Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1019: Fight back! ! (6)

"I guess, you haven't heard a word."

Qi Xuyao ​​moved his sore shoulders and placed a computer hard drive beside him. He supported his neck, coughed twice, and immediately looked at Qi Cui'an who fell on the ground, and finished what he had just said: "The villains die from talking too much."

He struggled and got up from the ground.

Although there is only one loaf a day, Qi Cui'an is too stupid, really thinking that he has been hungry for so many days and has no strength?

But he forgot... what he is best at is starving.

When he was a child, he would be thrown into the little black room when he was not moving at all. Sometimes the old man forgot about him and was locked up for three days. It was common not to eat or drink.

Now, there is still a piece of bread every day, drinking water in the bathroom of the room, how could it really be exhausted?

However, physical weakness is true.

He stood there, taking a deep breath, and immediately dragged his steps to the door.

When he arrived at the door, he looked back at Qi Cui'an and stepped out.

As soon as I left the house, I saw a cleaner, wearing the clothes of a cleaner, walking slowly over, Qi Xuyao ​​suddenly clenched the hard drive again, and looked at the person vigilantly.

The man looked around, continued sweeping the floor, and slowly arrived in front of Qi Xuyao. Then he stood up straight and looked at Qi Xuyao: "Mr. Qi, Mr. Fei asked me to save you."

Qi Xuyao's vigilant heart instantly relaxed.

He spoke irritably: "It was almost too late!"

The sweeper didn't feel annoyed, and said directly: "Since you are all right, then I will withdraw first."

Qi Xuyao ​​immediately called him: "Hey!"

The sweeper looked back.

Qi Xuyao: "Anything to eat?"

I'm so hungry! !

However, Qi Xuyao ​​didn't hold much hope. How could a sweeper bring food with him? Unexpectedly, the sweeper smiled as soon as this sentence came out, and immediately stood up, took out a bag of biscuits from his pocket, and handed it to Qi Xuyao: "Mr. Fei specifically explained it."

Qi Xuyao:......!

Qi Xuyao ​​took the biscuits and started to eat.

After a few biscuits, he felt like he was alive. He said, "Call the police."


After half an hour.

The police all surrounded the company.

Hearing the news, the old man of the Qi family hurried over and asked what was going on.

The police took their documents and spoke: "Your company is suspected of infringing on network security. Now we are going to search for your company!"

The police quickly took control of the company.

Qijia’s smart ai is only known to the high-level staff, and the bottom-level employees are completely unknown. Therefore, even Qi Cui’an does not understand the firewall sold in China.

At this moment, seeing the police rushing over, they all looked dumbfounded.

Especially after the police had finished saying that sentence, Mr. Qi was completely shocked, "This is impossible? How could such a thing be done in our company? What evidence do you have?"

As soon as this was said, a voice came from the internal staff: "I am the evidence."

Qi Xuyao ​​walked out slowly from the crowd.

When Grandpa Qi saw him, his pupils contracted, he grabbed him directly, lowered his voice and said, "Qi Xuyao, what are you going to do? Don't forget, you stole this smart ai! Once you admit it , Then you have to go to jail too!"

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