Liuhuo led the team. The celestial arrogances of our Zhongyu left Yanlong Continent together and set foot on this dangerous endless void."

"Now, it's also going to separate things."

Su Cheng's face twitched, "Dan Ran has a good temper and doesn't care about you."

"Beijing is invincible and has a cold temper, and will not care about you even if he is afraid."

"That guy Yan Yi has a violent personality. If he hears that, he might have to fight with you."

"Cut." Qing Lin curled his lips.

Murong Lingyun drank a sip of spirits, "A few years ago, there was still contact."

"Dongfang Danran and Yan Yi, these two guys got lucky, they have long been taken by Taixu Palace."

"A few years ago, I heard that Ran Qi also went to Thunder Heaven, entered the Heavenly Emperor Academy, and worshipped a supreme master."

"Five Thunder Supreme, that's a well-known Thunder Dao powerhouse, and the palace lord of the Thunder Palace gives three points of courtesy."

"Su Cheng and I have carried a little back, but it's okay, they have also entered a heavenly domain. Although they are not the Emperor's Academy, they are also a big power inside."

Murong Lingyun patted Qinglin on the shoulder, "Believe in me, the excitement in the heavens far exceeds the heavens and the realms."

"The universe is extremely large, and the universe on one side can be equal to the sum of the ten thousand realms, or even larger."

"Inside, although the Heavenly Emperor's power is aloft, he is in charge of the heavens; but at the same time, there will be countless creatures and countless great forces."

"Although we can't join the power of the Emperor of Heaven, there are also supreme presences in these big powers, far from being comparable to those from outside."

"If you are willing, Su Cheng and I will try to ensure that you join our sect."

"I tell you the truth, this Fang Zongmen is second only to the power of the Heavenly Emperor in this heaven, and it is also very remarkable."

"Cut." Qing Lin sneered, "What excitement is it?"

"Whether it is Taixu Palace or Tiandi Xuegong, in front of my Junior Brother Xiao Yi, it's all a joke."

Murong Lingyun sneered, "Don't be too arrogant, this endless void, there are so many terrible evildoers you can't imagine."

Qing Lin said proudly, "In terms of talent, who is my Junior Brother Xiao Yi afraid of?"

"You guy." Murong Lingyun shook his head, "Just ask again, you really don't go..."

"Forget it." Su Cheng smiled lightly, "Everyone has ambitions, and there is no point in demanding."

"To be honest, I'm disturbing enough to take you idiot. I'm afraid you will pick up people's ancestral graves again."

"Bringing Qinglin this troublesome spirit again, I'm afraid that Su Cheng's life will not survive for a few days."

"Hahahaha." Qinglin laughed a few times, "everyone has aspirations, yes."

"I want to go my own way. I am sure that one day I will be able to fight alongside Junior Brother Xiao Yi again on my own."

"These years are called Xiao Yi."

"I will be the existence that closely follows these years."

"A joke." Murong Lingyun sneered, "Perhaps it is for the time being."

"But this endless void is too dangerous, and maybe one day, this guy will fall."

"At that time." Murong Lingyun looked up to the sky and screamed, "The name of these years should be called Murong Lingyun."

"And Su Cheng is the second person in these years."


Su Cheng's face twitched.

Qing Lin gave a white glance, "You are dreaming."

Murong Lingyun's face was proud, "People should have the ambition of Lingyun."

"Even if he does not die, one day, I will surpass him."

"I have this idiot, Su Cheng, who has the Heavenly Fate Sword, and he can cultivate his realm for a long time."

"I live in symbiosis with him, and his cultivation base breaks through, and I will also follow the cultivation base to make breakthroughs. Both of me are cultivating together, which can be said to be thousands of miles in a day."

Qing Lin said proudly, "I also have a blue dragon beast spirit."

"Although he's not good at fighting, it is the biggest cultivation boosting spirit among the Ten Wild Ten Beast spirits."

Su Cheng's expression straightened, "Qing Lin, I have to admit that this idiot, Ling Yun's words, are absolutely not false."

"You know, our generation is the one who spent countless years, countless energy, and came out of the sand."

"Every one of us here, if placed in the past years, is absolutely the strongest arrogant of the years."

"It's just that the abnormality of Brother Xiao has concealed all the light of all of us."

Su Cheng said in a deep voice, "The Yanlong Continent has always been under that person's absolute control and blockade."

"If it doesn't want it, no existence can come in and out freely."

"You are the one, why did you want to let us leave?"

"Speaking of, at that time, we left Yanlong Continent earlier than Brother Xiao."

"Why?" Qing Lin asked.

Su Cheng said in a deep voice, "The meaning of that person couldn't be clearer."

"If one day, Brother Xiao falls, any one of our arrogances will be a replacement for this time."

The expressions of the three people suddenly became a little heavy.

For a long while.

Su Cheng smiled, "But in any case, when we decided to leave Yanlong Continent, we came because we knew he was bound to leave and wanted to follow in his footsteps, didn't we?"

"These years are called Xiao Yi."

"If he doesn't die, then we should become stronger and make this time... even more exciting!"

Murong Lingyun, holding a hip flask, said with pride, "Dry this pot, let's go on the road."

Su Cheng's face went dark.

Qing Lin was about to hand out the hip flask subconsciously, and was surprised, "What?"

Su Cheng handed out the jug, "Dry this jug and go to separate things."

"See you next time, let the heavens and worlds tremble!"

"Dried." Qing Lin smiled boldly.


The three hip flasks collided heavily.

The three of them drank in one fell swoop.

In the end, they stood up and walked in both directions, embarking on the path of their own choice and their own.


Endless void, somewhere.

Whoosh... Whoosh...

Three figures chased endlessly in the void.

To be precise, it was a figure, closely following the two figures.


Behind, a black storm rushed past.

The two fleeing figures were heavily blasted down the barren stars.


Two figures, vomiting blood together, were obviously covered with sword marks on their bodies.

See it more seriously, there are two figures, one is a human corpse, and the other is a normal creature.

Who knows, three years ago, the evil domain duo, who was famous in the heavens and the world, disappeared because of being chased and killed by a more terrifying strong man.


Suddenly, it snowed.

In this void, on the barren stars, is it snowing?

The snow is black.


In the distance, on the desolate land, a proud figure, clearly knowing that the clothes are like snow, but the black sword pointed directly at it.

Yuan Ruoli couldn't care about wiping the **** corners of his mouth, and stared coldly, "Xia Yiming, it's been three years, three full years, endless chasing and killing all the way, endless?"

"Humph." Xia Yiming snorted coldly. "It was Xia Yiming's biggest humiliation that you and two of you ran away in Zhongyu."

"It's been ten years, ten years."

"When I stepped into the endless void, I have been looking for you both."

"But no matter how I traveled all over the heavens and worlds for ten years, I still couldn't find you."

"Fortunately, my ancestors of the Ice Palace bless you. Three years ago, you were finally willing to rise up."

"I grew up all the way, and what I'm waiting for is this day."

"I know where the palace master is now."

"But if you don't get your two heads back, what face will Xia Yiming see the palace lord?"


The sword moved.

With one sword, the black snow swept across the barren stars.

Yuan Ruoli's expression changed drastically, and there was little strength to fight back.

"How could it be... so strong..." Yuan Ruoli gritted his teeth, and the black snow raged, and the snowflakes scratched them all over.

In that black snow storm, every snowflake was like the coldest and sharpest terrifying sword energy.

"We are a special person in the void, the fourth strength, so vulnerable..." Yuan Ruoli's face was full of incredible expression, and his heart no longer had the intent to fight, only the intention to escape.

Yes, back then, Xia Yiming had already set foot in the endless void.

However, he has been hiding his identity and growing, just to hunt down these two people.

Perhaps, he didn't know what was special about him other than his identity as a "Pluto Envoy".

But one day he will understand that he is not only a Pluto, but also the only Pluto recognized by the Lord of the Nether Realm.

If he is not special, how can it be considered?

Two specials created by the evil domain? That's a joke.


Third more.

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