Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1015: Fight back! ! (2)

The whole villa was quiet in an instant.

Everyone looked at Shen Yugui together.

Shen Yugui raised his head, glanced at Fei Nancheng, and smiled at each other.

Song Susheng was stunned: "What evidence? When you were in the police station before, didn't you have no evidence?"

Shen Yugui lowered her eyes, she stood there and slowly opened her mouth: "Before, there was indeed no evidence. But it doesn't mean that there is still no evidence."

Song Susheng had a meal: "What do you mean?"

Shen Yugui raised his lips.

When Thanos started to attack the Internet, she was indeed panicked, but she found that Fenan City was always calm and calm, not pretending, but really not panicking.

She didn't understand what was going on at first, until Fenancheng had that conversation with her.

"...What is the purpose of the Qi family?"

Shen Yugui suddenly started!

Before, they had no way to prove that there is a Thanos in this world, and prove that the Qi family copied their ai.

Therefore, they can only wait for the Qi family to take the initiative!

Then, look for flaws in it! !

When Shen Yugui posted his first Weibo, he knew he would be questioned.

However, how could she not be prepared to do things?

Shen Yugui raised his lips, patted his chair, and said to Song Susheng: "Get out of the way."

Song Susheng was taken aback for a moment. He hadn't spoken yet, but was surprised by Shen Yugui's handsome appearance at the moment. He was silent for a while and stood up obediently.

Shen Yugui pulled a chair, and the chair slid out. She sat down, with a little toe, and returned to the computer.

Immediately, she stretched out her hand and manipulated the interface, revealing a black interface, on which is a piece of software that was intercepted from the Internet.

Song Susheng glanced at it and recognized it. This is... "Qi's firewall? How can you stop it?"

As soon as he said this, he paused, and before Shen Yugui could speak, he said in shock: "You've been on the Internet a long time ago, and ambush a trap?!"

"Not bad."

Shen Yugui answered lightly.

Song Susheng frowned, "But the Qi family's firewall is encrypted. Even if you get the source code of the firewall through a special method, there is no way to analyze it..."

When the words fell, I saw the encrypted software, which looked like a piece of paper, and it was broken with a light jab by Shen Yugui. The question that Song Susheng said, how can it be rare to live the world's number one hacker turtle?

The Qi family is really floating, just want to borrow the power of ai, but forget the hacker skills of humans themselves!

Shen Yugui lowered her eyes, her two hands were flying fast on the keyboard, and the sound of pops resounded throughout the room. Half an hour later, she posted a second Weibo.

In this Weibo, the updated content is a row of code analysis, and anyone who has studied computers and understands code can tell at a glance that this is a software code analysis!

After the analysis is completed, the Chinese characters are below: [The above is the so-called firewall of the Qi family, which is simple and easy to understand. Its defense is generally the same as that of an ordinary firewall, but it has one more function and a positioning system! How can such a firewall resist ai attacks? The Qi family deceived everyone to buy, but after the purchase, with positioning, they can prevent their ai from attacking. This shows that the ai that attacks the network is in the hands of the Qi family and is at the mercy of the Qi family! I hope you keep your eyes open and don't be fooled. Because what is really scary is not ai, but the human heart. 】

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