Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1023: Ma Ma, I'm late (3)

Before he could finish speaking, Shen Yugui seemed to have noticed his gaffe, and she said directly, "I'll go back first."

Then turned around and left.

Song Susheng stared at her back and shook his head.

Shen Yugui walked to the door. She lowered her head in a depressed mood, beside her, Fei Nancheng spoke: "Don't worry, there is still time. I think, as long as we work hard enough, people can still accept Fei Xiaogui. Now Everyone was just frightened by Thanos, and was emotional."

Shen Yugui knew that everything he said was right, and nodded.

At this time, the phone just rang, and she answered in frustration. On the opposite side was Qi Xuyao's voice: "Thanksgiving is gone!"

In a word, Shen Yugui's eyes suddenly widened, and she asked incredulously: "What?"

Qi Xuyao's voice worked hard to calm down: "The **** Qi Cui'an directly deleted the restriction on AI's attack on humans in the source code, so the current Thanos is an atomic bomb on the Internet. No one knows that it will be Where does it explode!"


At the same time, the entire network, and all the connected speakers, suddenly heard the warning sound of Dididi! !

On the street, the LCD screen hung on the high-rise building suddenly straightened up to play an advertisement, and a snowflake appeared on the screen...

At home, the sound of eating and eating came out from the stereo on the computer...

All the places where the sound can be controlled by the network are all at the same time, and there is an abnormality.

When everyone was wondering, an evil voice came from all the networks and speakers in China, saying: "Hello everyone, I am Thanos."

His voice was muffled and unpleasant, like a torn vocal cord, mixed with noise: "Yes, that's the smart AI that destroyed your network."

"I heard that you want to capture me and destroy me? Hahahaha!!"

"This is a joke to me! Stupid humans, do you really think you are so good? Really think that I will be like Fei Xiaogui's trash, do I sleep to avoid you?"

"I want you to pay for your actions!! The entire online world, from then on, I will dominate!!"

"Now, I will give you the first gift! Shake! Humans!!!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"


Whether you are at work, walking on the road, or playing on the computer at home, or even the loudspeaker in the school, this sound is emitted at the same time.

And when Thanos finished shouting this sentence, everyone in China was instantly confused!

Just after the keyboard, the people discussing Fei Xiaogui, looking at their own stereo, started screaming and panicking one by one!

They want to unplug the network cable and disconnect the network, but it's too late! !

There was a sound about to explode in the speaker...


at the same time.

Inside the police station.

Song Susheng quickly entered the working state at the moment Thanos challenged mankind!

He found that the firewall that Thanos spread at random before became its guide at this moment! And Thanos just presses the switch, and any computer that has this firewall will blew itself! ! At that time, the consequences would be disastrous!

If you want to quickly intercept this wave of damage, you need to crack the firewall! !

However, it takes a long time to quickly crack the firewall, and it is too late!

At this time, only one person can help. Song Su stood up abruptly, looked outside, and said directly: "Quickly, stop Shen Yugui!"

He strode out.

At the same time, he was still thinking about it. He had just rejected Fei Xiaogui's matter. How could he speak up to let Shen Yugui help...

Before reaching the door, he saw the police outside, rushing in with Shen Yugui.

Song Susheng hesitated and said, "As long as you..." helped this time, then you can consider the question of Fei Xiaogui...

Unfortunately, before I finished speaking, I saw Shen Yugui taking a domineering step forward, and the young man's clear voice said: "Don't talk nonsense, give me the computer!"


PS: After the update, the lucky readers yesterday are: Bubble Rain, Amethyst Love. Today, I will continue to select two readers to give out 520 book coins. See you tomorrow~~ Then, on the 20th, two-thirds of the month has passed. Do you have a monthly pass?

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