Soul of Burning Steel

Chapter 974 The Lineage of Extraordinary Power

Matter in the universe is not arranged in a balanced manner.

If there is a powerful transcendent who observes a miniature of a single universe outside the world, he will find that the arrangement structure of all the luminous stars and galaxies in the entire universe is like a huge sponge.

Galaxies and galaxies are linked into strip-like chains, interlocking with each other to form a huge network, and the networks are layered on top of each other to form a three-dimensional and empty universe, that is, the shape of a sponge.

Just like there are countless voids in a sponge, there are also huge voids in the gaps between galaxies. This void is extremely empty, almost completely empty, and in it, there is not even a little matter, and even other things. The gravitational force of galaxies is so weak that it is almost nothing here.

-The World of Stars·The Big Hole of the Galaxy-

In the center of this gigantic, gigantic void that can be counted by tens of millions of light-years, there are several galaxies that are almost without any light. They are celestial structures composed of high-speed rotating black holes without accretion disks. It is extremely difficult to find such nearly non-luminous galaxies tens of millions of light-years away with any kind of observation equipment, and spiritual detection is even more nonsense, no spiritual power can approach the periphery of this area.

It can be seen that outside the event horizon of the black hole, there is a layer of "spiritual existence" that has almost zero mass and emits silver-blue light. It absorbs all the light and energy that escapes from the black hole, and it is the raw material of the soul. one.

In other words, a huge soul body surrounds these black holes. They are an extremely advanced psionic machine, which can ensure the dynamic balance of their own structure under the strong gravitational force of the black holes.

And on the periphery of the black hole, there are nearly endless giant machines with various strange geometric structures. They are either a ring-shaped long river circling the black hole, or a regular triangular mechanical network circling the galaxy in a normal distribution, or they are constantly rotating. , a hexagonal grid-like honeycomb body that changes direction and changes orbit irregularly... Without exception, these huge machines are shining with silver-blue light, and they are connected to each other, shining with light and dark light.

Every once in a while, this huge psychic existence will transport a part of the matter into the black hole, and then extract energy from the overflowing radiation of the black hole itself... This is actually not the most efficient way to obtain energy. Various annihilation energies However, the Kerr black hole engine is the most stable one for psionic energy.

After all, unlike other supernatural powers or purely technological civilizations, psionic entities are almost massless, and the characteristics of natural aggregation are best at approaching and manipulating various supergravity entities. At the same time, they use black holes far more efficiently than other systems.

These few mechanically constructed galaxies floating in the large void of the galaxy have been floating for endless time in the long river of time. Compared with the time of the external reference point, they have existed for at least 70 million years, but Judging from the mass of the star world, it has spent more than 70 million years. Does it mean that some small worlds outside have passed longer? There's no way of knowing, but whatever it is, that's the way it is.

These galaxy-level mechanical constructs are an existence with a lifespan of nearly 100 million years, a nearly eternal spectacle.

For a long time, they waited for other created galaxies to be born individuals who could find and approach them. If there is a civilization that can discover them who are shielded by spiritual energy, and can approach them in a vacuum area spanning tens of millions of years or even longer, then this undoubtedly proves the ability of this civilization.

And as the superintelligence that supervises this galaxy world, the existence called "Life Custodian Program" can safely entrust the legacy left by the creator of all the world, the super life civilization called "Founder" to them.

They have been waiting, but even if the invasion of evil gods from outside the world comes, he has not waited for the arrival of any civilization... For a long time, endless repetitions, the journey of repeated destruction and rebirth of civilizations in the downstream, but no one can go up high.

But today, they are going to welcome a visitor from another world.

The big hole in the galaxy, the edge.

A galaxy scattered at the edge of the Milky Way.

Chaos is everywhere, even in the rear of the Guardians of the Galaxy Alliance, there will be chaos, blocking commercial routes and transportation arteries. After all, among hundreds of billions of galaxies, there will always be one or two galaxies that cannot be supervised, and then breed evil spirits .

In the center of the galaxy is a common G-class star. The galaxy once gave birth to life. In that dry world, the ocean is only one-third of the land area, and most of the water resources are lurking in the underground cavity. In , life is born in underground hot springs around volcanoes. In the dark underground water system and ocean, there are all kinds of strange life and even intelligent races. There are even natural lava elements born from hot springs, which have become gods revered by many intelligent races.

They were supposed to have a bright future, a story that was unremarkable to the universe, but definitely interesting and worth remembering, but now, that star has become a nest of chaos, all meaning has been wiped out, and the whole The underground water system and the surface of the continent have all become chaotic logistics factories and small reproductive bases.

In the center of the galaxy, it can be seen that the surroundings of the stars covered by chaos are filled with chaotic particles that are highly toxic to living things. They aggregate and split in a vacuum, and carry out the most basic information exchange in the process of no one knowing, and a large number of In this way, the Chaos Familia was born from the genital cavity on the periphery of the stars, and then followed the guidance of the information to gather together, turned into a fleet, and sailed in the direction of other stars.

This is the most typical chaotic stronghold rooted in many galaxies-they are hidden in the galaxies on the edge of the galaxy, and they continuously send out family fleets to harass the alliance's logistics and delay the assembly speed of the guardian fleet. If 60% of the combat power is concentrated on the front line, then the other 40% of the troops will be dragged in place by this kind of stronghold that is less than 1% compared to Chaos.

It can be seen that another fleet is preparing to set off from the star and head to other stars to cause chaos, but just as they escape the direct gravitational interference of the star, they make a short-distance transition to the outside of the heliosphere, and are accelerating their departure, preparing to travel for several light-years. During the planned long-distance leap, suddenly, this fleet immediately violated the orders of the star's chaos lair, reversed its direction, and evaded in a panic.

It can be seen that the system of this fleet has been completely disrupted, and the chaotic family members who were originally one have completely become individuals. They are scattered and fleeing, as if they want to avoid some horrible existence.

But it was too late.

Time and space are vibrating.

Stretching the angle of view, from the perspective of multiple galaxies, it can be seen that on the edge of the cantilever of the galaxy, the dark gravitational pits are lighting up one after another in a rhythm of "simultaneously", and this gravitational pit runs through the entire galaxy, Formed a path that seemed to be made of black footprints and stars.

A supermassive entity that can even twist and attract light is rapidly leaping.

Every time he jumps to a place, he will temporarily swallow the surrounding light, forming a huge gravitational depression, and in the next moment, he jumps again, and the depression will move forward in the air, just like a person walking and leaving footprints on the beach—— —It’s just that the mass of this person exceeds the collection of dozens of galaxies, while the beach is an entire river system.

Just like the footprints on the beach will be smoothed by the sea water, this gravitational depression will soon be smoothed by the surrounding time and space. However, the huge gravitational shock, mixed with strange energy fluctuations, spreads around the depression. Energy fluctuations are not harmful to ordinary life, just like a breeze blowing on the face, but for all kinds of abnormal existences, chaotic individuals, no matter how well they hide, cannot avoid the doomed destruction.

The fringe galaxies, the lairs of chaos, and the huge mother nest of chaos also began to tremble, not because of fear, nor because of the suppression of life ranks, but because of the 'shudder' and distortion of physical properties in terms of time and space——with a blazing Brilliant spheres protruded abruptly around the solar system, and then disappeared abruptly. The invisible silver fluctuations swept the surrounding space like a sea tide, and collided with the silver fluctuations of the Chaos Familia fleet, eroded stars, and even stars. The nests were all disintegrated silently, turning into undetectable molecular particles in the Milky Way.

"Hoo... Woo!"

The stellar lair is struggling and twisting. Its body surface overflows with a layer of weird twisted mask, exuding colorful black brilliance. It is a biological defense cover composed of a large number of molecular-level energy-phagating spores. The battleship's main guns are almost useless in the face of these living defense circles. Perhaps only space weapons such as subspace fragmentation cannons that use the principle of transition can cause some theoretical damage to them.

After all, the body of the stellar lair is a star, and its self-healing speed is much faster than the energy storage speed of the battleship's main gun.

However, in the face of the surging silver mist, which is enough to face the attack of a dozen normal guardian fleets alone, and the stellar lair that still has the power to fight back, it can only let out a silent wail in the vacuum, and then slow down like this. Slowly vanished into nothingness, its body disappeared as if erased, disintegrated, and some of the remaining wreckage was deactivated, fell into the star, and was burned to ashes.

Everything happened within a few minutes - just passing by, so a star-level Chaos Familia was wiped out like this, without even leaving a trace.

This is the power of the ultimate extraordinary powerhouse - the power of Joshua.

In the past, the evil god of abundance passed through the multi-dimensional galaxy, and only the aftermath of passing by could destroy thousands of worlds, giving birth to many small evil gods similar to the atmosphere, and creating a large void comparable to the prototype of the maelstrom of creation. The vortex caused a large crack visible to the naked eye to appear in the entire galaxy of the world.

Today, Joshua is also walking on this path... Maybe, in terms of reserves, he is not as good as the evil god Fengrui, who was born a hundred million years ago, but as an intelligent life with a future to speak of, he always has various methods, Go beyond the frozen frame and turn into a dead and eternal evil god.

[Reminder: Next, we are going to make an ultra-long-distance transition, the transition distance is 45.62 million light-years, and we will use short-distance transition and sub-light speed flight to approach the remaining distance]

[Surprised: Your power seems to have a very strong influence on the physical plane... No wonder you can create an 'emotional power' that is based on psionic energy but has a great impact on the physical world]

[Curiosity: Radcliffe, are you planning to use 'emotional power' as the core of your future?]


Facing the immortal lighthouse lingering by his side, which turned into an invisible psionic body, Joshua, who was on the leap, replied briefly: "Emotional power is just the first step in my experiment. What I want is not this. A simple mixture."

[Understanding: I understand. But even if it is a mixture, it has its own mysteries. If you can go to the limit, you may not be able to open up the way... This is what the old sage once said to me]

"Maybe, but I'm not for it."

Joshua sent out a stream of information representing 'laughter', and then he temporarily stopped and began to accumulate energy, preparing for a super-long-distance transition counting tens of thousands of light years, and during this time of energy accumulation, he But his thoughts began to spread because of the words of the immortal lighthouse.

There is indeed a connection between extraordinary powers.

Excluding the relatively special power of malicious chaos, it represents the 'divine power' and 'steel power' directly derived from the primordial fire and the steel of origin.

First of all, based on divine power, the 'founder' created [soul and spiritual energy]. The subdivision and derivation of this power has also given birth to many special systems such as "spiritual power" and "spiritual induction" at the next level.

Then, according to the words of the knowledge taker, the civilization represented by the sage of the devil, because of the powerful spiritual power derived from the powerful soul and psionic energy, has noticed the overflowing creation power that is ubiquitous in the multiverse, that is, It is the primordial fire that illuminates the light of existence in the void. Through this powerful spirit, they tapped out the potential power of the light of existence and created [magic and magical power] that can form any kind of phenomenon.

As for the subdivision and derivation of magic power, many 'arcanes', 'spell powers' and various primitive totem powers appeared... These systems all come from mutant magic power.

Probably in the same era, and perhaps also derived from the revelation of magic power, [Life Energy] derived from the power of steel was also discovered. This kind of power that directly acts on matter and can easily change the form of matter should also give birth to a sage , but his name and civilization have not been handed down. Perhaps it is also the same era, and there is a direct connection reason, magic power and life energy can be directly transformed through intelligent life, and the relationship between the two is unexpectedly close.

Even, the force of nature between the two was born and became a secondary derivative force.

These two extraordinary powers have brought about a new multiverse extraordinary era.

Immediately afterwards, [Element] and [Ether] appeared one after another. Their creators are all civilizations and individuals who have deeply studied magic or life energy. They seem to have found the existence of quarks from protons and neutrons. In that way, a brand-new essence was discovered from other extraordinary forces, just like the discovery of strong and weak nuclear forces by human beings, and a brand-new force was created based on this essence.

And because their origin comes from other supernatural powers, elements and ether can be well mixed with other supernatural powers, and psionic energy, as the source of magic power, can naturally be well integrated with it.

"Every kind of extraordinary power is completely different, but it has a system that can be traced."

Joshua stared at the dark and empty void in the Milky Way before him, and thought calmly in his heart: "It's like organic matter derived from inorganic matter, and intelligent life of flesh and blood creates strong artificial intelligence. The former and the latter are completely different. But somewhere in the essence it's close. It's something that's hard to describe, hard to compare."

If one day, he can express the difference of many extraordinary powers in the simplest language, presumably at that time, he will also become a sage.

"The birth of psychic power is to allow people to prove that they are themselves, and magic power and life energy are to use their own power to change the world."

"Element and ether are bred from the two, regulating all extraordinary powers, and establishing the cornerstone of the multiverse, changing the origin of many life worlds in the multiverse, and affecting the birth of all subsequent new worlds."

"And [Holy Light]... seems to be a kind of power derived from magic power, or life energy, or even divine power and steel power. It also changes the world, and Holy Light is more inclined to restore... Or, in other words, Reverse a certain scale. No, a little higher, the purification and recovery of the Holy Light, if you look closely at the essence, it is likely to be a certain ability to reverse the 'entropy' and restore the change of matter."

Life can also do this, so can the power of steel, and so can magic. But Holy Light can use it as a basis to directly do what other extraordinary powers need to do indirectly.

And the newly-appeared [Shadow] seems to be like the relationship between magic power and life energy, elements and ether. Because the two have completely different but similar essences, the birth of one will stimulate the birth of the other.

The first update, to make up for yesterday's

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