Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1002: He accompany her and fight together! (4)

The crying here gradually became suppressed.

Yeah, what's wrong with them?

But Shen Yugui had no other way.

She can't, she can change hundreds of millions out of thin air, or rob the bank to make up for this loss, right?

She can only earn money little by little.

Her mouth opened, she wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

She has no way to give these people this guarantee.

Just as the feeling of powerlessness, like sea water rushing from all directions, making her about to suffocate, a low voice suddenly came out: "Then, the Fei Group, is it useful?"

In a word, Shen Yugui was stunned and looked into the car in disbelief!

This voice is obviously not heavy, but it seems to be particularly penetrating, and it reaches the ears of everyone present.

The people in the front row raised their heads as if they had received a fright, and stopped crying.

Immediately, the people behind seemed to have sensed something. For a while, the crying in the field gradually disappeared, and everyone looked at the car one after another.

The first thing that came out was a pair of black leather shoes that were kept neat and tidy no matter what.

Immediately, it was his straight trousers, and a tall figure came out of the car following those feet on the ground.

He was so tall, standing in the crowd, he became the focus of everyone.

His eyes were deep, and his black eyes seemed to possess magic, which made people unconsciously settle down.

It's him!

Philadelphia! !

In the entire s city, no one knows, no one knows Mr. Fei!

The crowd was quiet, and one by one looked at him full of longing.

Fei Nancheng lowered his eyes and adjusted the other cuff with one hand. Soon, he put down his arm, raised his eyes, and slowly opened his mouth again: "All your losses will be borne by the Fei Group."

Fischer Group will bear it? !

Everyone was stunned.

Never again will doubt, "cannot afford" this question.

You know, how rich is the Fischer Group? !

After the Fischer Group went public, its market value was nearly one trillion! !

How can they not be able to pay for the losses of these people in their presence?

However, the Fisher Group, to bear the losses of Nanchuang Technology?

is it possible?

When everyone was in doubt, they heard Fei Nancheng speak: "Fan Fan."

Fan Fan rushed out of the car in embarrassment, "Yes."

"Call right away to let the company's finances come over, and set up an office right here. After verifying their economic losses, they will be compensated immediately!! No delay!"

The order of Fenan City was so decisive.

Fan Fan didn't dare to hesitate, but could only answer: "Yes!"

The order was given, and Fenan City looked at the crowd again and opened his mouth: "Now, line up immediately to register! Don't block the door of the villa anymore, is it feasible?"

Everyone swallowed and made a decisive decision: "Okay, OK, no problem!"

In just half an hour, the temporary office has been set up.

The people who got the news from the front door and the side door also rushed over and lined up in an orderly manner.

The Fei Group, in their hearts, is God.

How could God care about their little loss?

But they never knew...the accumulation of little will make more, no matter how rich the Fei Group is, it is not a bottomless pit.


When the matter was resolved, Shen Yugui was deeply moved, and there was nowhere to tell.

The only thing she can do now is...

Back in the villa, as soon as she walked in, she said to Man Yu, "Mom, give me a computer."



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