Soul of Negary

Chapter 48 The Librarian's Evil God's Experience (6)

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Zhu Ping did not tell anyone about his acquisition of the mythical martial arts.

Perhaps once submitted, he would get the attention of the Daomen and avoid direct participation in the battle, but that would be too conspicuous.

His purpose is to break away from the seventeenth colonial star and return to the Federation, not to stay here forever.

At this stage, it is better to be able to leave the battlefield unobtrusively.

"But then again, I'm the reincarnation of Ou Cheng, maybe it's true." Zhu Ping laughed at himself.

Ou Cheng's greatest achievement at the time was when he was undercover as the third colonial star, he established the Sanyuan Chamber of Commerce and led the peaceful evolution of the third colonial star.

When he gained wealth, he brought a lot of federal culture and excellent ideas to the local area, which improved the recognition of the third colonial star to the Federation.

In the last step, the relationship between the two sides was swayed, and the government of the third colonial star took the initiative to join the federation and become a part of the federation.

Some people in the previous federation called Ou Cheng a traitor, because in the friction with the third colonial star, the Sanyuan Chamber of Commerce was established, but part of the federation eats very little meat. more political autonomy.

Some people also said that Ou Cheng was a shameful middleman. He sold the third colonial star to the Federation, and then earned the difference, becoming the greatest businessman in the Federation.

It may be praised or criticized, but it is undeniable that Oucheng has indeed become a legend of a generation.

And what happened to Zhu Ping now is very similar to that of Ou Cheng at the time. They were all trapped in enemy camps, and they were all a battle of the Federation against colonial stars.

The difference is that Zhu Ping was forced, while Ou Cheng took the initiative to change from a soldier to a spy, and the situation is not the same.

Not to mention that Zhu Ping was just the reincarnation of Ou Cheng, even if Ou Cheng came in person, he would have no way to change the seventeenth colonial star from aggression to peaceful evolution.

Because the federation today is not the federation of the past. At that time, the second colonial star was just won, and the national power was consumed. Although people were in high spirits to participate in the war, their manpower was tight, and there were not many people who could really participate in the war.

Peaceful evolution in this context is possible.

Today's Federation has a large population, complex forces, and resources become scarce.

In this case, it would be impossible for them to accept a large political system into the federation and become part of the federation to divide up the big cake of the federation.

Therefore, between the current Federation and the three religions, only war can solve the problem.

To put it less nicely, it's that there aren't enough dead people.

If the three religions really have the strength to drag the people of the Federation to a further shortage of resources, because more and more people die in the war, it reaches a limit.

At that time, the three religions, which had also shrunk in size, could choose to merge into the federation and become part of the federation.

Of course, it is also possible that the hatred between the two sides is increasing. Most of the people in the three religions are killed, and only a small number are left. They become the minority of this planet, and occasionally come out to sing indigenous folk songs and win the sympathy of the victors in order to survive. Eat like a meal.

Among the more than a dozen colonial stars, there are many such situations. The original owners of those colonial stars, some died, some did not die, some joined the federation, and some still have rebels.

The process of human development history is a spiral, and war is an indispensable part of it.

Zhu Ping doesn't have such a big heart, Ou Cheng is the right time, and with a good environment, he can achieve himself.

But Ou Cheng is Ou Cheng, and his Zhu Ping is his Zhu Ping. He is unwilling and has no need to demand himself in the way of the other party.

Zhu Ping didn't know whether his future achievements could surpass Ou Cheng, but he chose to live in his own way.

The content of the training is very simple, some popular science about the martial arts capabilities of the federal soldiers, and some federal timely weapon explanations.

Many of them are misunderstandings, but Zhu Ping will not remind them too much.

In his heart, he still thinks that he is a citizen of the Federation. Although the three religions are not lacking in extraordinary power, the level of social development is still extremely backward and even ignorant.

Zhu Ping had estimated in his heart that if there was a real war, the three religions would not be able to win, and even if it weren't for the special environment of the seventeenth colonial star, the three religions would not even have many chances to defend.

Although the Federation has many martial arts masters, its real strength lies in its size.

The abilities of various factions, numerous people with extraordinary abilities, spaceships passing by, and under the bombardment of large-scale weapons, except for a small number of masters who have reached the corresponding level, the rest of the three religions have to die in this kind of bombardment. under.

With an advanced management system, advanced talent training mechanism, and advanced warfare concepts, the Federation has surpassed the three religions too much.

It didn't take long for Zhu Ping to be sent to the front line. Because of the influence of "Martial Style", extraordinary abilities other than martial arts, and even relatively sophisticated technology, were not suitable for use on this planet.

Therefore, the war between the two sides is closer to the ancient methods of warfare, siege and defend the city, but because of the addition of extraordinary power, the battle will become more links.

Before the battle, the martial arts masters of both sides would fight each other first. If they win, they will boost morale, and they will also be able to kill each other's generals and damage the advanced combat power of the other side.

Fighting generals are not that important in the ancient history of battles without extraordinary factors, but now that extraordinary power is rampant, if you don't knock down the opponent's advanced combat power, then those ordinary soldiers will suffer.

The power of masters to crush ordinary people makes fighting generals one of the important means, which symbolizes that our high-end combat power can win the enemy, and this kind of morale boosting is even more important.

Although the tactical thinking of the Federation is much more advanced, I don’t know if it is because of the wider geographical area or because of the fact that there are too many races in the Federation. In terms of morale, the federal soldiers are not very high.

The people of Xinghaili are too smart and love themselves too much. Their previous wars were more modern warfare, information warfare, weapon bombing, and mecha advancement, and the casualties were not large.

Now there are real knives and real guns, more people are killed, there are heavy casualties, and the number of deserters is even more than the people of the three religions.

Therefore, the people of the Federation will send people to fight against each line of defense to boost morale and tell the soldiers of the Federation that you will not be cut by the other party's extraordinary ability, and give me a good kick to the ass of the indigenous people.

When Zhu Ping arrived at the first line of defense, he saw a fighting general.

And this is also the first time Zhu Ping has observed a competition between martial arts masters.

The previous battle between Wang Yuan and Xin Sanyuan and others was just a battle between martial arts and those with body modification abilities, which lacked the charm of martial arts.

I saw that under the city gate, the two qi and qi were constantly colliding with each other, attracting the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth, and various martial arts moves came easily. , and no one stopped them, any one of them could use the energy of heaven and earth to destroy a city.

.. m.

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