Soul of Burning Steel

Chapter 982 Joe's Encyclopedia 8000

[Initially, it was born in a narrow place

Warm hot springs on the seabed, scorching cavities in the earth's core, places where the zenith of frost elements gather, rich magic crystal plains... the original origin comes from seemingly inconspicuous places

Then, it began to spread, from the ocean to the continent, from the ground to the surface—then, the whole world

Maybe it's a continent, maybe it's a planet, maybe it's the vast sea of ​​stars, or even the void wider than the sea of ​​stars and other worlds outside the void... It reproduces, replicates itself, and then infects and spreads into multitudes

Such a common and extraordinary thing, its name is...]

In the void, there are endless worlds, and each world is shining with starlight. The infinite light converges into a vast galaxy, and countless galaxies converge again into a multi-dimensional galaxy. This is the largest physical structure in the multiverse today.

And the smallest world is an extremely special existence. Generally speaking, it only has a few mountains and a plain, with a radius of no more than a few hundred square kilometers. It can be said that it is not even as big as a big city.

However, in a world of this size, there is definitely an extremely large collection of extraordinary power. As the core of this world and the stable world barrier, it is not surprising that there are singularity-level extraordinary power condensates in it. Therefore, this kind of extremely small world can be said to be a hidden treasure in the void, and its number is very small. Even if it is on the scale of the world galaxy, it is difficult to see such a small world.

This kind of extremely small world is not the same as the half-plane and the plane. In a rough summary, the half-plane is a plane without internal self-circulation ability, while the plane is a world attached to the world. Most of them are man-made. Natural planes are also extremely rare, and they vary in size, depending on the world they are attached to.

The most common world size is the 'small world' in the usual sense. At present, the smallest small worlds that have life have been determined, and their area is about 150 million square kilometers, which is a little larger than a big country in the Mycroft world, but the largest world that can be defined as a small world has an area of ​​about 150 million square kilometers. There are 60 billion square kilometers, enough to hold dozens of Mycroft worlds.

A world of this level has a complete self-circulation ability and a long lifespan. If there is no accident, the world of its natural extinction will take hundreds of millions or billions of years, and because extraordinary power can greatly speed up the evolution process, they It may only take a few million years for life to be born inside. If you are lucky, it is not impossible for intelligent life to be born in hundreds of thousands of years.

Small worlds are the worlds that occupy the majority of the multiverse. Most of the extraordinary power and total volume inside can reach a concentration balance, and then give birth to life at the fastest speed, and the intelligent life inside will also grow at the fastest speed. Discover the void and begin to explore the unknown beyond the world.

Further up, there are medium-sized worlds that are second only to small worlds in number. The size span of the medium-sized world is extremely large. Generally speaking, it has hundreds of times the area of ​​the Mycroft world. This is the group with the smallest capacity, because most of the medium-sized worlds have one or even several stars. A star system, which is equipped with a large number of planets, is the so-called galaxy world. Here, compared with small worlds, the concentration of extraordinary power in life is too low to produce extraordinary birth, and the number of planets is too small and the probability is too low, so there is no way to make exceptions. In the current multiverse, most medium-sized worlds are still gestating On the way of life, it may take hundreds of millions or even billions of years before the newly born organic matter and single-celled organisms can slowly evolve into truly intelligent life.

The lower limit of a medium-sized world is a star-sized supercontinent, or a super planet, while the upper limit is more than a thousand star systems, forming a small galaxy, where the stars are quietly rotating, looking forward to the future as time goes by. , the life they bred can be safely born in this too young multiverse.

But the medium-sized worlds in the usual sense are larger than the "large-scale worlds" in which only one world has an entire galaxy, or even more galaxies. In a world of this level, tens of billions of stars shine brightly, This is just the basics. A slightly normal large-scale world basically has multiple galaxies, with more than hundreds of billions of stars.

At this point, the strength of the world barrier has reached the point where non-legendary people cannot enter and exit-if it is a small and medium-sized world, with special skills, the existence of the ultimate level can enter and exit, but facing this kind of galaxy world, extremely It means that you can't even get close, or you can only enter passively, but you can't get out. This kind of world is very closed, and most of the lives inside die in the too vast void, and it is impossible to discover the truth that there is void beyond the world.

And the largest type of large-scale world is based on the complex number of galaxies, more than trillions of observable stars. This kind of world, even if the legend wants to enter, it needs to know special skills. They are different from the normal world galaxies. Those who do not communicate with each other, except for the great demon tide, they basically do not interact with the void for any information or energy.

However, only a large world of this order of magnitude is possible to forcibly breed intelligent life with a small concentration of extraordinary power, and only a world of this size can resist the attack of some weaker evil gods .

As for the "super-big world" that is bigger than the large world, it is even said that a single world has bred endless stars and countless galaxies. Its size and volume cannot be estimated by the number of stars. billions, tens of billions of light years' to determine its observable range.

This kind of world is conceived by the multiverse, but refuses to communicate with the multiverse, even if the evil god wants to invade, it is absolutely impossible-perhaps, in the days when the original fire was still burning, it was open, However, due to the passage of time and changes in the basic forces of the multiverse, they have been completely out of touch with the multiverse. It is even said that the interior of some of these super-large worlds still does not have any extraordinary power, the original appearance of the multiverse.

The pages of the e-book in the light curtain were turned over one by one, and sensitive insect tentacles clicked on the virtual screen. An old Tan Yaren read the entire manual, and then showed a thoughtful expression.

"It turns out that the world we live in belongs to the category of 'super-large world'...the only worlds that are bigger than us are those that can be said to be endless, and are speculated to be 'nearly infinite single universe' worlds."

After reading the entire text, Fleet Admiral Kedar closed the e-book in the psionic network APP in front of him with satisfaction, and he could see that there was a very obvious line of Mycroft common language written on the cover of the book.

Title: "Joe's Encyclopedia Part Five"

Subtitle: "A Thousand Things about the Void and the World You Don't Know"

Introduction: Let you understand the basic situation of the multiverse in one hour! Reminder, this book is for the popularization of basic Void knowledge, not for commercial purposes, only for learning and communication——Joshua Van Radcliffe.

When Joshua was summoned to the world of stars by the Atrium people, and joined forces with the triple curtain to popularize the power of emotion, he began to vigorously popularize knowledge about the void, evil gods and multiverses to the local civilization of the world of stars.

This is actually one of the purposes of Joshua's coming to the world of stars - if he can solve the chaos problem in this world, then he is likely to be able to attract a large number of families in the world of stars who know the chaos well. It can even be said that veterans who are extremely proficient in chaos warfare are used as reinforcements. Before that, the most important thing is to tell the locals of the star world that there are other worlds and evil gods outside their world, and those evil gods, It is the source of their world's chaos invasion.

For this purpose, Joshua has no intention of hiding anything, and Commander Kedar, who has just finished reading the encyclopedia, is also very aware of this matter. Even, the old commander was able to guess that the power of the Ring of the Four Gods he holds now is an attempt by the other party to use extraordinary power. In essence, he is actually using them as an experiment to explore possibilities for his own future path.

Stretching out his tentacles, he touched the red ring on his joint limb, and Kedar smiled slightly.

"But so what?"

As an elder who has lived for a long time and fought against Chaos for a long time, Kedar naturally understands that a powerful existence at the level of Radcliffe, the God of Atrium and Hell God, can cross the From the distance of the endless world, they came to the star world to help them fight against chaos, and spread their emotional power in the star world without even the slightest hesitation. This kind of behavior is slightly insufficient in terms of nobility, and it has reached the level of selflessness.

In any case, if an existence of this level wants to pull a group of reinforcements in the world of stars to help them fight together, there is no need for such troublesome means at all. Even from the harshest point of view, this is a matter of mutual benefit. Even if it is not a completely selfless help, it is at least a fair transaction, and it is definitely not a fraud.

As for the experiments...the civilizations among the stars must also have the value as experimental subjects!

You must know that the power of emotion is not a messy mixed power, but a system created by a strong man after careful consideration, and it is fully compatible with spiritual power! The preciousness of this system, the higher the level of civilization, the clearer it is, it can completely make a tribal civilization rise to the sky in one step-if people in the star world have no power, who would waste this opportunity that may make a civilization rise to the sky in one step, go Experiment with them?


"If it wasn't for you, how would I have gained the courage to get out of this predicament, and then... vent my anger on Chaos?"

Raising his head, the former commander-in-chief of the Agni Fleet, the five-star commander, Qin Yaren Kedar stared out of the bridge, staring at the planet that was being suppressed by the joint bombing of the entire fleet, he stared at the planet that had been eroded by the plague and almost turned into a There is a red light burning in the eyes of the planet in the desperate situation.

Since the emotional power has spread throughout the entire star world, the Guardians of the Galaxy Alliance has formed a "Blazing Fleet" with the original Fire Fleet, to be precise, Commander Kedar, the ring bearer of the Ring of Courage, as the core, All the members of its fleet are capable users who have awakened the power of courage and emotion, or at least powerful psykers who have the tendency to awaken.

And the purpose of this fleet full of courage and anger is to wipe out all the unstable factors on the Galaxy front before the big counterattack comes.

Just like the bombed planet in front of you.

A planet that has been completely infected by the 'Ultimate Plague'.

"Could it be the work of the 'Plague Cthulhu'..."

Kedar walked to the front of the bridge, staring at the planet in front of him that was almost completely covered by starship gunfire, his eyes were serious, and he did not show any contempt because of his absolute advantage.

Extreme Virus - Joshua sent a report to the entire Guardians of the Galaxy Alliance through the power of the Four God Rings and the Triple Curtain to prove that this is a super extraordinary virus that can survive in a vacuum and withstand high temperatures exceeding 6,000 degrees .

This virus is highly contagious, has a high degree of latency, and is highly lethal. Now in less than a month, it has caused hundreds of billions of deaths, hundreds of infected planets have fallen, and even some The alliance that suffered the most disasters joined the civilization and fell, and was completely wiped out by the virus. This level of casualties is close to the number of casualties in a large-scale war against chaos. This time, the Guardian Alliance didn't even know the true face of the enemy. , let alone how to defend against it.

However, if that's all it is, it's not enough to use the sharp sword in the hands of the current alliance, the 'Blazing Fleet of the Brave'.

"Wow!!! Ugh!!!"

There was a loud roar that went beyond the space and resounded directly in the spiritual space. Sensing the angry roar, Kedar lowered his head and stared indifferently at a certain part of the bombed planet.

In the haze and black cloud that rises due to the ocean being evaporated by the starship gunfire, there are lavender lightning and thunder that can be seen, and there is a huge thing whose body can be clearly seen in the space orbit. Shuttle in the air, it endured the volley of psionic light spears one after another, and from time to time because of the too strong explosion, part of its body was exposed, and the atmosphere of the entire planet was stirred by it, causing ripples.

Kedar can clearly estimate the size through visual inspection - judging from the currently exposed body, its body length is probably more than 1,500 kilometers.

Its body occupies a small piece of the ocean.


Accompanied by high-pitched angry roars, perhaps unbearably harassed by artillery fire, the head of this huge monster swung, clearing the surrounding clouds and mists, and making its true face appear in front of everyone: it was a black and white head like a killer whale, but the whole body was It has a glass-like luster, which can effectively reflect the lethality of the spiritual energy beam. On its back, the metal bone spurs are raised high, and the crystals scattered on it are dangerously cold, and it seems that it can emit spiritual energy at any time. The beam strikes back.

The sea of ​​fog was churning, and the atmospheric structure of the entire planet was stirred. It can be seen that the atmosphere that originally shrouded the outside of the planet has been manipulated by this monster at this time, turning into a sea of ​​fog that is too dense and can be attacked by a large number of reflected light beams, and it Just churning in this sea of ​​fog, withstanding the bombing of an entire fleet with the power of a star.

"Extreme creatures..."

Kedar whispered to himself, and his expression returned to calm: "Even if it is only in the metamorphosis period, its strength is beyond that of ordinary immortals - if I don't have the power of emotion, I don't keep the precepts, and I just rely on my own strength to advance , I’m afraid it’s really not the opponent of this monster.”

The realm of the immortal with psychic power is just relying on psychic power to achieve the "eternity" of the body and spirit. The main point is to be immortal, even if you are killed, you can come back through spiritual sustenance. For extreme life, it will indeed be at a disadvantage.

After all, that is a monster that has devoured most of the life in the ocean, as long as given time, even the planet can be eaten.

"Report, Commander, the refugees on the planet Minglida have been retrieved - it has been confirmed that none of them are infected with the limit virus!"

And just when the 'Ultimate Killer Whale' that manipulated the planet's atmosphere was confronting the firepower of the starship that suppressed it, a tired but excited sound transmission appeared in Kedar's mind. The voice of Faya, the leader of the Vanguard of the Brave Fleet, said: "It has been confirmed that there is no normal life on the planet Minglida. The atmosphere is full of mutating extreme viruses, and rain and fog are the conductors of its transmission!"

"Understood, you did a good job."

With a slight nod, Kedar encouraged the opponent, and then he raised his head again and stared at the extreme killer whale.

It is true that extreme creatures are very strong, and ordinary immortals rushing to confront each other, it is very likely that their intelligence will be swallowed by the opponent-but just like this, can they deal with an entire star fleet composed entirely of emotionally capable people?


He didn't directly destroy the opponent, just because the aftermath of destroying it would wipe out all possible survivors on the entire planet. Now, with the rescue team that broke into the planet's interior and successfully completed the mission, it is time to exert all its strength and completely Eliminate each other.

"Disinfect, sterilize."

Take a deep breath—this is manifested in Tan Yaren's body, which is to open his mouthparts. In an instant, Kedar leaped a short distance away from the flagship "Agni" with spiritual power. He stood on the In the vacuum of the universe, it seems that the most solid earth is under your feet.

Seeing the commander of his own fleet, the natural leader of the Ring of Courage ability user, came to the battlefield in person. Immediately, all the fleets temporarily stopped bombing the ultimate killer whale, and turned their attention to Kedar. Even the ultimate killer whale, because the enemy The attack temporarily stopped, but raised his head slightly in surprise, staring at the dark vacuum.

Then, it saw a crimson flame that was slowly igniting.

Kedar lowered his head, and he stared at the monster that almost devoured all life on a planet and caused the complete destruction of a planet's ecosystem.

He recalled his hometown destroyed by chaos, and heard the wailing and mourning of countless lives dying in pain.

War, haze, death, despair, all darkness is like a gangrene attached to the star world, gnawing at the flesh and blood of intelligent life and civilization.

But it is also because he has witnessed darkness and experienced despair, and because Kedar has experienced all of this, personally experienced it, and it is unforgettable.

Therefore, the anger is kindled, and the courage is born.


In the vacuum, Kedar raised his jointed limbs. He felt that all the power in his body surged along with his spirit, and clear instructions spread throughout the army, as calm and firm as ever—but this time, everyone could hear, A fire burns behind this calm.

"Lend me your strength!"

Then millions of sergeants, all angry and courageous, raised their hands and roared in unison.

courage! belief! anger! All three in one!

On the gleaming red ring on Kedar's raised limb, crimson light like ripples began to appear out of thin air, burning everything, surpassing the temperature of the sun and being controlled by him, overflowing emotional energy condensed into one after another The real entities are swords, guns, axes, guns, cannons, huge interstellar warships, and inconspicuous extraordinary weapons.

Since the birth of intelligent life, all entities related to weapons and destruction have gathered behind Kedar, and within it, a common force named 'destruction' was pulled out, turning into a bright light above the head of the old commander Incomparable light group - it feels like in the dark sky, a round of dazzling sun stars composed of various weapons suddenly appeared, and this star is not a phantom, but is embodied by emotional power out of the entity!


On the planet Minglida, the ultimate killer whale, who was wondering what the enemies were doing, suddenly felt terrified. It suddenly screamed, then turned its head, and plunged into the depths of the earth's crust, as if trying to avoid the blow.

But it didn't work.

"The unique skill taught by the God of Hell in the Atrium is a blow that claims to be able to ignite a superstar!"

Holding up the jointed limbs, Kedar felt the entire fleet. The power of all the emotionally capable users was converging towards his head, and finally condensed into a huge red light group hundreds of meters wide and extremely solid. The phantom of all weapons, it is getting brighter little by little, until its brightness has made it impossible to distinguish colors, illuminating half of the galaxy.

Lurking behind the courage and anger, the power called madness and destruction surged and turned into a shining arc, entangled around the light group, Kedar shouted angrily: "Witness the God of Hell, and our anger! "

"Stoner Sunshine!" (Stoner Sunshine!)

Compared with the planet, the extremely tiny red light cluster was thrown heavily by Kedar, and it reached the extreme in an instant. It shuttled through the space at sub-light speed, and sank into the star without even causing any waves in the sea of ​​fog.

But in the next moment, accompanied by an earth-shattering roar and hobbies, the sea of ​​fog formed by the condensed atmosphere of the entire planet was directly ignited by the high temperature beyond the core of the star, turning into a raging sea of ​​flames!

It can be seen that on the entire planet Minglida, there are countless cracks like blood vessel scars, and the crimson light spreads and bursts from these cracks, turning into countless beams of light like sharp swords—millions of high-level emotional abilities The power condensed by the former turned into a fire of destruction, which directly ignited and melted the entire planet. On the planet where the flames spread like wild horses, the mountain peaks were gradually melting and softening, and the ocean was directly evaporated and blown away.

There was no violent explosion, nor a strong shock wave. In just a few minutes, the original living planet, which was completely infected by the plague, turned into a red-gold melting furnace planet. There are no mountains, no oceans, just the same sea of ​​fire.

And the ultimate killer whale, naturally, has long been whining and turned into nothingness under the bombardment of the emotional power version of the scorching sun.


Kedar stared at the melting planet under him speechlessly, without any expression on his face.

According to the original order of the Guardian Alliance, he should use the Star Destroyer Agni to smash the entire planet of Minglida to cut off the possibility of plague infection, but after his judgment, just smashing the planet cannot completely wipe out the planet. All extreme viruses, so in order to prevent future troubles, he deliberately learned the stunt left by the God of Atrium in the appendix of the encyclopedia, claiming to practice to the extreme, he can really create a stellar 'sunshine flash'.

Of course, these are all just temporary fabricated reasons for him to be able to act reasonably and destroy the enemies of Chaos himself.

Only by listening to the howling of the enemy and personally witnessing the enemy dissipating under his hands, the old commander who lost his hometown and heir can feel that the anger in his heart can become more pure.

Of course it wasn't dissipating—until Chaos was completely wiped out, the warrior's anger would only grow stronger. As a father, husband, and the expectations of the people in his hometown, Kedar's anger towards Chaos as a life would definitely not dissipate so easily.

"……set sail."

With a flicker, Kedar returned to the flagship bridge again. He turned his back to all the fleet staff who were staring at him with reverence, and whispered an order: "Let's set off to the next target."

But on the bridge, there was silence.

"What's the matter? I said, go to the next target - the alliance should have given the task?"

Realizing that something was wrong, Kedar turned his head in doubt, and looked at the messengers who should have responded. He wondered if the alliance had suddenly shown kindness and had no intention of letting the fleet rotate - but unfortunately, it was not.

At this moment, he could see the shocked expression on the front of his subordinates.


Because they are all holders of the power of courage, even if they are shocked, they will not hesitate because of timidity. A correspondent was the first to recover, and then said very seriously: "Look, I'm afraid We have no next mission!"

Kedar took a step forward, his compound eyes could clearly see all the details of the light curtain in front of the communicator - it was a local map of the star field, divided into sixty-seven sub-districts, each sub-district had several star systems, Generally speaking, if there is chaos or unexpected situation, the graph representing the community will light up red, otherwise it will be blue light.

In this large star field, there were not many red areas. Even if there were, they were recently wiped out by the Brave Fleet, but now, Kedar has discovered.

The map of the star region in front of him is red!

"Alliance warning - the plague is spreading on a large scale!"

"Attention all front-line fleets! It has been confirmed that the ultimate plague has a great relationship with the Chaos God. In places close to the Chaos Familia, the probability of extreme virus generation will be higher!"

"All frontline fleets retreat! Stick to the nearest high-level star-level base!"

A series of warning communications came, occupying most of the screen, and in just a blink of an eye, all the surrounding planets and galaxies fell, and the only blue area was the point where the Blazing Brave Fleet was located—in an instant, they were alone and helpless!

"Is this the evil god's conspiracy?!"

Even Kedar couldn't help but be shocked by it - if each life planet in these fallen star fields can give birth to an extreme creature, then they may be the ones who are wiped out in the end!

No, it's not just them, if the entire star world is like this, then the alliance is simply at stake!

But it's clear that things are so much worse than nothing.

Just when Kedar notified the entire fleet to set off as soon as possible, break through the red plague-infested area, and temporarily return to the star base behind to wait for follow-up instructions, suddenly, he felt an inexplicable fluctuation.

The ring of courage worn on the jointed limb suddenly became bright red and bright, exuding a clear and transparent brilliance.

——In the field of psychic energy, where the net of psychic energy gathers, where the rings of the four gods lie.

In the four burning emotional flames, four completely different rune rings are ups and downs in the flames, interacting with the source of infinite divine power, and this process seems to last until all intelligent life in the star world dies.

However, the fire of emotions that seemed to last forever suddenly became vigorous, as if they were stimulated, and turned from sleeping to active-then, they began to fight back, releasing invisible waves, sweeping across the galaxy !

And with the four rings of emotion, all the individuals who have awakened emotional power are used as nodes to spread this invisible fluctuation. The originally extremely hidden, silent and invisible weak fluctuation that passed quietly in the world of stars was immediately disturbed. Interrupted, and lost the persevering inducement of this fluctuation, at that moment, all the extreme viruses that were spreading and condensed out of thin air suddenly interrupted the download like a network that lost its signal, and collapsed into a group of meaningless condensed thing.

Kedar could sense that with the ring of courage he held as the core, the invisible fluctuations were spreading in all directions. Wherever he passed, the vaguely uncomfortable feeling that was originally vaguely dissipated, making people feel spiritually Much easier.

"This is……"

As the only ring-bearer of the Ring of Courage today, Kedar was slightly moved. He could sense that this fluctuation was not caused by the Ring of Courage itself, but was guided by another strong man, and the name of that strong man does not need to be mentioned too much. Said that it could only be that adult.

The one who gave him the strength to venge and restore his courage.

Feeling something, the old commander raised his head and looked at the empty cosmic vacuum, and at this moment, on the dark veil of the universe, a bright star suddenly lit up.

At this moment, with the help of the triple veil.

Joshua van Radcliffe left the world of stars and came to the void beyond the world of stars, which has been silent for nearly 80 million years.

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