Soul of Negary

Chapter 33 Further War

"Be a part of me!" Following the web woven by the silk of fate, a huge spider jumped out, waving at every step, and came to the huge ball.

This sphere with a ring is the embodiment of the path of the Lord of the Orbit, and it is also the image of the ancient god that He is preparing to achieve this time. It has been constructed 99%, and only the last point is left.

However, the God of Orbit was not prepared to sit still like this. They gathered in the city and used their own means of control to decide the ownership of the Slate of Destiny.

If the God of Orbit wins, Negri will naturally recognize the opponent's qualifications and give the tablet of destiny to the opponent.

Because the god of orbit wants to win, such as breaking through his own limitations and realizing his own progress.

At that time, the shadow of Negri in the opponent's heart would instead be transformed into another Negri, and the master of the orbit, Negri, was born.

But unfortunately, Lake did not break through his shadow after all. He continued to resist progress and wanted to completely control progress in his own hands, so he lost.

And he didn't want to bear the consequences of losing this time.

Before that, the two sides were fighting with their own powers that dominated the road, just when the Negri information toxin was continuously injected into the sphere along the thread of fate.

A ray of light spread through the space, the majestic divine power surged, and the gods began to descend.

Chartreau became the carrier, and the undisguised power directly crushed those people in the city.

If it wasn't for Negri's Thread of Destiny as the main body, intercepting a lot of power, these people would probably die in an instant.

There was no half of humanity in Chartreuse's eyes. He floated into the sky, the power of the gods flowed, and everything around him began to sing under his lead.

During this period of time as the human body of the master of the orbit, his ego has long been destroyed and he has become a part of Lake.

Under the control of divine power, it turned into the sharpest blade to cut the thread of destiny entangled on the sphere.

"It's really straightforward. If you lose, you will turn your face." Negri flexibly crawled on the spider web, and more threads of fate appeared. In recent years, Negri did not do anything except let the master of the track do what he did. did not do it.

The power in the net of destiny is gathering, forming something similar to the gods, making the net become more and more huge, resisting the attack of Rek's divine power.

Many people who have been "eaten" by Him,

Became his messenger, spreading the division from the Silk of Destiny brought out of him, and now there are more people in the outside world who have become puppets of the Silk of Destiny under Negri.

In a sense, Negri has also become a god, but this god is different from the orthodox gods in this world.

He did not set up a religion to collect beliefs on the surface, but studied the Slate of Destiny, clarifying the essence of the gods in this world.

The power of the gods comes from the world, and a more definite source is the world's source ocean.

The method is to use the credentials representing the world rules to obtain resources from the Sea of ​​Origin.

Priesthood is the condensed belief of a large number of beings in something.

The most important thing is the cognition of life. Their cognition of things is integrated into their beliefs, such as the sun. The beliefs of countless people worshiping the sun converge on one goal, and finally successfully complete the connection with the rules of the world.

The cognition of believers is not completely correct, so believers must reach a certain number, and the gods must play a role in guiding and refining.

This refinement is not complete, and there are bound to be mistakes. The more such mistakes accumulate, the greater the harm to belief will be, and the more deviated the guiding role of the gods will be.

Until then, the connection between the clergy and the rules became smaller and smaller, and the gods who had accumulated hard to return could only fall with confidence, and the beliefs of wrong cognition and cohesion would turn into evil power.

In fact, the gods who died in the battle of gods were much less than the gods who died of the collapse of their own priesthood.

At the beginning, Shenyuan was not so dangerous. At that time, Shenyuan's main function was to wake up these gods and reunite their priesthood.

After Negri clearly understood what was in it, he replaced the channel of belief with the silk of fate, and collected the overflowing spiritual power with their cognition from the inside.

In this way, Negri has condensed something similar to a priesthood, and because he has previous experience of ruling the way, he will not accumulate too many mistakes in refining this knowledge.

In fact, the magic net is also a similar operation. The goddess of magic does not care much about the beliefs of the believers. Anyway, she can collect a lot of spiritual power by using the magic net.

Spider Negri's Web of Destiny almost covers the entire underground world. Although this cognitive spiritual power is too scattered compared to the normal belief path, it cannot hold a large number.

It's not that no one has discovered Negri's Web of Destiny, but no one is willing to participate in it. Anyway, it is just to collect some spilled spiritual power. With the development of people's wisdom, this spilled spiritual power is extraordinarily large, and it does not affect it. They believe in their own gods.

In this regard, Negri is quite arrogant.

Many awake dark elves fled everywhere, and the war of the gods is not something that mortals can watch. Although the gods have made an agreement to protect the believers, the gods are not allowed to fight directly in the material plane. At present, it seems that the gods come through clones. .

But even a clone is not enough for them to bear, not to mention that the gods are angry, how can they manage these bans.

Lake frowned and looked at Negri, the shadow in his heart was further increasing, and at the same time his rejection of this shadow became stronger and stronger.

"It's just a clone, any one of the countless clones can be tied with me, or even beat me!" Lek knew in his heart that his path was condensed here, and he encouraged a mortal as a human being in advance. body, enough to carry its greatest strength.

His previous attack had already exerted 80-90% of his strength, and now not only could he not be able to solve Negri, but his own path would be swallowed up.

Lake knew better that the spider was only part of Negri.

At the time, Negri broke the dominance path and turned to enterprising truth. Negri's various aspects were broken. Although most of them returned to Negri's body, one of the dozens of Wanxiang with his own ideas chose to develop on his own.

The disaster of progress, the spread of uncleanness, the lord of fallacy, etc. are all Negri, and the ruler of destiny in front of him is just one of them.

The more he understands the gap, the more unwilling Rick is, the more he resists the shadow in his heart, he doesn't want to be Negri!

"I will never lose!" Rick took it all out, a door of light opened from the sky, the gods inside sat high on the chairs, the saints sang and played happily, and the petitioners enjoyed the eternal tranquility .

Until a piece of the kingdom of God was separated.

God King Mibal sighed and said: "The god of nobility deviates from the covenant of the gods and automatically leaves the Kreiri gods. In the future, he will no longer be a member of the gods, and stop all welfare permissions."

"Close the gate of the kingdom of God!" Mibal said indifferently, looking at the piece of the kingdom of God that had left.

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