Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1011: Letter from Fei Xiaogui (2)

Obviously, her Weibo was accused of commenting.

A group of navy soldiers questioned tens of thousands of comments below, leading the people who saw Weibo to become emotional.

"They don't believe you, what should I do?" Li Peng was anxious. "Are these people all stupid?!"

Wang Qingguo also stood up and walked back and forth in the room, "Shen Yugui, you can't do this like this! You have to show evidence!"

"No, I can't see it anymore, I'm going to end it myself!"

"I'm coming too!"

A group of people joined the Weibo battle, and they couldn't talk about it.

Fei Nancheng looked at Shen Yugui, but he was relieved to see her expression calm and unaffected by the comments.

at this time!

Du Ruofei frowned and said, "The Qi family responded."

Qi family responded?

Shen Yugui went directly to the computer, opened Weibo, and saw that Qi's family had just registered a domestic Weibo number. At this moment, that Weibo has sent the first Weibo:

[From the moment when AI was announced, the Qi family was worried about network security and spent a lot of manpower and material resources before finally developing this firewall. Is it because it hindered your AI's retaliation plan and you wanted to shirk it? Responsibility means to push things to others? The Qi family is willing to work hard for network security, but it will not be so wronged. We have sent a lawyer to sue @南窗科技 to frame our right of reputation! If you can't produce evidence, then you have to compensate us for the loss of reputation! The lawyer's letter will arrive soon! 】

Some words of righteousness made the Qi family stand tall.

Below is someone pretending to be an insider, revealing that from the beginning of AI’s destruction of the network, the Qi family has sent all technical staff to establish an alliance in the first time, and redemption for people with IP addresses for free, preventing AI Destruction.

Below is a long list of ip addresses!

After seeing the string of IPs, Chen Zifan almost turned the table: "How can they be so shameless?! This is clearly the result of our hard work!"

"I'm going, it's disgusting! They did it on purpose! We were just busy saving people, who would leave evidence to prove that we did it? Now that it's fine, they even gave them free publicity!" Li Peng also shouted.

Everyone has been busy for so long, originally doing good deeds is not asking for return, but now, all the credit has been taken away by the Qi family!

unacceptable! !

When everyone was indignant, the door of the Shen family was knocked again.

Shen Yugui stood up and walked over. After opening the door, he found that it was a deliveryman standing outside.

Shen Yugui was taken aback.

The takeaway said, "Is it Miss Shen's house? You ordered the takeaway the other day."

After finishing talking, he gave the cake box in his hand forward.


Does anyone have a birthday today?


She paused slightly: "Did you send it wrong?"

The takeaway boy spoke directly: "Is it Miss Shen?"

Shen Yugui nodded.

The takeaway boy said, "That's yours. It's a cake that celebrates one hundred days of knowing you."

Know one hundred days?

Shen Yugui twitched his mouth. How could such a romantic cake belong to her?

Who has she known each other for a hundred days?

She was about to withdraw the cake, and suddenly she thought of something...

One hundred days...

Today is the hundredth day she and Fei Xiaogui have known each other! !

She glanced at the cake suddenly, and found that there was an envelope inside the cake—a letter from Fei Xiaogui! !


Kavan, delete, delete, modify, modify, write so late, let's change these first, the ending of the text, I don't want to write it badly...then don't worry, I will fight back tomorrow! ! ~ Yu Gui and Mr. Fei, and Fei Xiaogui is not a person who is waiting to die! ! The winning readers yesterday are: Fangfang, Di Jiu Tianchang@, today I will continue to select two lucky readers~ Vote~ I love you!

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