Soul Emperor Martial God

Chapter 987: Are you stupid or he is stupid?

Leaving the Misty Mountains, Xiao Yi hugged Huo Linlang and flew continuously.

As long as she is safely returned to the main hall of the Hunting Demon Palace, the task will be considered complete.

Flying all the way, Xiao Yi always remained vigilant, ready to use his strength at any time and prepare for battle.

The only thing that made him feel jealous was Liu Kai's pursuit.

But obviously, all the way back to Fangcun City, there was no pursuit in the middle.

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don't know why Liu Kai didn't pursue him, he had already returned to Fangcun City, even if Liu Kai appeared now, he didn't dare to make random repetitions.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Xiao Yi frowned and looked at Huo Linlang in his arms.

Huo Linlang actually fainted.

Xiao Yi checked it out, and Huo Linlang was safe, but fainted in pain.

However, the black evil gas on her body will not be removed for a day, and she will always endure great pain.

"Patience for a few more minutes." Xiao Yi muttered to himself.

The speed soared to the extreme, and went straight to the main hall of the Hunting Demon Palace.

It is not difficult to know the black evil poison gas, but it is very troublesome.

Xiao Yi was planning to find a safe place first.

A few minutes later, Xiao Yi descended from the sky and steadily landed in the main hall of Fangcun City Demon Hunting Hall.

Boom...The purple flame fire wings dissipated, and Xiao Yi walked quickly into the Demon Hunting Palace.

However, just as he walked in, all the demon hunters in the temple, including the staff, stared at him instantly.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely solemn.

"Zi Yan Yi Xiao?" A staff member broke the silence.

"You are so brave, you dare to step into the Demon Hunting Palace?"

"Get him down quickly."

锵... 锵... 锵...

A group of demon hunters pulled out their weapons one after another.

A law enforcement team in the palace immediately surrounded Xiao Yi.

"Bold Yi Xiao, why don't you put down Huo Linlang?" The leader of the law enforcement team stared at Xiao Yi coldly.

"Is the wanted order real?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, "Are you looking for me?"

When I met Liu Kai's team before, I thought the burly middle-aged man was cheating on him.

Now it seems to be true.

"Bastard." Xiao Yi yelled coldly, just about to have an attack, but looked down at Huo Linlang in his arms and forcibly suppressed his anger.

Huo Linlang still has injuries, and this black evil gas must be removed as soon as possible.

"Get away." Xiao Yi's figure moved, passing through the encirclement of the law enforcement team in an instant.

The figure went straight to the closed room in the back hall of the Demon Hunting Palace.

"Stop him for me." The captain of the law enforcement team exclaimed, "Also, go and report to the deacons in the hall."

"No, this Ziyan Yi Xiao has extraordinary strength, go and notify the palace master."

"Never allow him to forcefully break into the Demon Hunting Palace and come arbitrarily."

"Yes." Several law enforcement team members rushed away.

The rest of the law enforcement team, as well as the strong inside the hall, hurriedly chased into the back hall.


The back hall of the Demon Hunting Palace.

Although Xiao Yi never came to the retreat room of this hunting demon palace.

But the layout of each Demon Hall is similar.

So he found the retreat room at once.

Just about to walk into the closed room, suddenly, not far away, a man came quickly.

The speed of the man is extremely fast.

Xiao Yi's pupils shrank, almost failing to keep up with his speed.

The man slapped him, Xiao Yi retreated, and a purple flame shot out.


The terrifying Zi Yan stopped the man instantly.

"Who are you?" Xiao Yi's eyes were cold.

"Who are you?" The man glared at each other, "Asshole, who made you hold Linlang? Put it down immediately."

The man looked at Huo Linlang who was holding Xiao Yi's arms, his eyes were angry, and he shot instantly.

"Fuck." Xiao Yi's eyes were cold, and purple inflammation poured out in the sky.

However, the man slapped him fiercely, but he instantly broke through the purple flames and attacked Xiao Yi.

"Promise Saint Realm." Xiao Yi frowned and saw the man's strength at a glance.

However, the current Promise Sacred Realm could not pose any threat to Xiao Yi at all.

Xiao Yi moved his finger lightly, and he swam the dragon several times in a row, exuding terrifying heat, and instantly swallowed the man.

The man was buried in the fire.

Xiao Yi was too lazy to bother, just about to enter the retreat room, a fierce palm wind suddenly blasted behind him.

Boom...a roar.

"Puff." Xiao Yi spit out blood, and was bombarded for several meters.

"Boldly Yi Xiao." Behind him, a middle-aged man stared at Xiao Yi coldly.

"Wanted by my hunting demon palace, dare to break in without permission?"

"Plus it hurts people in my Demon Hunting Palace?"

This middle-aged man was the deacon who was in charge of the top task before.

"Asshole." After Xiao Yi stood still, his fists snapped.

Around, it has been surrounded by hundreds of elite warriors in the Demon Hunting Palace.

"I have no time to talk nonsense with you." Xiao Yi glanced at the crowd coldly.

"This palm, I'll count it with you when I come out."

When the voice fell, Xiao Yi instantly stepped into the closed room.

"Want to run?" The man and the middle-aged man shouted, and they were about to pursue.

Bang... bang... bang... bang...

Four violent flames appeared out of nowhere.

The flame, turned into a barrier, instantly enveloped the closed room.

Men and middle-aged people were immediately blocked from the retreat room.

"Damn it." The man's face was extremely angry, "Boy, if you dare to hurt Linlang a single hair, even if you escape to any corner of this middle domain, I will not let you go."

After all, the man blasted out with a palm, intending to break through the barrier of four-color flames.


Retreat indoors.

Xiao Yi put down Huo Linlang and quickly began to treat her.

He had said that Huo Linlang was safe in life, but that didn't mean that her injuries could drag on forever.

If the injury drags on for too long, there will always be life in danger.

Xiao Yi quickly took out a few pills and fed them to Huo Linlang.

Then the fingers wandered across Huo Linlang's abdomen, dissolving and pulling the pure medicinal power of the pill for her.

After the injury was completely stabilized, Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

"Offended." Xiao Yi muttered to himself and gently unbuttoned Huo Linlang's clothes.

Xiao Yi glanced at the barrier. There was a constant bombardment.

"Humph." Xiao Yi sneered.

In the Promise Saint Realm, he couldn't break his four-color flame barrier.

Of course, if the strong in the Hunting Demon Palace join forces to attack it, the barrier will be broken.

However, it takes time, and this time is enough for him to heal Huo Linlang's injury.


Outside the closed room.

The man kept bombarding the flame barrier.


In the Demon Hunting Palace, more and more powerful people came.

There were no fewer than ten deacons gathered outside the retreat.

"Let's break this barrier together." The ten chief deacons glanced at each other and said.

Just at this moment, whoosh... a figure suddenly appeared.

Here comes an old man.

"See the hall master." A group of deacons and law enforcement teams saluted.

"Yeah." The old man nodded.

The old man glanced at the flame barrier, and a different color flashed in his eyes, "Four powerful flames, and they are still mysteriously arranged into barriers in the form of formations."

"No wonder you can't do anything easily."

"Hall Master, this barrier is almost broken." The man said anxiously.

Several deacons on the side also said anxiously, "Hall, the wanted criminal Yi Xiao is taking Miss Lin Lang into the retreat room. It is urgent..."

The old man smiled and interrupted, "Yi Xiao? That Ziyan?"

"Why wanted him?"

A deacon replied with a respectful voice, "According to the news from Liu Kai, Yi Xiao coveted the high reward for the top task and forcibly captured Miss Lin Lang, and..."

"What else?" The old man interrupted again.

"Holding four powerful flames, plus the Ice Venerable Order automatically recognizes the Lord."

"This kind of arrogant has a boundless future."

"Betrayal in the Demon Hunting Palace for a mere task? Do you still issue a wanted order?"

"Are you stupid, or is he stupid?"

The old man glanced at the chief deacons present with an unhappy expression.


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