Soul of Negary

Chapter 19 The World of the Lord God

There were not many people on the street, and the drizzle made people not want to go out.

Negri was walking on the road holding an umbrella. This was the road he used to walk every day when he went to school, but now he doesn't have much emotion when he walks.

It was just a ceremony, which made Negri want to walk around here. Now Negri shows more of Wang Yuanhe's miss.

Not beyond Negri's expectations, the world where Wang Yuan was born was a medium world and could become the world of the main god.

That is, the world form of the transition from the sand world to the bed world, and the moon tree world under the control of the elves was close to this form.

The biggest difference from the sand world is that the medium world is full of energy, has a real starry sky, and has a large number of auxiliary planes.

The speed of the space-time matter in the middle world is extremely slow because of its huge size, which causes the world's time to flow too slowly.

Wang Yuan has only been out of this world for eighteen years.

Negri finally stopped in front of the community, followed the old corridor, went to the fourth floor, and opened the door.

Although it has been eighteen years, there are still some things that make Negri familiar.

Wang Yuan is not an orphan. Maybe he will become an orphan soon after he becomes the protagonist, but everything is over before it begins. It can be said that fortunately, the two of them did not die because of it.

Although the disappearance of their son made both of them uncomfortable, Negri could see that with the advent of the two-child policy, Wang Yuan had a younger sister born, and the two gradually paid attention to her younger sister.

This time Negri came here not simply to describe family affection. This kind of thing became more and more rare. He was Wang Yuan, but Wang Yuan was not him.

That little family affection is not enough to affect Negri. There is another reason for him to make a special trip, that is, his sister, who has never met, is likely to become the weapon of the Lord God World to deal with him. He needs to solve it first. .

A little family affection is also a flaw. If they are willing to join the unclean monastery, Negri may give a little preferential treatment in the case of that little affection. If they appear as an enemy, then Negri will completely wipe out that emotion. , completely suppressed her.

Compared with the world of the Lord God, he is now in a state of hostility. When Negri first entered, he sensed that there is a certain operating mechanism in this world, which will continue to erode other sand worlds.

Those sand worlds will eventually become subordinate planes of this world.

What makes Negri curious is how this world of the main god devours the world of sand.

First anchor the projections of other sand worlds, and then cast human beings called apostles, enter the projections to carry out world strategy, secretly capture the luck of those worlds, and finally gather strength and send those apostles who occupy the corresponding luck to completely conquer the sand. the world, turn it into an appendage.

This model is infinite space in the words of the novel, and that is exactly what Negri calls this medium world the world of the Lord God, which makes Negri's appetite wide open, and he will go further by swallowing this world.

If Wang Yuan hadn't been fooled by the system to traverse, he should have entered the space.

Based on the previous information, Negri speculated that Wang Yuan should become stronger in the space and become a powerful apostle such as the first few or even the first. Then he quit the main god space and found that his parents had died unexpectedly, leaving only the The next younger sister begins the life of the protagonist of her own infinite return.

It is a pity that before entering the main god space, Wang Yuan was pulled into another world, suppressing the protagonist's halo that had not yet unfolded, and directly died.

This has the credit of the ruler where Wang Yuan's roots flow out, and it is the halo of the protagonist of a medium world that is worthy of action by the ruler who occupies the upper class of the road.

The information resources contained in such a medium world are enough for Negri to push his existence further.

The protagonist's halo is the product of the luck of the world, and contains a lot of information in this world. Even in Negri's view, it is a good treasure, and its value is no less than a fetish.

If the main god world really devours enough sand world,

Forming a perfect self-closing cycle, it is really possible to advance to a higher world.

At the beginning, Wang Yuan's plan as the protagonist was to let the main god world of modern society as the main body absorb those subordinate planes and realize the operation of plane descent, so as to facilitate it to swallow more worlds.

As a result, as Wang Yuan's disappearance plan came to nothing, after more than ten years of breeding, a new protagonist took Wang Yuan's place, but this time it was no longer a plane descending plan within the world arrangement.

It was the evil spirit descending plan propelled by Negri.

Although Negri lost the aura of the protagonist, how could he still have the title of a disqualified king, who has an inner connection with the world. Through this connection, Negri caused this crisis.

When Wang Yuan's information was extracted to form a gap, Negri injected too many pieces of information into it, thereby infecting the world and eventually causing the world to become diseased.

In the swallowed sand world, the resentment accumulated in it was awakened by Negri, forming powerful world-class evil spirits that attacked the world of the Lord God.

And completed the linkage of the two worlds, forming a huge disaster.

Through the bridges built, the fate of the flame world is transformed into a domain to cover the evil spirits of the world, so that they are no longer affected by the fate of the world. Most of the abilities of the apostles are exchanged through the fate of air, although they can be quickly Grow up, but when they encounter the halo of unlucky, their abilities are suppressed one by one.

If the halo of unlucky is not solved, the advantages of those evil spirits in the world will only increase, until in the end, they will eat up the world of the main god and form a multi-dimensional world.

When Negri completed the construction of the bridge and injected the information of the king of evil spirits, the time flow of the two worlds was affected. After such a period of time, it is estimated that the vanguard of the Lord God has already gone to the flame world, where the transformation will be carried out. for another battlefield.

"I'm back." A 16- or 17-year-old girl opened the door and shouted. She put down her bag and saw Negri sitting on the sofa in the living room.

Vigilance was the girl's first reaction, and then she found that the person didn't seem to be hostile.

"Isn't it based on air movement as the foundation of strength?" Negri was analyzing the strength of the girl.

In the world of the Lord God, there is not only a strategy system based on luck, such as Infinite Space, in addition to the data template of Nightmare Space, and the metamorphic root liberation genre of demon games. These two strategy systems are supplemented. Air transport exchange is the main flow.

If nothing else, this girl is a player of the Devil's game. She has liberated her roots three times so far, and may even be listed on the game rankings.

"Who are you? What do you want to ask me at my house!" Although the girl didn't sense any malice, she still asked seriously. She didn't find anyone in her family just now. You must know that she is a legendary player who has completed the outflow of divinity three times.

"I'm your brother." Negri said directly without detouring.


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