Soul of Negary

Chapter 10 Little Red Riding Hood! Why do you wear clothes with poor breasts and use other people&#0

At the end of the moon tree world, there are many reasons why Negri was able to escape from the Eternal Light.

One of them is that Negri at that time obtained important information that the Eternal Heater and the Life Bearer are one.

And there is one existence that has played an important role in this, and that is the "daughter" Akasha Ellenzer of Archmage Stim Ellenzer.

Shi Tim was once a protagonist of Vientiane's organizational training, and was finally deprived of the road by his golden finger. He went to the Moon Tree World to rebuild the road.

As for her daughter, Akshay Ellen, it is a large library management system created by Stim who could not let go of his past reliance on the intellectual brain system.

In the end, he inherited Stim's legacy, cooperated with Negri for a period of time, and traveled to other worlds with a large and broken library.

The information Negri got from Louise gave people a familiar feeling. This feeling was exactly Negri's own way of doing things in the past, but it was mixed with a little Akashic system.

"Have you caught up with the Vientiane Organization?" Negri thought for a while, and finally confirmed the guess.

Perhaps it was precisely because Akashia was also born in the Moon Tree World and had research on seclusion that she could seize the opportunity to push it from the realm of the gods to the abyss of the gods.

"Of course, Akashia should not have achieved the road yet, and there is no corresponding god's name in this plane now. Is she hiding too well, or there is another helping hand." Negri opened the space channel again.

Louise had already left after cooking the soup, and the way to leave was with the help of Akashia, which made Negri unable to track her trace immediately, but Negri couldn't, and it didn't mean that others couldn't.

Deird has completely transformed into a werewolf at this moment, with brown and black hair all over his body, and his shirt has been completely torn, leaving only a pair of tattered trousers to cover his lower body.

He ran to the church and let out an angry roar.

At this moment, Deird hated his sensitive sense of smell. When facing Louise before, that bitch should have performed sorcery, and this sense of smell was invalid, otherwise Deird would not have been able to find it.

And now that he has recovered his sense of smell, he can clearly smell the taste of his love from the mouths of those who are wailing because of their evil power.

The cauldron exuding a strong fragrance made the werewolf Deird swallow a mouthful of saliva because of his physiological reaction.

No matter how great their love is,

One thing cannot be denied either, werewolves eat meat.

Even in the past days, the werewolf has thought about one thing more than once, that is, since the lover can't live, it is better to let him eat it than to let her beautiful body grow old.

It was only after finding a way to reincarnate that Deird slowly gave up the idea.

Deird's anger at being killed for his lover was inexplicably mixed with a trace of such anger.

I love my lover so much that I can't bear to eat her, but now I'm being eaten by you lowly humans.

The rage of anger frantically burned Deird's reason. He hated Louise who stewed it, and also hated this group of people who fell into disaster because of frame up.

Anger is the ability of most lives, and when Deird was about to open the belly of these untouchables and eat the soup inside, he asked a familiar taste.

The little sanity completely collapsed, and Deird rushed out with a wolf howl.

Negri quietly lay on the werewolf and took a ride.

Sure enough, for the establishment of Louise's personality model, Negri did not show much deviation.

As a complete "spare tire", Louise has a deep despair in her heart, and at the same time has a great resentment for her grandma who covets her body, and Deird who pretends to love her.

For Deird and her grandmother, Louise's revenge is far from over.

Louise summoned Deird herself, the fooling and taunting needless to say.

The werewolf was galloping in the forest, falling on all fours and turning into a complete wolf, and soon reached its destination.

Louise was carrying a basket and an old Little Red Riding Hood, with two perverted blushes on her face.

She stared at the werewolf coming over, grabbed a large piece of cooked meat from the basket, and threw it in front of the werewolf.

"Deird, come, eat this piece of meat." Louise's eyes moved, looking particularly charming and charming. She looked at the werewolf like her own lover, her eyes were hot but soft, and she seemed to have indescribable feelings. .

Deird stopped his galloping pace, stood up from the ground, and looked at the piece of meat that was still steaming, his sanity was being ravaged again.

"These pieces of meat were specially reserved for you. I added a potion to it. It's good for your werewolf. Eat it quickly!" Louise was like a virtuous wife. Delicious food, serving my husband back from work.

Deird was particularly angry, but his anger could not be vented at all. The potion in that piece of meat had a fatal attraction to the werewolf, and it was also his lover.

After the previous temptation before the church, now Deird's reason has collapsed, which is some of the disadvantages of the longevity werewolf.

Their reason is normal in normal times, but when they are stimulated or under special circumstances, the werewolf's reason will collapse, and everything is left to the werewolf's body to decide.

It is said that in the past, this was a protection mechanism. Werewolves used to be used as a kind of arms in the battle of gods, because they had to constantly come into contact with some powerful beings, and their reason would collapse as soon as they came into contact. The arms of werewolves were almost useless.

Therefore, the physiological mechanism of werewolves has been adjusted. When they are stimulated, their rationality will turn to the depths of their souls, and the instinctive consciousness of the body's blood will prevail, which allows them to dare to swing the sword against the stronger.

There has been no battle of gods for thousands of years, and some werewolves have scattered. This mechanism has also become some drawbacks, and some rational and fragile werewolves cannot even control their own bodies.

Now this mechanic completely entraps Deird.

He howled like a dog and rushed up, biting the meat.

"What, it's just a mad dog." Louise said with obvious sarcasm on her face, pretending to be disdainful, and then opened the hand carrying the basket viciously, only to see an old woman The doll was in the palm of her hand, and it was strange that the old woman's doll had no hair.

"See, that's Deird, just a mad dog!" Louise said sharply, with an indescribable sarcasm. She was toyed with applause by these two guys a long time ago, Really thought Deird was in love with her.

How can it be enough to simply kill a person, Louise wants to completely destroy their proud love and destroy everything they hold dear.

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