Southern City Awaits The Moon’s Return

Chapter 1027: Ma Ma, I'm late (7)

Shen Yugui has never worked so hard before.

Staring at the computer screen and blinking your eyes is a waste of time.

But, ten hours.

Although Fei Nancheng was there to feed her something for a while, and feed her something for a while... However, Shen Yugui was so tired that he couldn't see the screen clearly, and it was a bit spent.

Thanos is right.

The biggest difference between machines and humans is that humans need to rest.

Shen Yugui shook his head, tried to see the situation clearly, and resisted Thanos' attack once again.

She was about to continue checking when her eyes were suddenly covered by a big warm hand.

Shen Yugui was taken aback, a little anxious, "You get out of the way, I..."

"You need rest."

With composure and strong words, let Shen Yugui stunned for a moment, turning his head to see Fei Nancheng standing beside him with a pale face.

He looked at her, "Your body is not made of iron, besides, there are so many people around, there is no shortage of you. Rest for two hours and come back again, the efficiency will be higher."

Shen Yugui tensed his chin.

Finally nodded.

But she did not leave the computer, but pressed the computer chair directly back, and she lay there, closing her eyes.

Then, the shoulders became hot, the powerful hands slowly helped her knead her already stiff shoulders, rubbed her shoulders for a while, and then massaged her sore temples, trying to relax her.

Fei Nancheng looked at Shen Yugui with heartache in his eyes.

The girl was exhausted to the extreme, she lay down and closed her eyes, but within a few seconds, she fell asleep.

Lying here is not very comfortable, causing her mouth to slightly open and her breathing to slow down.

At this moment, Feinan City once again resents that he is not a computer professional. After studying finance, he now has an ass!

He hopes to help Shen Yugui, but at this moment, he can't do anything. The only thing he can do is to stand behind her and see how hard she is!

For the first time, Fei Nancheng felt that his life had failed so much!

While he was thinking about it, the network alarm rang again!

This shows that Thanos has invaded the system!

As soon as Feinan City's pupils shrank, he heard the panicked words of someone around him: "Oops!"

At almost the same time, Shen Yugui opened her eyes suddenly. She sat up straight, looked at the computer, and quickly tapped on the keyboard with her hands. Two minutes later, the alarm was cleared.

The people around were relieved.

Song Susheng questioned his lack of professional ability for the first time, and that Thanos' attack, he had nothing to do! !

He looked at Shen Yugui again, and then he suddenly felt.

In this contest, the rest of the people were just helping with small things. The real high-tech top contest, from beginning to end, there were only two people: Shen Yugui and Thanos.

In other words, everyone can rest and settle down, not! !

Shen Yugui woke up and stopped resting.

After dealing with this attack, she directly picked up the cold water next to her, drank it in one breath, patted her face immediately, took a deep breath, and looked at the computer again.

Fei Nancheng watched her use her own strength against AI, her mouth opened, and she wanted to say something, but after all, she said nothing.

Ten more hours passed.

Shen Yugui has been working continuously for twenty hours.

She had golden eyes and she couldn't hold it anymore!

Suddenly, "Bang!" Her head hung down unconsciously, lying directly on the table...

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