Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 999: He accompany her and fight together! (1)

Shen Yugui was stunned.

She did not dare to get out of the car.

The glass of the car is a reflective glass mirror. People outside can't see what's inside, so no one knows, sitting in the car calmly.

Shen Yugui picked up the phone, trembling with his fingers, calling home.

The call was quickly connected, and it was Yu Manyu's flustered voice: "Yugui, where are you? Are you out?"

"Come out, what's the situation at home?"

Shen Yugui pretended to be calm.

Yu Manyu said: "The security of the community is okay. People are blocked out of the gate, but it has seriously affected the travel of the rest of the community. And the group of people also said that if you don't give an explanation, you will not leave. Now Weicheng is at home. Your sister and I are fine, but you want to go home and you may have to think of a way."

Think of a way...

Shen Yugui stared at the front door and took a deep breath: "Okay, I see, mom, take care of yourself, don't worry. I will fix it."

After hanging up the phone, they went to the back door and the side door and found that the four doors of the community were blocked.

In the more than an hour since she was arrested, there have been multiple incidents, and now the Internet has exploded, and many people’s home appliances are afraid to use the Internet.

However, this is an era of network information.

Suddenly asking them not to connect to the Internet, many people can't live normally.

Therefore, only some people are disconnected from the Internet to maintain their safety, and most of them are still using the Internet.

The front door is for them to lose money, but the banner on the back door is pulling: Please give us a clean and healthy network!

For a time, the rest of the residents in the entire villa area complained.

Outside the villa area, people are also standing angrily.

The security guards got even bigger and kept in touch with the Shen family, asking them to find a way to comfort them.

Shen Yugui sat in the car and looked at these people...

She knew that the Shen family had to come forward and give this group of people an explanation.

Among the only three people left in the Shen family, she is the most suitable.

If she didn't give an explanation, this group of people would definitely not leave.


"The Tyrant" is a copy of Fei Xiaogui. Now Thanos has something to do with her.

If, she is saying, if, after discovering Fei Xiaogui, when it just wakes up, format the server in time, there will be no hidden dangers today.

At the beginning, in the court, during the trial of Fei Xiaogui, all of the 100 jury, except for Fei Nancheng, all voted with a show of hands that Fei Xiaogui must be formatted to prevent this situation from happening today! !

It's her, too emotional.

But she does not regret it.

It was Thanos, not Fei Xiaogui, that caused this situation today.

Fei Xiaogui is innocent.

Shen Yugui lowered her head, she held the doorknob, and took a deep breath. Just as she was about to push away, Feinan City suddenly stretched out her hand and wrapped her hand.

Shen Yugui was taken aback and looked back.

Fei Nancheng fixedly looked at her: "Actually, you don't have to work so hard."

All the things of the Shen family were taken care of by her alone.

Can her thin body bear this storm? !

She is obviously the youngest at home, but every time, she has to charge and be on the front line...

For the first time, Feinan City had a selfish idea, wanted to protect her, wanted to take her out of here...

But he knew that his little Wu would not leave.

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