Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4485: Old people leaving

Into the night.

Lean on the fence.

As before, the two cuddled together, admiring the bright night sky and the bright white moon.

Xiao Yi smiled, "I know now, why the world always likes watching the stars and watching the moon."

"Why the vicissitudes of life, always facing the same night sky, but never tire of it."

"Why are you saying?" Xiao Yi asked, looking at Yiyi.

Yiyi shook his head.

Xiao Yi smiled, "Because the night sky is too vast, and the sea of ​​stars in it is too vast."

"Can you count how many stars there are here?"

"This starry sky is brilliant and dazzling, with a mystery that will never be explored."

"Let the creatures who are born with doubts always want to pursue and explore unconsciously."

"The more creatures know, the more they discover their own insignificance."

"The creatures feel more and more that even if they know more, they will eventually be just the tip of the iceberg in this endless void."

"The more you know, the more you don't."

"This endless void has this mysterious charm, which drives the creatures to explore tirelessly."

Yiyi tilted his head and said nothing.

"What?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

Yiyi chuckled, "I just think that with the son, this starry sky will never get tired of it."

"Me too." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Cultivation of living beings is actually exploring the mystery of this heaven and earth, and after that, they are pursuing the mystery of this endless void."

"Look for it, feel it."

"When the night is quiet, with the most important side by your side, looking at the mystery of the heavens and the earth, the dazzling starry sky, that is the most wonderful thing."


The next day.

Xiao Yi got up first, walked out of his courtyard, and walked slowly to the master's study room.

"Master Hall Master."

"Master Hall Master."

"When did the main hall master return?"

Along the way, the incumbent hall masters of the main hall who were busy coming and going all saluted, and then left quickly.

These old people believe in their own beliefs, abide by their own responsibilities, and spare no effort to dedicate everything.

Perhaps this is the Eight Palaces, this is the Eight Palaces Warriors.

At this time, it was Palace Master Chengfeng who stopped Xiao Yi.

"Yesterday, what?" Xiao Yi asked, looking at Palace Master Chengfeng.

"Is something important?"

"If not, I'll go to the main hall master first."

Palace Master Chengfeng shook his head and sighed, "Master Palace Master, you are coming back late."

"Several old hall masters, alas..."

Xiao Yi's face was startled suddenly, "Something happened?"

Xiao Yi didn't care about the master of the palace, and instantly flashed to the master's study room.

In the study, the master of the Fengcha Palace, as before, was reviewing the mountain of dossiers.

Under one question.

Xiao Yi was taken aback from the previous one, turned into a sudden, and then smiled helplessly.

"So, three years ago, did Senior Luo leave?"

"Two years ago, the main hall master of Shura and the main hall of hunting demon also left."

"A year ago, the main hall master of the heavenly miracle and the main hall master of the soul hall also left together."

"They have all gone to the endless void." Xiao Yi's expression was a little surprised, but also a little complicated.

"Haha." The master of the wind brake chuckled, "We old guys, even though we are all millions of years old."

"But compared to that big endless void, we shouldn't be too old."

"Don't worry, we have also been young, experienced countless lives and deaths, and have lived well to this day."

"The old folks of them also want to see this so-called endless void."

Now, the Eight Halls only left the main hall master of the wind brake, the main hall master of the flame hall, and the main hall master of the medicine.

The main hall of the wind brake said helplessly, "Now, there are only three of us old guys left in Zhongyu."

"Old man Yao, all his thoughts are on the path of medicine."

"Old man Yan, the old man doesn't bother to talk about him."

"Almost all of the affairs of the Eight Palaces fell on the old man."

"I knew this, the old man should have left with Shura."

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "Since all the chief hall masters have left, or else, we will choose the next chief hall master so that we can continue to take charge of the affairs of the eight halls?"

The main hall of the wind brake chuckled, "That's something you should decide, and it has nothing to do with the old man."

"We old guys have long been the main hall master."

"Today, this generation of chief palace master has always been you Xiao Yi."

"Hey." Xiao Yi sighed lightly and apologized, "As the head of the Eight Halls, he has never fulfilled the responsibility of the head of the Hall."

"Perhaps, I shouldn't have chosen me as the shopkeeper to take over as the chief palace master."

The main hall of the wind brake shook his head and chuckled, "It has always been our greatest duty to guard the middle domain."

"You drove into the void and guarded our Yanlong Continent. Isn't it the same as guarding the middle region?"

"Don't think too much about it." The Master Hall Master Fengcha seriously said, "At your current level, why bother about these worldly trivial matters."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi nodded.

The master of the wind brake asked, "How long will you stay here this time?"

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said, "I wanted to live for a while."

"But since Senior Luo and they are all gone, I should also go back to the blood inflammation world."

"Honestly, no matter what, I can't rest assured."

The main hall of the wind brake nodded, knowing that Xiao Yi has always been like this, and he also knew Xiao Yi's intentions, so he didn't say much.


Go back to the courtyard.

Xiao Yi closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

At this moment, his perception spread across the entire Yanlong Continent.

Since entering the emperor realm, he has these capabilities.

For a long while.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes, his expression a little complicated, "In this world, many of the auras I used to be familiar with are gone."

"Three years, only three years."

"But it seems that things are not humans."

"Hey, let's go, too." Xiao Yi shook his head and let out a light sigh.

"By the way, take the mount." Xiao Yi looked at Yiyi, and then resumed his chuckle.

"Mount?" Yiyi was slightly puzzled, "Is the rhubarb big white?"

Xiao Yi gave a wry smile, "No."

"The two cloud beast emperors are only in the Saint Emperor Realm. They are not suitable for entering the endless void."

"Speaking of which, they were already returned to the land of the sea of ​​clouds."

"You go back to the Holy Moon Sect, choose one."

"As far as I know, there are a lot of ancient monsters with unusual talents in your Saint Moon Sect, but your own Saint Moon Sect's background is limited, which limits their growth."

"I can just take my blood inflammation world and give them a chance to grow."

"Well, listen to the son." Yiyi nodded.


Inside the holy month sect.

Huanyue Tianluan rubbed Yiyi affectionately.

Yiyi Qiao smiled Yanran and said, "My son, I'll choose Huanyue."

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, "This wicked animal?"

"Seven levels of respect, talent can barely be counted as the top."

"Tweet." Huanyue Tianluan let out a cry of dissatisfaction, her fierce eyes staring at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Naughty animal, are you looking for death?"

A trace of panic flashed in Huan Tian Tianluan's eyes, but he was tightly guarding Yiyi's side, the blue wings spread out, firmly protecting Yiyi.

"The son." Yiyi looked at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, just by looking at Yiyi's gaze, Xiao Yi knew that Yiyi really wanted this magical moon Tianluan to follow.

"All right." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Huanyue Tianluan, at any rate, is the first of all birds. Although he has a fierce temperament, he loyally protects it."

"In addition, he possesses the two great flame talents that control the ten realms of fire and the fire of stars, and it is considered passable."


The second is more.

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