Soul of Negary

Chapter 35 The Brotherhood of the Undead Alliance is established, and the light of freedom will shin

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Xiao nai's soul fluctuated: "Why are you forcing me, I just want to study hard."

Then the undead giant in this piece was turned back.

If Xiao nai was still afraid that he was unqualified for the undead enlightenment technique before, and after he cast it against the undead giant, he would alarm the Lich King.

After all, the Lich King isn't that little fat man's waste house.

Little Fatty enslaves other people by relying on the functions of the system, but this is not the case with the Lich King.

No matter whether the Lich King is a lunatic or a luna in the eyes of others, there is one thing that cannot be denied, and that is his power.

This is also the reason why Xiao nai did not pay attention to these mutant undead at the beginning.

He is not skilled in spells, and if he accidentally disturbs the Lich King, he will easily find his own way.

But this time dissecting Little Fatty's soul gave Little Nai more awareness of enlightenment.

His own soul activation ability has also been upgraded under the soul data obtained by Xiao nai from the flame of burning soul.

He has now divided the souls of the mutated undead, causing the undead to split their personalities. A small part is still connected to the dark sky, while most of the souls still awaken their autonomous soul will.

Thinking of picking up the wool, one is a pick, and a group of them is also a pick, so Xiao nai's undead liberation is also progressing rapidly.

Free the self-aware undead from the control of the Lich King.

Slowly, the Brotherhood of the Undead Alliance of the Other World was established in this way, and the number of people increased.

Of course, there are also some undead, even if they have self-awareness, they are still loyal to the Lich King.

These undead, Xiao nai did not take the risk to disturb.

Among these undead, those ghosts occupy the largest number. It is said that in the natural disaster of the undead, these ghosts have allegiance to the Lich King.

And they are also very convinced of the Lich King's statement that there is only one meaning of life and that is death.

Therefore, the Lich King still has a lot of charisma, and many undead serve him not entirely because of slavery and control.

Of course, it is also possible that these undead have been with the Lich King since they were born rational, so the personality consciousness they formed was born close to the Lich King.

However, this comparison is only a minority. Most of the undead are dead bones in the wilderness. Because they accidentally completed the mutation and obtained their own will, there are still many memory fragments in the soul, which belong to the bones of the past.

So tens of thousands of mutant skeletons, under the rebellion of Xiao Nai, joined the Brotherhood of the Undead Alliance in the Other World, and there were thousands of undead.

And because of the hierarchical management implemented after the war started, these thousands of mutant skeletons control tens of thousands of other unconscious undead, and the number is still increasing.

Little nai's soul network is getting bigger and bigger. Xiao nai is teaching in the soul network while researching the system, and imparting some basic knowledge of the undead plane to the brothers of the undead alliance brotherhood.

In this case, the unconscious undead under the control of the Alliance Brotherhood are also eligible to attend the class, and with the stimulation of the course, many undead have also completed the mutation, and their competitiveness has become stronger and stronger.

The survival rate in the war is also getting higher and higher, and it occupies more and more troops.

The Allied Brotherhood is eating away at the undead army little by little.

But today, when the Lich King saw that the ammunition of the human army was almost exhausted, he launched a general attack.

A large number of undead swarmed up, and the alliance brotherhood established by Xiaonai was also among them.

For this, Xiao nai did not have too much entanglement. The undead race itself is not an evil race, it is just an evolutionary continuation after the death of life.

It's just that the undead have a bad reputation in the past, and everyone has many misunderstandings about the undead. The undead has indeed committed a lot of things because of the certain conflict between death and life.

This kind of thing is indisputable.

Now Xiao nai is an undead, so his current basic plan is in the undead. Of course, he takes into account the interests of the undead. Although their undead alliance brotherhood is getting stronger and stronger, compared to the Lich King's undead army, it is still too much. Too weak, and there is no master in itself.

Therefore, it is necessary to hibernate, and Xiao nai is also actively studying the dark sky.

It has to be said that the Lich King really has the ability to transform and develop a spell like the Dark Sky, which shows that he is not the kind of waste that relies on the system.

But Dark Sky is not without its flaws.

The dark sky has a prototype in the high magic world. The original purpose is to strengthen the overall power of the undead and suppress the power of other internal attributes. It is a large-scale field magic.

The original magic is performed by individuals, with the support of the world's natural magic, it is natural to be able to perform such a large-scale magic.

However, in the low-magic world, in order to make up for the lack of magic power in nature, the Lich King skillfully used the thread of the soul to control the casting of the undead, while the spell itself in turn controlled the undead.

It cleverly avoids the defect of insufficient natural magic power, and does not put so much pressure on the caster. It can also play a function that does not exist in the original spell, which is wonderful.

But this change has advantages, and naturally it also brings some problems.

Every undead is the caster of this spell, which means that every caster has control over this spell.

But this kind of authority is too small, and they don't know how to use it.

After all, before this, these undead hadn't mutated, their consciousness was chaotic, and they only had a little consciousness after mutating.

And the behavior of the Lich King is to exploit a large number of two fools, and with the power of the dark sky, he has achieved his own reputation as the Lich King.

Therefore, the Lich King's current power is based on countless two fools, and it also represents these countless two fools, so he can be called the Lich King Two fools.

Xiao nai is studying the permission mechanism of the dark sky through these permissions, and found that there are many similarities with the system he dissected.

Immediately understood that the Lich King had also studied the system and applied his knowledge to the spell of the Dark Sky.

No matter from any point of view, the two fools of the Lich King are a talent.

"It seems that it will take some time to crack the dark sky." Xiao nai thought: "Of course, the most urgent task is to remove the abnormal factors in us, that is, localization."

After understanding the background of the life world, Xiao nai knew that the skeleton made by himself as the Lich King was itself an extension of the biggest abnormality of the Lich King.

If you don't remove your own anomalies, then you, the undead, will always stand on the opposite side of the world.

Only by being localized and recognized by the world, will our undead's identity be orthodox and truly have the ability to resist the Lich King.

With this idea in mind, Xiao nai couldn't help but set his goal on the origin of the undead in this world - quiet, the god of death.

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