Soul of Negary

Chapter 22 What should I do, I'm desperate too!

One must be self-aware. Muro has been very self-aware since he was hunted down for a long time.

Although the other party is kind, the positions of those few people are faintly preventing him from escaping.

Obviously the other party wants not only things, but also silence.

So Muro was ready to escape when he found the opportunity. He knew how annoying he was, so he had installed a quick escape route in his home.

As long as he managed to escape, find a place to hide for a while, and when the matter passes, everything will return to its original state.

But how did this slate follow?

If he just wanted to keep his mouth shut, he would hide, and the other party would most likely not shoot at him again, but now that he actually took the other party's main target away, the other party would definitely do everything possible to arrest him.

In the sliding channel, Muro passed the fork channel and quickly threw off the enemy.

But he didn't have any joy. He came to his secret base alone, and now he needs to be quiet.

Come to think about who in the end is cheating on him.

He picked up the slate carefully and kept exploring in the middle, but he didn't find anything connecting him and the slate.

But once he leaves the slate for a certain distance, the slate will follow, and some of the methods he has used so far cannot hinder this following.

Even if he locks the slate in a specially made box, that slate can even open the space channel to teleport to keep up with him.

This made Muro desperate. Those who have such means are not gods.

Let him wonder why this existence would find him.

If he asks those who came before, he will get the answer.

In an extremely splendid church, the person who broke into Muro's house before was kneeling in front of the statue and whispering about his sins.

Under the statue, a priest patted their heads and said kindly, "God will forgive you."

"Let's talk about it, Muro's strength is not strong, and it is no problem to escape by relying on the escape channel prepared in advance, but why did the slate not stay." The priest still said kindly and kindly.

But the kneeling people kept sweating out, the Church of the Powerful God, people with higher status are not necessarily stronger, but their status itself will bring power. Ability.

"I grabbed the slate as soon as Muro moved, and used the constant confinement technique, but I couldn't catch it at all. Muro had magic props on his body to resist the spell, and the slate hit it directly. The confinement technique was broken."

"It's as if there is an extremely close connection between Slate and Muro, which we can't block or remove."

"Really?" The priest nodded, then closed his eyes.

Those kneeling people were even more afraid to make the slightest sound.

The gods were very concerned about this matter, and Father Lucan, who was in charge of this matter, even received the honor of reporting directly to the gods.

"Ah, so that's what happened." The priest opened his eyes after a long time. He paced in front of the statue, and then said to these uneasy people.

"Muro Bronzebeard's ancestors were the first to pick up the slate, and it was his ancestor who hid the slate in the depths of the Underdark."

"Back then, the Bronze Beard carried the slate, and he did not believe in God, but instead served the slate wholeheartedly, bringing the influence of the slate into his bloodline. It can be said that the Bronze Beard's vein is the person most closely related to that slate."

"It's normal to be manipulated by someone with a heart, and it's normal to have some mutations."

"In other words, if you want to get the slate now, you have to deal with Muro."

"It's really troublesome, I thought it would be resolved quickly." At this moment, the priest was like the old man next door, complaining about every little thing at home.

But the people kneeling on the ground were more and more frightened.

After the reform, many things became unfamiliar. For example, the image of the priest in the past must be glorious. Even if there is some conspiracy, it will definitely paint a layer of justice.

But after the change, the gods have become more practical, everyone has become smarter, and some people who are capable but unpleasant have a chance to rise.

Some perversions are included.

The seemingly kind and amiable old priest in front of him is one of them.

"Well, I'll give you one more chance to bring back the slate. If you can't bring it back, there's nothing to say." The priest patted them on the shoulders. They only felt that something had penetrated into their bodies. People became more and more frightened, and quickly nodded and vowed to bring back the slate.

After any occupation reaches the legend, you can use the power of the occupation to slowly ignite the divine fire, that is, to liberate the root cause.

Carrying the seeds of truth, the saying here is that after the divine fire is ignited, the outflow of divinity will transform the soul, turn it into a divine soul, and gain some of the authority of God, which is also the cornerstone of the priesthood.

Based on this, they absorb the beliefs of other people in a certain aspect to grasp the rules of the world and condense the priesthood. To become an ancient god is to absorb enough nutrients from this part of the cornerstone, break the limitations of the priesthood, and give up the priesthood.

If there is a god of origin on the top, then you need to give up the cornerstone together, leaving only what belongs to you completely.

Because of this, it is extremely difficult to achieve the ancient gods. Without the cornerstone, one's own things are too scattered, and it is easy to completely collapse. This is the time when the Destiny Slate comes into play.

The God of Power is the mortal enemy of the God of Nobility, and also the outpost of the Vientiane Organization on the bright side. Naturally, he needs to grasp the necessary things of the God of Nobles in his hands, so that the next thing can be done easily.

Muro still doesn't know what kind of storm he is involved in. What he thinks now is to figure out what the slate is first, and then find a way to get out of the trouble.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to live in seclusion in the secret base for a lifetime. First, he didn't want to, and secondly, if the enemy really wanted to look for it, he wouldn't be able to hide for long.

"It seems that it's really time to get serious, otherwise people will forget my title!" Muro waved his right hand and said with concern.

In a city in the dark area, a spider waved its feet, and strands of silk threads spread throughout the city, controlling the direction of the entire city.

The finger of the god has disappeared for some time, and the thing is now in Muro's place, carefully forged by Negri to disguise it as a shard of Destiny.

Negri sensed the information sent back from Muro, and nodded. The clue given by You Jing before was the gray dwarf who claimed to be a proud arm.

At the beginning, Jingjing kept him secretly. Although his master-level forging ability was important, it was not as important as he imagined.

As for the information about the real Slate of Destiny, it is contained in Muro's blood, and it is concealed by Negri's fake slate.

Muro is true, it is true that his ancestors obtained the fragments of the Slate of Destiny, and it is also true that he is the key to obtaining the Slate of Destiny. Driven by this relationship, even the gods will have a hard time knowing the authenticity of this slate.

Maybe the truth will come out after a while, but by that time Negri's layout is probably complete.

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