Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 4488: Long years without loneliness

Xiao Yi retreated everyone.

The one-eyed bald head sent the Seven-eyed Emperor and the remaining maid to retreat.

In the huge hall, only Xiao Yi, Yiyi, Xiaoqing and the ten maids remained.

It still looked empty, but somehow there was some anger.

"See the world master."

"See Mrs. Lord of the World."

The ten maids bowed and saluted.

Xiao Yi nodded and looked at Yiyidao, "This is your maid, let you brand them void shackles."

Yiyi nodded.


The law of the void comes.

Do it all.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "This is the Great Realm Lord's Mansion, divided into Inner Mansion and Outer Mansion, half each."

"The main hall, which is here, belongs to the center of the main mansion of the world."

"The main hall, this world lord's throne, is generally where I deal with blood inflammation world affairs."

"Outside the main hall is the outer palace. There is a square platform there. I used to walk there from time to time to look at the vast sky."

"Outside, there is a **** guard on patrol."

Xiao Yi paused and said, "Behind this hall is the inner palace."

"In the past, this inner palace was empty, now it's yours."

Yiyi smiled, "Don't worry, son, this place is similar to Xiao's family, I will get acquainted with it quickly, son don't have to worry that I'm not used to it."

Xiao Yi chuckled and shook his head, hugging Yiyi, "I mean, when we return to Xiao's house in the future, you will be the mother of the house."

"Now in the blood inflammation world, I can just practice your hands."

Yiyi nodded obediently.

Xiao Yi hugged Yiyi, without words.

Two of them quietly are the best.

"That's right." Yiyi suddenly remembered something, "This inner palace, the son hasn't lived yet?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, "After I build this realm lord mansion, I usually meditate in the main hall."

Yiyi's expression was anxious, "The inner palace is empty, I'll go and arrange it first."

"Yeah." Xiao Yi chuckled, "whatever you like."

In the hall, there is only Xiao Yi alone.

At this moment, the one-eyed bald head suddenly came in a hurry, and then moved to Xiao Yi's side, cautiously, "My lord, it's not appropriate."

"What?" Xiao Yi asked.

"That woman." One-eyed bald head said solemnly.

Xiao Yi's face was cold.

The one-eyed bald head had to say, "Mrs. Landlord, she is not right."

"My lord can see it just now. Her exemption, the absolute majesty that belongs to the upper class, is definitely not something ordinary people can have."

"At that moment, the kind of coercion she gave me is far less than the emperor of the heavens on one side."

"My intuitive judgment tells me that this woman is by no means an ordinary person, but must be a high-ranking person of some big power."

"In addition, the feeling this woman gave me was terrifying."

"My lord." One-eyed bald head said solemnly, "For safety, it's better to..."

While talking with one-eyed bald head, he made a ‘hand knife’ movement.

All of a sudden, the one-eyed bald head felt that his bright bald head was chilly.

"Do you want me to kill you first?" Xiao Yi stared with a single-eyed bald head.

The one-eyed bald face was startled.

"Okay, go back." Xiao Yi waved his hand, "Next, I should retreat again."

"The matter of the forces of the blood inflammation world, you can handle it yourself."

"Yes." The one-eyed bald head nodded and then retreated.

Xiao Yi turned around and waved a big hand.

A forbidding barrier was laid down, covering the entire inner palace.

Except for him and Yiyi, no one can go in and out freely.

"Huh." Xiao Yi exhaled slightly.

The layout and construction here are almost exactly the same as those of the Xiao family.

Here, in fact, it looks like the main hall of the wind brake.

It's just that he can accompany her when in the main hall of the wind brake, in the courtyard that belongs to them, quietly, without being disturbed by foreign affairs.

And here, the inner palace area also seemed to be the courtyard in the main hall of the wind brake; however, he had to be a realm master.

The blood inflammation world has to become stronger, so strong that no one dares to attack.


In the inner mansion, Xiao Yi accompanied Yiyi for a few days as before.

However, now there is no need for Yiyi to be busy with housework anymore, she has her own maid to take care of it.

this day.

At night.

Xiao Yi pulled Yiyi and sat cross-legged in the courtyard.

Xiao Yi apologized, "I'm afraid, in this void, it is impossible to swim in the mountains and water like in the Middle Territory."

"I still have to practice and become stronger."

"and so…"

Yiyi shook his head, "It's enough for the son to be with me."

Xiao Yi chuckles, Yiyi is always so well-behaved and considerate.

Xiao Yidao, "Cultivation in the emperor realm is very long."

"I'm afraid, in the long years to come, there will be nothing but loneliness."

Yiyi shook his head, "There is no loneliness, only Ji."

"Yes." Xiao Yi smiled, "Where is the loneliness accompanied by each other."


Xiao Yi's fingertips condensed a mark, knocking down Yiyi's arm, "This is a giant elephant mark."

"Based on this, you can, like me, mobilize the power of the Giant Elephant King, including the power of the heavens and the earth in the territory of the eight hundred stars under my command."

"Of course, you can also absorb the origin of heaven and earth from it, and cultivate based on this."

"From now on, you and I will practice and grow together."

Yiyi nodded first, she could feel the power of the giant elephant king, and she could also feel the sheer strength of the supporting force gathered in the world of eight hundred stars.

The support of this strength, I am afraid that the ordinary supreme has come and can't think about it.

At the same time, she could also feel the huge source of heaven and earth power sent back by more than three thousand giant elephants, which could be used for her practice.

Yiyi looked at Xiao Yi and smiled knowingly.

In fact, she knew everything in her heart.

No one knows her son better than her.

These days, those remarks seem to be commonplace, but in fact, her son is really taking care of her.

The Boundary Lord’s Mansion was specially built to look like the Xiao family, and a forbidden barrier was specially placed here to isolate it from the outside, making it look like the courtyard in the main hall of the wind brake.

There is also the selection of the maid.

Etc., etc.

Her son wanted her to get used to everything here safely.

This also means that her prince has already made a decision. From now on, I am afraid that a long time will be spent in this blood inflammation world.

The power mobilization of the giant elephant king and more than three thousand giant elephant tribesmen, and the supporting power, is to give her the greatest protection.

She knows everything.

"What?" Xiao Yi asked, looking at Yiyi's knowing smile.

Yiyi chuckled, looked up at the sky, and said, "I don't need the origin of heaven and earth sent back by the giant elephant family."

Yiyi raised his head and pointed, "I feel the power of the void outside the void, they listen to me."


Yiyi's finger fell, and in the void, the power of the void continued to descend.

Xiao Yi smiled. He had long been accustomed to Yiyi's ability.

The origin of heaven and earth is also transformed by the power of the void.

To absorb the power of the void directly, this is something that the emperor of the void can do.

And Yiyi obviously has no realm of void, only these forces listen to her.

"As you like." Xiao Yi nodded with a chuckle.

The two of them, cross-legged and closed their eyes, began to practice together.

This time, he specially left the customs, just for this matter, in order not to want her to wait any longer, he brought her to the blood inflammation world.

Now that she came, he was by her side, and he naturally began to practice again.


The second is more.

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