Soul of Negary

Chapter 10 1 Get up and find friends

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"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't break through. I can't play Dior at all!" Killer J lay on the chair with a hopeless face.

Killer J has been lingering in front of various kilns for the past few days and then immediately retreated, not because he has no sexual interest, but because he has no sexual interest in those people.

At a glance, there are leftovers in the teeth, mites on the body, stool in the intestines, artificial fillers in the body, deformed skeletons, blackened internal organs, and some still have the work products of the previous customer.

"Fairy tales are all deceitful, aren't the ladies and sisters all pooping on the rainbow?"

"The problem is that the place you are going is not a fairy tale. Some powerful women are absolutely satisfied with how well they have transformed their bodies." Zhu Ping knew what was going on as soon as he heard it.

Some people with high perception ability do have such troubles.

The improvement of extraordinary power leads to the improvement of life forms. Those with extraordinary abilities of A-level and S-level are simply two species from humans.

Therefore, the kind of overbearing president who fell in love with me in the past was completely cut off after moving to the extraordinary world.

A domineering president may be able to fall in love with an ordinary girl, but it is absolutely impossible for him to fall in love with the maggots in the cesspool.

And the gap between those with powerful extraordinary abilities and ordinary human girls is similar to that of overbearing presidents and maggots.

"The question is are those extraordinary abilities for whoring?" Killer J: "If the relationship between men and women is not purely about whoring and being whore, then there is still room for purity between men and women?"

"Is there a problem with your understanding of purity between men and women?" Zhu Ping only felt a pain in his head. Why does this kind of superb strength reach such a high level, does a master have to be a pervert?

For the first time, Zhu Ping questioned his character, whether his character would be too ordinary, and would he delay becoming a strong man.

But soon Zhu Ping shook his head and threw out that terrible thought.

I was almost infected by the perverted idea of ​​Killer J. If I stay with this bastard, sooner or later I will be perverted, and I must find a way to stay away from him in the future.

Of course, I still have to ask him for help now.

"Respected, great killer J, who combines beauty and wisdom, I would like to ask you some knowledge about how to cover up the flame of the burning soul. I wonder if you have any advice?"

After staying with Killer J for a while, Zhu Ping has a general understanding of this guy's character. One word can describe it.


If you want to ask him to do things, you must flatter him in all kinds of ways. If you are comfortable with flattering him, this guy will be happy to do things.

"Why cover up?" Killer J smiled hehely: "Those puppies look a bit fierce, but if they know the way, they are still easy to kill. As for the way, everyone's is different."

"You need to experience this yourself." The killer said, and pulled out a scarlet blade from the void, like a thin blade surrounded by a layer of flame.

The raging flames seemed to be able to directly burn people's hearts. Zhu Ping wanted to say something else when he saw Killer J light a cigarette, with a smile on his face, and waved at him.

Before Zhu Ping could figure it out, he felt his head dizzy, and he felt that he had turned into two halves.

Just like the one in the library, several black smoke holes opened up, the familiar stench appeared again, and those dream hounds, which looked like crocodiles and dogs, crawled out of the black smoke holes.

They opened their mouths full of sharp teeth, and several tentacles and tongues came out from them. A pair of scarlet eyes stared at Zhu Ping greedily. The multi-faceted crystals on their backs were like red-hot soldering irons.

Zhu Ping's frantically struggling body, he knew that this was a dream, and if he couldn't break free, he would be swallowed by these dream hounds, and he would become a vegetative person in reality.

Zhu Ping struggled constantly, feeling that his two halves were quickly overlapping. Maybe after the two himself merged, he would be able to move in the dream and fight back against these dream hounds, but it seems that he no longer has that chance.

The dream hound was extremely fast, and squatted down and swarmed up. Before it arrived, the tentacles and tongues in his mouth had been spit out like sharp arrows.

This time, Chen Lan was not here to save him, and according to the previous killer J's performance, he would not help him either. If he wanted to survive, he could only save himself.

When he realized this, Zhu Ping let go of his last fluke, revoke the cover-up secret method given by Chen Lan, and the flame of burning soul raged.

Killer J, with a cigarette in his mouth, opened a door with the Unreachable Door, and stepped out.

The place where Killer J arrived was screaming one after another, and the black figures fell to the ground without resistance.

More than a dozen people in suits and white smiling face masks turned into the most terrifying butchers, mercilessly harvesting the lives of those people in a dimly lit small building.

When the last black-skinned special race died, these more than ten talents gathered together, and one of the people with a "\u003c font mark on the mask said in a hoarse voice: "Are you sure it has been cleaned up? That name is absolutely cannot be widely disseminated.”

"All of them have been checked. This group of 289 people, we collected their information in the name of relief, and gathered them together. The identity information has been checked, which is absolutely correct."

"Then it's the Mage Guild group." \u003cSymbol Face said.

There is no fear because it is a powerful mage guild.

They are the new ternary organization, the guardians of this world, the guardians of the evil god's portal, the flame hunters, and the nemesis of all evil god believers.

"It's just a hybrid breed, how can you get so much face." As if in response to their cognition, an extremely cheap voice directly pierced into the hearts of these people.

These people suddenly flashed into the shelter of the small building, sniffing the smell vigilantly, a pair of pointed and furry ears, moving to and fro.

Dream hounds can only act in dreams, so once some people master the method of blocking dreams, dream hounds seem powerless.

In order to solve this problem, the new ternary organization took the initiative to cooperate with the dream hound, select some people who are willing to sacrifice, and let them cross and fuse with the dream hound.

Become a cross between humans and dream hounds, they will lose most of the human senses, as well as fertility, and once dead will be pulled into the dream, become a part of it, be wiped out of reason, and become a kind of weird Dream creatures.

"Look, look, look for friends."

"Find a bad friend."

"Stab and cut the throat."

"Bleeding and beheading!"

"My friend died for a while!"

Killer J slowly retracted the two scarlet murderous blades, more than a dozen figures fell to the ground at the same time, and the masks fell down, revealing their messy faces, as well as their tentacles and tongues.

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