Soul of Burning Steel

Chapter 7 Under the Two Moons

Jingle, jingle—

The bell rang.

The Counties of Moldavia, the main city, and the cathedral rang the clock, and the melodious knocking sound echoed nine times, telling everyone that night had come.

With the sound of the bell, the lights of every house began to gradually go out.

Because of the martial law that was enforced half a month ago, even the business district and Liuying Street, which used to keep their lights off at midnight, were also in darkness. Except for a little fire in the hands of the patrols walking back and forth on the street, the entire city There are only a few places that are lit

And the brightest one is the Lord's Mansion.

Next to this castle-like building standing in the center of the city, there is a tall wall that blocks the sight of others.

"He's not dead?!"

A roar came from it.

In a hall that is not very wide but has an ancient atmosphere, a man who is so strong that he looks a little fat sits on a big chair, raises his eyebrows, and shouts to the guard who is kneeling on one knee in front of him: "How is it possible! A few days ago Didn’t the news from heaven say that he rushed into the orc enemy line alone, and he couldn’t survive!”

"My lord, according to the news from the spy, not only did the man not die, but he also made great contributions and was given the Blade of Glory. Although he was suspended and sent away for violating military regulations, this is the worst news for us."

The masked guard couldn't see the expression clearly, but he could guess that his face was very ugly.

"...Hmph, so what if he's alive, but he's just a silver warrior, so it's useless to come back."

Shaking his head, Danlia Radcliffe, a tall and strong middle-aged man, sneered, his expression looked a little hideous under the candlelight: "All the knights loyal to his father are in the Black Forest Fortress , this group of knights is the enemy that needs the most attention, but they are unlikely to come back before the end of the Kuroshio, and after the Kuroshio, I have already succeeded to the title and become the new generation of Earl of Winter!"

Even though he said so, his brows were still furrowed, with a very troubled look on his face: "But he is still alive after all, for those knights, he is the backbone..."

"Mr. Danlia, it seems that you are in trouble." Suddenly, a low-pitched male voice sounded in the heart of a healthy middle-aged man. At the same time, on the other side of the hall, a figure came out of the shadows. The warrior in the armor appeared quietly.

It stands to reason that the sound of footsteps and friction on a full-body armor made of metal would be obvious, but this man obviously violated common sense, and made no sound at all, and at this moment, another spiritual induction came: " If there is anything inconvenient to solve, you can tell me."

"Swordsman... Silent One, what are you doing here?"

Seeing the armor, Danlia sat upright, frowned and replied, "You should be on patrol now, why are you here?"

"I didn't hire you powerful wandering warriors to let you wander around!" He said, with a hint of chill in his voice.

The Silencer's helmet shook, and after making a helpless gesture with both hands, he said with telepathy: "In name, I am employed by you, but in fact, if 'they' don't support you, you can't hire me. Yes, and so are the others."

"And I'm not here to argue with you, sir, there is a very important piece of news that I think you need to know." At this point, the silent man became serious: "You know, I don't need to lie to you."

Hearing this, Danlia knew that it was not a joke, so he immediately stood up with a serious expression on his face: "What news?"

Although there is no way to see the silent person's expression, it must be of great importance.

"The adult among 'them' has already left."

"When will it be?"


Upon hearing such news, Danlia's face became very ugly in an instant: "I haven't mastered this city yet, if the lord comes here now..."

"It's useless for you to tell me." The silent man interrupted with a telepathic call: "Let's get ready to welcome you."

The cold wind blew across the roof, making a whining sound, and the Santo's Mansion fell silent, only Danlia and the Silencer were left silently confronting each other.

Just at this moment, a breathless voice broke the embarrassing scene.

"My Chris is gone!"


Outside the city, in the woods.

Standing in front of the burning bonfire, Joshua's face was illuminated by the crimson flame, and occasionally a spark would pop out, drawing a trail in front of his eyes.

It was a night of cold, wind and snow, and everything was frosty, and it was nearly ten kilometers away from the main city.

While stroking the head of the horse that was chewing the fodder, Joshua added wood to the fire: "It's also thanks to you."

It gets dark very quickly in the winter in the Northland. Instead of risking exhaustion and driving at night, it is better to rest for a while before making other considerations. In order to maintain physical strength, Joshua found a small forest as before, and put the luggage on the horse. Unloaded, prepared, and began to eat dinner.

Breaking apart the dry food and jerky, he thought about his next move: "The city gates will be closed after ten o'clock in the evening. It's too late now. Let's rest for the night today and recharge our batteries. There will be a battle tomorrow."

Now the entire main city is estimated to be occupied by the troops brought by his uncle. Joshua estimated that he would be discovered as soon as he entered the city, and a battle would be inevitable by then.

A gust of wind blew the snow off the leaves.

"It's snowing more," he said softly, adding another stick.

Moldavia is one of the four major human gathering circles of the Great Ajax Volcano in the Northland. It is adjacent to the Ajax Mountains and the Black Forest. Although half of the year is cold in winter, due to volcanic ash and geothermal The reason is that the hilly plains and forests near the mountains are very suitable for living creatures, so this place has always been a paradise for monsters before the arrival of humans.

However, after the arrival of humans, the Black Forest here was dug up by the colonists from generation to generation, and it was completely transformed into an urban circle suitable for human habitation.

During this period, no one knows how much human beings have paid, but the original semicircular black forest was inserted into a triangular blank, dividing it into two halves, and in the newly built city, there are many more tombstones in the cemetery.

The lords of Moldavia are the Radcliffe family, that is, Joshua's family. They have been friends with the dwarves for generations and jointly developed the precious minerals in the volcanic mountains. Because of this, it is very convenient to manufacture and process high-quality ores and weapons. It became the main business of the Radcliffe family.

However, due to the climate in the Northland, the normal trading days are only half a year, and the winter time can only rely on the dragon cart merchants.

With the boiling snow water, Joshua tore off a piece of jerky and took another mouthful of dry food. He carefully felt the taste like sawdust and mud, and felt that his happiness had dropped by at least 50 points.

"If it weren't for the poisonous northern land pine, I'd eat the bark, at least it's fresh."

He knows a lot of things, from the blue bear beast in the forest of the beginning, which even a novice can go through without thinking, to the dragon that collapses in the eternal frozen polar circle, which may not be able to pass through with twenty-four senior adventurers, Joshua knows how to use the simplest method to defeat even terrifying existences such as the Giant God Soldiers in the Ten Thousand Worlds Sacrifice Field and the Cyan Frost Titans that have been eroded by the wind. There is not a boss in the Disputed Continent that he has not defeated .

In terms of combat, Joshua is a well-deserved master. No one can say that he knows more than him—but other than that, he is completely ignorant.

As the general boss and the strongest thug of the strongest battle group in the Far South, he only needs to rush up and kill the most difficult enemies when needed. As for other things, such as diplomacy, planning strategic goals, developing team members and dealing with other Joshua had never paid attention to such things as the regiment's miscellaneous soldiers, let alone life skills such as cooking.

To be reasonable, in this life, Joshua is the son of an earl, a mid-level officer, the kind of person who doesn't need to cook, but in reality, when he was Joshua in his previous life, he was a martial artist in Datong World Lord, although due to various reasons, the apprentice can only stay alone in the gym to get moldy, but in the case of robots, no matter what happens, he will not be able to cook by himself.

All in all, that's why he can't cook!

"Talk, tuck, tuck."

Suddenly there was the sound of horseshoes on the road,

Swallowing the jerky in his mouth, Joshua, who had experienced the feeling of swallowing sawdust raw once, looked back and found a person who was galloping on horseback, braving the heavy snow and heading towards the main city.

"There is such a heavy snow that we have to travel in the middle of the night, which is really urgent."

After eating dinner and packing everything up, Joshua felt that his physical strength was recovering rapidly. He moved his hands and feet to ensure that the fuel for the campfire was sufficient, and then he leaned against the big tree and closed his eyes to rest.

The recent journey was really too difficult. Seventeen days of endless trekking day and night made Joshua, who has reached the limit of a mortal, feel a little tired. Now he is letting go of his thoughts, clearing his mind, and recovering as much as possible energy.

Hours passed and the snow stopped.

Joshua opened his eyes.

Accompanied by the rustling of the leaves being driven by the cold wind, the clouds dispersed at some point. Now, in the night sky, two moons hang in the sky, one blue and the other white, like jewels, and the white star ring Across the night sky, like a straight dividing line, dividing the black sky into two halves, there are countless stars in the night sky, shining brightly.

"What a beautiful moonlight."

Couldn't help admiring, Joshua felt a little emotional: "In the third edition, the abyss was unsealed, and the double moons were eroded and turned into eyes of fear. After that, I will never see this beautiful moonlight again."

Although it will be full of disputes, wars and killings in the future, the Mycroft Continent is very beautiful when it is peaceful. Even in the early stages of the game, many new players register accounts just to see the scenery, and the upgrade is also to go to more dangerous places to see the scenery , They are called the Tourist Party. In the later stages of the game, most of these people became druids and joined the [World Reshaper] organization in order to reproduce those beautiful scenery in the world.

Good memories are always short, time goes by, the moon sets, the sun rises, and it is time to leave.

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