Soul of Burning Steel

Chapter 961 EX: The World Changes Color

These are dark times.

The galaxy is burning. Thousands of years ago, all the sages and wise men's optimistic deduction and speculation about the future of civilization were all invalidated, prosperity and peace disappeared, all because the peaceful world ushered in an uninvited and bad visitor——Bewitched by the evil god of chaos A small number of ignorant and pitiful races, while inducing tragedies one after another, cast their own shadows into this vast world, setting off a tide darker than shadows.

It was a time of rebellion.

The world is breaking. Huge wars began to spread among the stars. Facing the gods of chaos who surpassed despair and death, and their endless families devouring souls, the ancient omnic clusters woke up from the dust, and countless civilizations chose to rise up to resist. They and other orders All races fight together to defend the galaxy. Countless people went forward one after another, trying to lead the unity of order to overcome the darkness, and lead the light of civilization back to the stars.

This is a fragmented time.

The flames of war are intensifying, and the fighting seems to have no end. It can be seen that the stars in the galaxy are extinguished one by one like blown out candles, leaving only the dead blackness, and one by one planets are caught in the sea of ​​flames, being devoured into nothingness, the curse of countless intelligent beings Love and hatred did not keep the evil gods away from defeat, but instead made them gradually gather and approach, like evil beasts attracted by blood.

The mournful cries of the innocent and the roars of the rebels resounded through the heavens and the stars. Thousands of years of war and confrontation, while uniting all the orderly civilizations, also made the power of chaos accumulate to an extremely terrifying level. Terrifying——the army of evil gods has occupied all the shadows, they gather, converge, and overwhelm the situation, and all civilizations can only choose to face it head-on.

Because they have no way out.

The age of glory and splendor is over, and the age of misery and despair begins.

On the other side of the dark vacuum, a dilapidated space station like a Ferris wheel is speeding silently. It can be seen that this 'Ferris wheel' is missing a large part. According to the traces of the damage, it seems that some ferocious beast will destroy the part. One piece devoured. In the damaged space station, there is no life response, even the electronic equipment has long stopped functioning, everything is dead silent, let alone responding.

On the side of the bright star, twelve void cruisers are waiting in formation at the edge of the heliosphere. Their position is the end of the solar wind and the place where the interstellar medium begins to appear. This cruiser fleet faces the oncoming The huge space station began to scan extremely seriously and seriously, and launched an unmanned probe to start exploring.

"No chaotic reaction."

"Inanimate response."

"The function is completely stopped, and there is no running extraordinary power equipment such as electrical energy, psionic energy, and magic energy."

"It is speculated that the time of destruction was about 1,700 years ago—it exhausted all its energy in its last transition, and then drifted in the vacuum like this, wriggling bit by bit, and came to our side."

As the unmanned detection aircraft got closer and deeper into the interior of the damaged space station, the report became more and more detailed, and the relevant detection personnel in charge could be heard exclaiming: "Wait... there are a lot of plants found here seed!"

"There are also here! Strangely, this space station does not seem to have any design for living creatures, only the maintenance facilities for automatic intelligent maintenance and operation... It is a pity that it is also damaged."

"Ah! I found the biological gene bank here! Oh my God, there are so many, really many! This warehouse...does it store all the biological genes on a planet?!"

As more and more discoveries were made, the cruising fleet that gathered all the information soon realized that this space station, which looked like a Ferris wheel, was actually a 'fire' that carried all the information of the entire civilization.

Or, a tombstone, a... suicide note.

By supplying energy and restarting part of the space station equipment, the detection personnel of the cruise fleet extracted the original civilization and history of the space station from the system that did not have any encryption or even actively cooperated with the explanation.

It was a race that had just broken through the atmosphere and flew into the sky. It has been less than a hundred years since they launched their first satellite, and it is extremely difficult for them to even explore the moon, their parent star. At the very elementary extreme, they should be regarded as the most insignificant and inconspicuous category in the star world.

Then, such an ordinary and inconspicuous race was attacked by the Chaos Familia.

The unmanned machine communicated with the database of the damaged space station, and the fleet members silently analyzed the records of the other party, and the images passed down: they saw that the dark shadow covering the sky was sweeping over thousands of stars, the sun was extinguished one by one, and the planets were one after another. dissipate. They saw the glorious wars and the resistance of civilizations in the universe, and the fleet representing order was devoured by infinite beasts.

This race has been discussing 'whether there are aliens in this world' in the past few decades, and now, the most powerful evidence has appeared directly in front of them, in the cruelest way.

They're afraid, they're desperate, they want to run, no doubt - but how? They really don't have any skills, and they don't have any strong people. They don't have much time to think about the evil god's family that may appear in front of them in a few months or a few years.

This huge space station equipped with the most basic jump engine is the last voice of this civilization to this world.

"Is this the fire of our civilization, or the tombstone of our civilization?"

In the space where all species data, all plant seeds, and all biological gene pools of a world are stored, an engineer who should be the engineer who built this space station asked in confusion before the end of the world: "Is it really meaningful for us to do this? Those monsters are so powerful, the spaceship built by the Federation is simply sent to death..."

"it's the same."

Another engineer calmly replied: "At least we resisted."

"At least we chose hope."

last of the last.

Seventeen hundred years later.

The dilapidated space station passed through the cruise fleet that was waiting in full battle, and all the warships surrounded silently, gently exerting a psychic stance, slowing it down, and stopping it.

"At least we saw you..." A plant race closed his eyes, and he whispered: "You are not alone, we are with you."

More than five completely different races serve in battleships, among them are plant-like, cicada-like, spider-like, ape-like and jellyfish-like - the Tehran galaxy is the fortress of order and chaos, the closest to the front line The logistics base, here, has more than a hundred different civilizations with different fleets. Behind them represents the bright galaxy of the Guardians of the Galaxy Alliance, and in front of them is the chaotic evil that breeds shadows and darkness.

Now, the dilapidated space station floats in from the darkness. This is the last fire of a civilization, the last tombstone, a suicide note that he knew he would die but calmly wrote.

——Another civilization that was knocked down and destroyed by the darkness, extinguished like a burnt torch.

But that doesn't mean despair.

"No matter how many times I see it, my heart will never be numb."

The young, cicada-like race stared at the space station that was being slowly disintegrated by the psychic tractor beam, and the databases and warehouses were sorted into the ship. His expression was extremely complicated, and his tentacles trembled: "Instead, it will ignite anger, burn desire to resist."

All races nodded silently.

It’s different from being invaded by other civilizations, it’s different from civil wars between ordered civilizations, and it’s even different from being eaten by interstellar beasts wandering among the stars, being eaten by insect swarms, and being eaten by space plankton swarms... Destroyed by chaos, is Ultimate meaninglessness.

The former, whether they failed or succeeded in resisting the invasion of the invaders, or the country was ruined and became a slave; These are all indifferent, they are all part of the cycle of order.

Of course, civilization may indeed be destroyed, everything is obliterated, and no country, culture, or race can exist, but the loser does not completely disappear: because everything of the loser will be decomposed and absorbed by the winner and turned into nutrition.

Whether it is nutrition in the literal sense, or some enlightenment in thinking, some sparks, some fragments recorded in history, or dressing style, some influences on clothing design. The loser will always be swallowed by the winner, with nothing left.

Then, the successful man will move forward, and the food in the belly will provide energy. There will always be someone moving forward, with all that the loser has lost.

——Our civilization failed and became the food of other civilizations. Although this incident makes people clench their fists, in the final analysis, this is still part of the cycle of order, just like the lions and tigers on the grasslands of the ancient planet era. The ecological cycle of hunting antelope.

Culture will be absorbed, and technology will enlighten others. Even the seemingly useless body is still useful in the final analysis-even if it is turned into fertilizer or dung.

There is no need to be unhappy, just like who has never eaten other creatures, and has never seen the body after death being decomposed and eaten by bacteria and other small creatures. Even rice seedlings need to be irrigated with fertilizer. Everyone is destined to end with each other. , nothing unacceptable.

But chaos is different.

A civilization destroyed by evil gods, the result is meaningless.

No one benefits from it, no one gets anything out of it, there is no point in victory, and there is no point in destruction. If we say that the war with other civilizations is a battle for survival between two civilizations, no matter who wins in the end, someone will eventually absorb all nutrients, become stronger, and go higher—but they are destroyed by chaos , then no matter whether it is culture, technology or shit, chaos will only erode the last wreckage of civilization and turn it into a copy of itself. This is the ultimate nothingness, absolute emptiness.

"Store these into the 'Life Vault' and hand them over to the 'Life Custody Program' next time... Our great leader, the benevolent Iron Chief, has been collecting this."

The commander of the fleet issued an order, and this jellyfish-like intelligent life sent a message through the psychic wave band: "Also, it's time to strengthen our defenses - the big roundabout battle destroyed the 'Eternal Void Anchor Point' of those Chaos Familia, and they are fighting back crazily. Want to find a second suitable spot to create a new anchor."

"Tan Yaren's experience has taught us a lesson. If something can't be done, then destroy the planet by yourself, and you must not be corrupted by chaos..."

Commander Jellyfish seemed to want to continue talking, but all his thoughts were interrupted by a roar that seemed to appear directly in his ears, and the mighty brilliance that came directly from behind.

"What, what's going on?!"

Shocked, Commander Jellyfish called up the observation camera behind him, and then he saw that the center of the Tehran galaxy, the "transition guiding anchor point" at the edge of the galaxy, suddenly burst into light—a rainbow-like seven-color light appeared layer by layer, Then it turned into tiny streams of light, like a torrential rain, extending towards the depths of the dark starry sky.

It just so happened that a ray of light flew straight towards them, causing several cruisers to avoid them subconsciously.

But to be precise, the light is straight, flying towards the 'Ferris Wheel Space Station' that is about to be completely disintegrated.

It was a red light—a light that represented anger, courage, unwillingness and resistance.

[Emotions are locked. Kumar Civilization in the Tehran Star Region, you are full of anger, and the time has come to counterattack. 】

Like an illusion, the red light seeped into the space station... and then.

It began to glow and tremble, and a layer of phantom condensed out of thin air on the surface of the space station, taking shape: it was a bear-like race with strong arms and body, he looked simple and resolute, and the phantom's eyes were not at a loss, There is only decisive anger and the courage to never bow. The members of the cruise fleet couldn't help exclaiming, because this is the extinct race that built this space station.

Endless emotions stirred the vortex, and a huge seven-color light shone in the void. While it illuminated all the resonant civilization wrecks, it also gave birth to unwilling souls.

The heroes of civilization stare straight at the dark void, at those former enemies—they have indeed failed, not even a single piece of wreckage remains, they are awakened, but they don't have much power. These souls can't change anything, they are just reappeared in the world by a great will, so that he can understand more clearly from the history of these civilizations, how the star world has fought against chaos for so many years, and behind the darkness, And how many evil gods are there?

But that doesn't mean it's useless.

Because 'wanting to fight' is the final 'meaning'.

In the atrium galaxy, the silver world slowly rises amid the cheers and prayers of countless people, becoming a star that shines on the sky, and a brand new sun is left behind by him, and the summoned warriors stir up the galaxy. The trembling seven-color brilliance, they enter all the entrances of the transition, enter all the portals, start with the nodes forged by countless civilizations, and spread towards every place in the star universe.

Whether it is an uninhabited star wreck, or a planet that has already rebuilt its order, whether it is a dark field invaded by chaos, or a huge fortress surrounded by the center of a civilized star system, the light is spreading, briefly awakening all unwilling heroes.

--he came.

The leader of the dispute has arrived. He stands tall and sees the ruins of all civilization sacrifices and unwilling graves. He reads the history of the world, the voice of civilization, and feels the deep sorrow and long-term confusion of all life——he came to reveal The bloody scabs will not only bring pain, but also bring a new era-he will lead life to fight, to rebirth, or to perdition.

The constant is the fight.

The dark ages have just begun, but sparks have already begun to spread beneath the curtain.

In the era when the distant stars are still shining, when the anger has not been completely extinguished, the last flame of war in the vast world is about to ignite.

So the world changed color.

The seventeenth volume is officially over. Yesterday, Calvin, today and tomorrow, I will think about the outline of the next volume... After all, it is really coming to an end, please forgive me.

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