Soul of Negary

Chapter 1 God

In the multiverse, there is such a world.

There is such a legend in this world.

At the beginning of the birth of the world, a great god was born. He was the ubiquitous god, the one who dwells in all things, the infinitely large and infinitely small god Karo Kalis, who created this world.

He gave birth to many evil gods and mythical species, and fell into a deep sleep after feeling bored.

His many sons and daughters were playing in this world, and gradually they became conflicted with each other, so the war began.

Since it is a war, then there is life and death naturally. The blood and flesh of the dead evil gods among them spread all over the earth, and human beings were born from it.

Humans are weak and powerless, and it is even difficult to look directly at those evil gods. At first, they only existed as food and slaves for those mythical creatures to drive.

Until a greater war broke out, the war of the evil gods woke the sleeping Karo Kalis, and the angry god sealed his children and slaughtered a large number of mythical creatures.

On the contrary, human beings lived to the end with their strong reproductive ability and tenacious life ability, and gradually became the master of the world.

Mythical creatures are rare in number, but every time they appear, they can cause huge disasters, not to mention those who have been sealed away.

"Since the World's Wailing incident more than ten years ago, those evil gods have been on the move. From the mouth of the mythical creature captured this time, we learned a piece of news. It is the eldest son of Karo Kalis, the god of black death Tolitos. With the omen of awakening, we must find out the cause and reseal it, or it will be a disaster for the whole world."

In the conference room, the global controllers gathered together, walked to their current position, and naturally knew the truth of the world.

The world is the world of the evil gods, and they are nothing more than slaves who live in it and take their place as masters.

Once the masters wake up, their power will completely melt into a bubble.

Therefore, regarding the funding of the Myth Response Bureau, it has never stopped, just to eliminate those mythical creatures hidden in the world and to ensure that those evil gods will never wake up.

"The last time the seal of the God of Black Death was loosened, it caused the Black Death that spread throughout the world and caused a terrifying plague. This time, this must not be allowed to happen again."

"Understood, we will fully fund this operation, Director Sampson." The major powers have expressed their support.

"I'll let those monsters know that we are the masters of this world now." The director of the Mythical Response Bureau who spoke was a sturdy middle-aged man with silver-white short-inch hair, he stood up and said generously.

After this meeting, the Myth Response Bureau began to operate at full capacity, and cultural relics and documents from all over the world were moved here, looking for the place where the Black Death was sealed.

As the eldest son of the gods, the seal of Toritos is extremely special. The position of his seal space changes. It is a dark underground hole, which is called a reversal. It can appear in any corner of the world. If you want to find the hole, you must to determine its location.

Through the location of several times of the seal hole recorded in history, the Mythical Response Bureau designed a calculation formula to find its current location.

Director Sampson's eyes were clear, this time the task was arduous, and any mistake would be a huge disaster.

One by one mythical things were brought to the response bureau. These things have various special and dangerous abilities, so they have been in a sealed state for a long time. Only in times of crisis will they use these things.

Of course there are things that can be used frequently.

One is called a rune, which is a special mark that represents the god Karo Kalis. Because of past deeds, those mythical creatures and evil gods will instinctively retreat when they see these marks. awe.

But this kind of imprint is not completely reliable, it can only be regarded as a kind of intimidation. If the other party doesn't care, it will give the gods face and retreat, but sometimes they also encounter mythical creatures that don't give face.

The second type is called Divine Sword. The ore of the Divine Sword is taken from the bones of the evil gods who died in the past. It is a weapon forged by mythical creatures during the ancient gods' war. People have not mastered the forging process, and those who have come into contact with them will be affected by the dream of the evil gods in their lives. However, only this weapon can harm mythical creatures and evil gods. This is also the mythical thing that humans can use with the least side effects, except for runes.

The third is life, fighting against mythical creatures at the cost of life. This is the consciousness of every agent who joins the mythical response bureau.

The hard work paid off. After three days, they finally found the entrance between the reversals. They are now on an island, and the seal has begun to loosen, and all the creatures on the island have died.

Without too much hesitation, the agents of the Response Bureau set off, carrying a large number of runes and swords, as well as many dangerous objects under seal. They were wearing chemical protective clothing, but it didn't take long for them to set foot on the island. , they took off the clothes that got in the way.

"Report to the headquarters that all of us are infected with the plague. According to the doctor's judgment, it will break out in three hours at most."

At this moment, the creation of human beings is extremely powerless, but the response has long been expected. The abilities of those mythical creatures are good, and human things can barely resist, but the abilities of those evil gods are beyond human cognition.

"Go into the inversion in three hours, and explore the problem." Sampson said in a deep voice, he knew that the pair of agents had been sacrificed and infected with the evil god's plague. Human beings have no way to save them, and they can only Use the last value to explore more intelligence.

"Understood!" The agent replied, they had long been conscious of giving their lives for the mission, and each of them was extremely determined, so that they could maintain a certain level of sobriety when facing the evil god.

With mortal consciousness, the agents found the entrance between the inversions on the island.

There are already some kinsmen belonging to Toritos, a mythical creature Ratman.

They stood like humans, with a pair of long yellow teeth exposed, wearing tattered long clothes with yellow-green stains, revealing long black hair, and a long tail held behind them, like ape-like He held a sword-like weapon in his palm.

They were guarding the entrance to the cave, with their bodies low and grim faces, and a layer of gray aura emanated from their bodies between actions, with a strong sense of ominousness.

"That is the special ability of the rat people, the plague breath, any action they make will emit this breath, as long as human beings come into contact with this kind of breath, they will be replaced by a deadly plague, and they will be tortured by the painful hallucinations brought by the plague until they die. "

"In addition, as a mythical creature, the Rat Man also possesses the mythological characteristics that all mythical creatures possess. The weapons of mortals cannot be harmed, and prolonged contact will cause human cognition to change."

"According to our trained will, it is possible for them to collapse within five minutes of approaching them, so the battle must be resolved within five minutes, understand?" The agents arranged the battle plan and rushed forward without hesitation.

At this time, outside the void of this world, a figure is slowly approaching.

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