Soul of Negary

Chapter 40 Quiet climbed up again

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Just when Ulysses took Mu Luo to the stable portal created by God King Mibal to win over favors.

In the Shenyuan, the quiet messenger is working hard.

The divine power in his body oscillated, resisting the pulling force inside Shenyuan.

"Just a little bit, a little bit!!!" You Jing suppressed her emotions in her heart, and used all her abilities, trying to get herself out of Shen Yuan and recover from death.

Over the years, he has given Negri the news of the Slate of Destiny, and he can roughly understand a little bit of information from the beliefs transmitted by the believers.

His followers of the dark elves were all removed, and the city became a battleground for the gods of spiders and nobles.

But it doesn't matter, secluded whether Negri wins or loses, he swears that as soon as he is resurrected, he will leave here and go to a remote plane, and he will not believe it, so he can continue to come back and lie down.

It's just that I don't know what happened outside. He also had a group of hidden believers who were suddenly wiped out. Fortunately, He has now accumulated enough divine power to escape from the abyss of God, otherwise things would be troublesome.

However, lying in a corpse for a long time is not all bad. You Jing thought so, that he was in a state of death for a long time, dead and alive, alive and dead, which gave him a certain understanding of the truth of death.

"Death is just a state of life. When the structure of life is complete again, life can be revived once again."

"It's a pity that ordinary people can't keep their consciousness and continue to survive after breaking away from the root cause, nor can they guarantee that their consciousness can further interfere with the world."

"So when their life changes to a state of death, their life structure is broken, and no other consciousness interferes with the reorganization of the life form, so their life also changes into other life forms."

"When a person's strength breaks through the boundary between life and death, the soul perceives the state of death, can still think after death, and maintains stability, then there is a chance of resurrection."

"Some of the conscious souls of life can survive, but their consciousness has not broken through the boundaries of life and death and is unstable, so they cannot truly be resurrected."

"Even if it occupies other life forms, it is just a living corpse."

"Maybe after I'm resurrected, I can go to the underworld, take refuge in the gods of the underworld, and finally condense the path of death."

"I remember that although this truth has already appeared, because the scale of the great multiverse has not yet arrived, there are no upstreamers, and there are even very few people on the road."

You Jing motivated himself with the future, so that his consciousness began to change from a state of death to a state of existence, and at the same time interfered with external substances with consciousness, in an attempt to form a temporary body to carry his life.

Finally, with the quiet struggle, his life form finally changed.

As the external matter reorganized and condensed into an elf body five or six meters high, he sighed: "My quietness has finally come to life."

"No accident happened!" The vigilance in You Jing's heart will not be diminished by the joy of resurrection. Long-term bad luck makes him not dare to underestimate any danger.

He never ignores possible dangers because of temporary safety. This time, he chose to recover in a small plane next to the main material plane. There are many people here, because they are close to the main material plane. A plane port.

Mixed people and convenient movement are the advantages here.

He didn't even notice his own believers in his recovery this time, so he didn't believe that anyone could stop him.

However, it seems that this time is lucky, and the place of recovery that he has chosen is not enough to threaten the existence of his life.

No danger, no enemy, no conspiracy, no Negri! !

"Hurry up and move!" You Jing suppressed the joy in his heart, and it seemed that he got rid of the long-standing death curse.

Just when You Jing planned to open the space channel and shuttle to other planes, he found that the space of this plane was extraordinarily chaotic.

Traversing in this state will cause space chaos and be smashed into pieces by space turbulence.

"If you want to cause this situation, it must be caused by many people traveling through the space at the same time." The quiet complexion became a little pale, and a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

Although He was just resurrected, he was a god after all. He soon found a person who was running for his life in a panic, and got the truth from his mouth.

Desperately quiet in his heart, he looked up and saw the end of the world.

The structure of matter shattered in an instant, disintegrated into the most basic particles of nothingness, and then pulled into the nascent multiverse that was expanding infinitely.

Quietly watching all kinds of doomsday scenes, there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't I just come back to life? Does it take such a big battle?"

Quietly motivates the node of the life structure of his body, and the consciousness of the soul turns into a state of death once again.

Although He still retains some abilities, it can only be said that he can find a way to leave the plane in such a chaotic state in a short period of time.

Therefore, his only way out now is Shenyuan, or he can only enter Shenyuan by means of death.

At least when he reaches Shenyuan, he still has a chance to be resurrected. If he is involved in the new multiverse, he will not even have a chance to be resurrected.

"It's like this again, every time this time, there are only bad and worse options before me."

"I'm dead, can't I die!"

The grief-stricken quietness once again returned to the Shenyuan where he left with all his strength.

And the place far away from the universe of Shenyuan was named the place of the world of the Lord God.

A meteor slipped, and all the heavens and stars were changed at this moment, forming a seal according to a special law to suppress it.

Then there were all kinds of things to keep up with, and the meteor was completely suppressed.

The world also seemed to have changed with the arrival of this meteor, something was forcibly pulled away, and something was forcibly loaded into this world.

Negri just watched quietly as he was completely sealed, unable to stop it at all.

He is not in a good state now. Taking a ride has made Negri successfully become an upstream player, but this makes him a little unstable now.

Even if it is sealed, you can take the opportunity to sleep for a while to adjust your own path.

It's just that this time, although he has successfully achieved the upper reaches, he can't test other people who have achieved the enterprising path.

Grey Riggs will definitely continue to cultivate people on the relevant path, and wants to kill himself by killing himself on the same path.

It's an extremely unlikely event, almost impossible, but with that book, some things aren't impossible.

Can't help but guard against this.

Negri thought, then gradually fell into the seal and fell asleep.

Just before that, He grabbed a crystal and completed the final arrangement amidst the screams of the other party.

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